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Should I be this hateful????

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  • Should I be this hateful????

    K, My 25th B Day is Sunday. I lost a lot of my myspace contacts last fall. I went today and added EVERY girl I wanted to date when I was 17. Just because when I was 17 I was 317Lbs and fat and couldn't get anything.....

    I'm throwing a big bash Friday and Saturday I did this just to see who'll show

    I wanna show these girls that In 7 years I went from the fat dork to the guy who's hung and met with Nikki and Tommy 5 times, Weighes 215lbs, Drives 10 Second Cars, who makes fat pay checks every week

    I feel Guilty but at the same time I feel Like Oh well, I couldn't fuck these chicks then so oh well

    am I just so full of Fuck you I wanna see these girls with 2 kids living off welfare???
    I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue

  • #2
    Who gives a flying flank steak Snoop, Fukk 'em all, short and tall. Live in the now, walk tall, with confidence, and box is yours. You can't live in the past my good man, but it's great to have the best of memories from it, and always hold on to your real friends who have always been there. Never get ruffled over girls that may have made you feel bad back in the day, what comes around, comes around again , and when it does, walk tall and you're gettin' smoked by old or new acquaintences. The less effort the better, and definitely don't dwell on high school. I've never made it to high school yet, and I'm all the better for it. Have a good time at the bash, and happy fukkin' birthday!!! Get your noodle wet and howl at the moon with a party twinkie goer.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #3
      whatever makes you happy, Donnie.

      But wouldn't you have more fun on your birthday hanging out with people that love you now? Leave these others who wouldn't give you the time of day back then behind - they missed their chance, too bad for them. Move onward & upward, man.

      I could give a fuck what anyone I went to school with is doing now, or whether they would be impressed or disappointed with where I am now. Where I am is where it's happening, anyone that didn't stay in touch is missing out.
      Hail yesterday


      • #4
        See that's the whole fucked up thing, I have 5 friends I've known since I was 4, but they'll all be in vegas on saturday. I bought a guitar the week before they decided this

        So me and my buddy Ed, Seventhson, and my cousin Jessica will be out Friday andmy sister and her people will be saturday

        I have no problems flexing my stuff now to girls because I have the look, But 10 years ago I was a fat slob

        I'm the most outgoing person ever now, I used to hate to say my name

        I'll lick any girl on the face now
        I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


        • #5
          Have the pary without animosity, dude. Just note where they are now and be cool to everybody. You know what, if you hit it off with some of them and get some for your birthday, well it's all good, right? You can do an angry fuck without telling the girl what you're thinking anyway.

          Then, there's this - YOU changed. Some of them may have changed too, and aren't the bitches they were before. You might even like some of them.

          Just have fun man, don't ruin your own day by being pissed. Maybe you can start an epidemic of pink eye!
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            I was in the same situation Donnie and I say, fuck that, fuck them, they can suck my diamond encrusted cock. I can't be bothered with people that shit on me. especially for such stupid reasons. it's a waste of time and energy. as G said, move onward and upward, you let them back in they will drag you down.
            Last edited by buzzsaww; 05-08-2007, 01:47 AM.
            1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


            • #7
              Originally posted by Drsracing View Post
              I'll lick any girl on the face now
              Everyone goes through the, 'If I knew then, what I know nows'. My only advice to write to you is that you are licking them in the wrong place.


              • #8
                Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                Who gives a flying flank steak Snoop, Fukk 'em all, short and tall. Live in the now, walk tall, with confidence, and box is yours. You can't live in the past my good man, but it's great to have the best of memories from it, and always hold on to your real friends who have always been there. Never get ruffled over girls that may have made you feel bad back in the day, what comes around, comes around again , and when it does, walk tall and you're gettin' smoked by old or new acquaintences. The less effort the better, and definitely don't dwell on high school. I've never made it to high school yet, and I'm all the better for it. Have a good time at the bash, and happy fukkin' birthday!!! Get your noodle wet and howl at the moon with a party twinkie goer.

                Exactly. Could not agree more with T. Well said T.


                • #9
                  bro. forget the past, there's no need to think about 'em and impressing those pissants... why care what they think of you right now
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Drsracing View Post
                    I wanna show these girls that In 7 years I went from the fat dork to the guy who's hung and met with Nikki and Tommy 5 times, Weighes 215lbs, Drives 10 Second Cars, who makes fat pay checks every week

                    Oh wow, you hung and met Tommy and Nikki 5 times? I'm surprised you aren't beating off women with a shitty stick. 5 times! Have they got a statue of you in the town square yet, next to the one of the woman who appeared on "The Weakest Link"? You really have arrived, the big time, Lord of the Manor, 5 times!

                    You are 25? Is that twenty-five years old??? Or is that your IQ?

                    And you threw a party "just to see who turns up"? Fucking hell, I hope you physically go and pick your family up, because I reckon you might be in for a lonely night. <tumbleweed blows across screen>

                    My friend, you need to forget the past, forget who wouldn't give you the time of day, concentrate on today and tomorrow. If you were a pie-chomping lardarse with no hope back then, trust me, you still will have no hope with those girls.

                    To them, you will just be an ex-pie chomping lardarse with a few muscles, a dick the size of an acorn (obviously, as denoted by the cars and maybe steroid use) and a few bucks in his pocket that need to be liberated, but ultimately that same billy-no-mates sad bastard.

                    They aren't going to fall at your feet because you have slimmed down, it's only us blokes who are that shallow. (Unless of course, you live in the arse end of nowhere, where they point at aeroplanes and think that Nikki and Tommy are actually messenger wizards sent by the Gods)

                    Fuck them all, live your life, fulfill your potential, let them come looking for you to invite to parties in years to come, then tell them to suck your balls.
                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #11
                      harsh, but not to far off the mark. Still, he's allowed to muse to himself..there were definitely times I 'thought' the same thing...ya know, a little revenge fantasy. I defintely didn't have a problem with chicks in school days though. Its funny, they still have all the little clicks they all grew up with at the reunions.

                      If they didn't secretly dig ya back then, not much will change now.. people still tend to remember how people were. Sometimes you can't change how people feel or think about you.

                      Best to focus your energies in the now. You've already gun the process. The great thing about women is that there's millions of them, you only have to win over the heart of one to make you happy and to that is where you should put your energy, because women don't forget mistreatment or neglect either unless there whole lots of something that makes it tick to replace it.
                      Last edited by charvelguy; 05-08-2007, 10:23 AM.


                      • #12
                        Some great advice here Donnie. It's most all pretty dead on.

                        Forget those bitches. Kids can be terribly hurtful and malicious. Bitches are already in a better position to do that because of the status we give them.

                        Live in the now, the past is past and tho you see it in vivid and painful 20/20 vision, there's not a lot you can do about it now except learn from it.

                        A good thing, is that there is something like 15 MILLION 18-24 year old chickies in the USA (a lot larger poplaution of females if you look at 25-34 yr olds too) And there are prolly close to a million new ones turning 18 every year. Pretty cool huh?

                        So, in the word of BillZ, FUGGUMS! Find a newb and show them your awesomeness...


                        • #13
                          the factory in BCB is in full production and it's only may, come July it's a trance that I fall into. I'm convinced i'm in heaven.
                          Not helping the situation since 1965!


                          • #14
                            I'm convinced you are too Tommy! Assuredly...


                            • #15
                              I'll never leave , it's been 18 years and all 19 of them have been glorious-lol
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

