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Work Frustration?

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  • #16
    What makes a good boss and or company to work for is that they understand that nobody (most people) works because thats what they want to do but rather they work to support a family or a life.
    I did work for such a company and a boss one time and for a long time. I forgot that it's not like that every where.
    I am still trying to get back on with them, I went for a visit yesterday.
    I am also still in touch with the boss even if he is now in another state and with a different company
    He was the best boss I have ever had. He wanted for all of the employees to be better
    He would back you up on issues even if you where wrong or had made a mistake and then later would talk to you about how the issue could have been handled better
    He wanted you to learn and become a better employee and understood that we were all there so we could have a life outside of work.

    The business world today has a mind set that we live for them and thats just wrong.


    • #17
      Are you sure it's not just the 3rd shift getting to you? I love what i do(maintenance at a SMALL steel mill),work for a decent company,make a decent buck,and still catch myself hating work! Years on 3rd shift now,and still can't get used to it. We work long hours and do lots of 7 dyers,so i go months without seeing friends and family. This whole sleeping while the rest of the world is awake and visa versa thing is nuts!! I've been told some people actually like this shift,but think thats just propaganda.....


      • #18
        Originally posted by FATKAT View Post
        What makes a good boss and or company to work for is that they understand that nobody (most people) works because thats what they want to do but rather they work to support a family or a life.
        I did work for such a company and a boss one time and for a long time. I forgot that it's not like that every where.
        I am still trying to get back on with them, I went for a visit yesterday.
        I am also still in touch with the boss even if he is now in another state and with a different company
        He was the best boss I have ever had. He wanted for all of the employees to be better
        He would back you up on issues even if you where wrong or had made a mistake and then later would talk to you about how the issue could have been handled better
        He wanted you to learn and become a better employee and understood that we were all there so we could have a life outside of work.

        The business world today has a mind set that we live for them and thats just wrong.
        My boss lives in Michigan, and he is out here right now firming up my deals that are in place and he'd do anything in the world for us. I was his sales manager at another company back in the '90's for almost 5 years , so that helps too, but he's there , or actually here for me whenever something that's great makes itself into an opportunity.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #19
          One of my more fond memories of my past employer.. 84 hour mandatory work week/OT. If you didn't do it, you were written up.


          • #20
            I worked for a small consulting outfit for a couple of years. Long hours, bit time pressure...but I was ALWAYS having fun. Then I worked for a major corp for seven years. The doublespeak and bullshit were so deep it made Orwell sound tame by comparison. Although I sometimes had a 35 hour work week due to lack of projects, I NEVER had fun at that job.

            I'm currently looking for a new job, and trying to figure out what I've learned from my prior experiences. Two things, I guess. Hard work doesn't make a job suck, and if you hate getting up in the morning, look for a new job. Don't wait. Do it now! I'm still recovering from post traumatic stress from the corporate job, and I could have gotten out any time I wanted to. [/kicks self]
            This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


            • #21
              I can't say my present job floats my boat, but I've a dire need to pay the mortgage and eat.

              I recently changed to contracting so hopefully I will get a lot of different contracts that will keep my interest. But it's hard work getting my arse out of bed in the morning. Needs must etc.
              Fwopping, you know you want to!

              VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

              There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


              • #22
                Yeah I think its the 3rd shift getting to me mostly, but work just sucks there. Alot of people are actually looking to quit to my understanding, so I'm not the only one. Its just bad mojo on the managements part.

                Like anybody else ya know you think it could be your mentality, but reoccuring events change that. So hopefully I'll be able to find something new soon!

                Yeah I got bills to pay too, but my lease ends in October so I don't know if I'm gonna stay or go. A year went by so fast.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                  Dude, I won't go into detail..I don't have many folks left to delegate too. I'm very good at my job, and I do it well, when allowed to.
                  He doesn't have a boss, he's the hotel owner.
                  Tell me about it. I've been running with a skeleton crew now for years due to RIF's cause by sending work to India.

                  I'm lucky to have a decent boss that takes care of my team and I. Sounds like you're in a shitty predicament; I'd start job hunting...
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