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I am....speechless. Rush slander inside.

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  • #16
    dumb,,,,Rush is a hell of a band period, Alex is right up there as a guitarist as well
    Last edited by FusionFarmer; 05-09-2007, 05:42 PM.
    I say the boy ain't right!


    • #17
      Nappy might be considered a racist term....


      • #18
        Nappies is another term that is used in many other countries to describe diapers. Nappies just like diapers, come in both disposable and cloth versions, and are used the exact same way as diapers are used here in Canada and the United States.

        hmm.. yes it may.. it may also be considered a diaper over their heads.
        I guess he's off the hook.

        I dig Rush btw.. I just haven't really bought anything since Signals.
        I won 'Roll the Bones' off the radio. I usually spin the first 5 or 6.


        • #19
          who's Rush anyway? I never heard of them before


          • #20
            They actually sold 93,000 and came in at #3 in the Billboard Top 200 albums this week, so his numbers are off anyway.

            Fake falsetto? Does that mean real? Or did he get the Robin Thicke album by mistake?

            Critics are like assholes.... no, wait! They ARE assholes! Not that this album thrills me as a Rush album, but it's still quality compared to a lot of other crap out there.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #21
              It's RUSH for God's sake!
              My Main Rig:
              '87 Charvel Model 4A
              Peavey KB100 amp
              Ibanez SM7 Smashbox

              '92 Gibson Les Paul Custom
              '05 Ibanez RG320FM
              '86 Ovation Pinnacle
              '98 Synsonics Custom Strat
              '89 Kramer 700ST Bass


              • #22
                All the more reason to blaspheme it....


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vass View Post
                  From "FOX411", the gossip column written by Roger Friedman (I know, I know, I'm pathetic):

                  "Rush is back. The big hair, fake falsetto heavy metal group that made the 1980s so irrelevant musically sold 84,000 copies for Atlantic Records last week with a new album called "Snakes & Arrows." Never underestimate the low standards of the buying public, I guess. Journey, Poison, shoulder pads and perms shouldn't be too far behind at this rate."

                  Marvel comics began in 1939 under a different name before becoming the comic book giant brand in 1961. Started by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby, the brand is synonymous with characters such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Black Panther and more. The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009 following a slew of successful connected movies that make up the ongoing “Avengers” franchise.

                  Wha.....what the fack? What the facking fack? WHAT????? It's one thing not to know ANYTHING about the music you're commenting on. But to BASH them, and not just bash, but declare them everything that is wrong with an entire DECADE, **AND BE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTIVE YOU WRITE*** is laughable.

                  This guy gets PAID for this, kiddies. Nice gig.

                  No way to contact this guy that I can see- But what an utterly clueless dolt.

                  Well, I went ahead and responded to the editor with an email. I basically said what you did about them getting it wrong, and said if they aren't gonna listen to the record they should at least find out what genre a band really is.

                  If Roger Friedman doesn't get the email maybe his bosses will. Might be worth making your own responses is you're interested in giving the clown at least some nominal shit.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                    All the more reason to blaspheme it....
                    A King Diamond fan should not be throwing rocks at Rush fans' glass houses...
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by charvelguy View Post

                      hmm.. yes it may.. it may also be considered a diaper over their heads.
                      I guess he's off the hook.

                      I dig Rush btw.. I just haven't really bought anything since Signals.
                      I won 'Roll the Bones' off the radio. I usually spin the first 5 or 6.
                      Counterparts is their best album since Moving Pictures and Test For Echo is excellent as well. Although I have everything but a couple of their live albums, Counterparts and Test For Echo are the only two that I can pretty surely say you'd like. Of the two, Counterparts is more like classic hard Rush. Test is more like 80s Rush but to me better than all that stuff.
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                        A King Diamond fan should not be throwing rocks at Rush fans' glass houses...

                        Tom Sawyer kicks ass!
                        My Main Rig:
                        '87 Charvel Model 4A
                        Peavey KB100 amp
                        Ibanez SM7 Smashbox

                        '92 Gibson Les Paul Custom
                        '05 Ibanez RG320FM
                        '86 Ovation Pinnacle
                        '98 Synsonics Custom Strat
                        '89 Kramer 700ST Bass


                        • #27
                          What was the Rush video with a blonde haired kid flying on a rocket? It was one of their hits of the mid 80's and the name escapes me. "New World Man"?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jackson-Charvel View Post
                            What was the Rush video with a blonde haired kid flying on a rocket? It was one of their hits of the mid 80's and the name escapes me. "New World Man"?
                            That was "Distant Early Warning" from "Grace Under Pressure".

                            "The Body Electric" is the best track from "Grace Under Pressure", and is one of Geddy's best bass lines ever.

                            - E.
                            Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


                            • #29
                              This is actually pretty cool. Most Rush fans have always dug the fact that the entertainment industry has yet to understand the band. They have been miscatogorized, unfairly slandered for Geddy's "falsetto" and in general swept under the rug by naysayers and such, and yet they keep on chugging on. How can you not smile knowing that those 3 guys have weathered 4 decades of music together, writing the songs that they want and not bowing to industry pressure to toe the line and make 2112 over and over and over again.

                              They have been my favorite band for more than 25 years. I have seen them in concert an embarassing number of times, own all their music (both solo and as Rush), read all the biographies and will continue to smile everytime I hear one of their songs, until my hearing goes.

                              This Anne Murray loving, pole sitting moron of an entertainment reporter just made my day. I love the fact that choads like him don't get it. It makes Rush that much more exclusive a taste. Let him go on thru life thinking that his opinion ever mattered to a real music lover.

                              "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by AlexL View Post
                                That was "Distant Early Warning" from "Grace Under Pressure".

                                "The Body Electric" is the best track from "Grace Under Pressure", and is one of Geddy's best bass lines ever.

                                - E.
                                Between the Wheels was my favorite track off the album, but Body Electric freaking kicked ass as well.

                                "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"

