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I am....speechless. Rush slander inside.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    A King Diamond fan should not be throwing rocks at Rush fans' glass houses...

    Ehh, I know King sounds horrible. I'm embarassed to listen to him around normal humans. I just dig the music a lot. A couple releases there, they were in the zone... After that, it got bad.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
      He calls George Lucas a genius, that says it all. He must be 9 years old.............
      Nice, I like that one.
      Yes I do agree.
      Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

      "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

      I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

      Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


      • #33
        The kid on the rocket was a low point for Rush and I thought they got abducted by aliens and repaced for a while there, but they have always kicked ass especially their early stuff.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Chasbo View Post
          This is actually pretty cool. Most Rush fans have always dug the fact that the entertainment industry has yet to understand the band. They have been miscatogorized, unfairly slandered for Geddy's "falsetto" and in general swept under the rug by naysayers and such, and yet they keep on chugging on. How can you not smile knowing that those 3 guys have weathered 4 decades of music together, writing the songs that they want and not bowing to industry pressure to toe the line and make 2112 over and over and over again.

          They have been my favorite band for more than 25 years. I have seen them in concert an embarassing number of times, own all their music (both solo and as Rush), read all the biographies and will continue to smile everytime I hear one of their songs, until my hearing goes.

          This Anne Murray loving, pole sitting moron of an entertainment reporter just made my day. I love the fact that choads like him don't get it. It makes Rush that much more exclusive a taste. Let him go on thru life thinking that his opinion ever mattered to a real music lover.


          Chuck, you just made my day with that post. When I read this thread yesterday, I was all pissed off that someone so ignorant of the facts could write such slander... but you have put it all in perspective for me. I will just smile and enjoy another great Rush album .. Thanks!



          • #35
            Fake falsetto! I love it!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Chasbo View Post
              Between the Wheels was my favorite track off the album, but Body Electric freaking kicked ass as well.

              If I had to pick a "favorite" song from Grace, it probably would be Wheels. But I've always loved the Body Electric and wish they would play it live (I voted for it again on

              Edit - oh yeah, and F this stupid idiot from Fox.
              Last edited by jwoods986; 05-10-2007, 08:44 AM.
              Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


              • #37
                Fuck him, Rush has, and always will rock. Those guys are simply amazing at everything they do. There's not many musicians out there with 1/100th the talent of those three dudes.
                My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                • #38
                  He probably has secret ties to law enforcement in Florida.
                  Quite true though.. few bands can touch the talent level and dedication that Rush has exhibited all throughout their career as well as ability to stay true to themselves and remain musically marketable.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                    Sorta sucks, even if I do think Rush is extremely irritating...
                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                    Yeah, if I hear "a sayelsman!!" eminating from Geddy again, I'll hurl...

                    Weird, I like King Diamond but hate Geddy Lee... Must be the vibe...
                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                    Ehh, I know King sounds horrible. I'm embarassed to listen to him around normal humans. I just dig the music a lot.

                    +1 +1 +1
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #40
                      Friedman is and has always been a semen-burping butt-fucker.
                      He's afraid of his own shadow and hides from life under his boyfriends legs quivering with his mouth open like a baby bird in the nest chirping for a worm.

                      He's the kind of guy who visits the emergency room regularly to have foreign objects removed from his rectum that he can't get out himself- like condons, coke bottles and little cute gerbils.

                      (I've never heard of the guy, but I had fun writing this post anyway)
                      Strat God Music


                      • #41
                        actually Friedman is interesting to some degree. he has been a strong force in exposing and excorianting Michael Jackson for all his crimes and child abuse and nonsense.

                        and today he has a view on the demise of Warner Music Group, which I thought was striking for the point about his not believing that downloading is causing this music malaise right now... I don't know, he knows shit about Rush, but sometimes you can tell he does have half a clue on the business of show business. such as it is.

                        of course if these are all the talents that Warner has to work with then no wonder they are bleeding red ink.

                        I personally can't wait for the day that record companies no longer exist and we buy all music direct from artists or off iTunes or the like. but that's a whole 'nother conversation...

                        The Real Story of Warner Music
                        Warner Music, if you don't know, was once run by people like Mo Ostin, Lenny Waronker and Tommy Lipuma. They produced everyone from the Eagles, Linda Ronstadt and Jackson Browne to James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, Little Feat, Joni Mitchell, George Benson and so on.
                        It was a staggering achievement. And that doesn't even include divisions like Atlantic Records or Elektra Records.

                        Got the picture?

                        In the two years since Edgar Bronfman Jr. bought the company from Time Warner, Warner Music has been destroyed. It's gone. There's nothing there.

                        This week, they announced they were firing 400 people, 70 of whom were said to be from the WEA sales force. In the last quarter, WMG says it lost $27 million, compared to $7 million in the same quarter last year. Mind you, three months ago they announced a 75 percent drop in profits.

                        In the last year, WMG literally had two hits: James Blunt and Gnarls Barkley. That's it. Two. Otherwise, the Bronfman group has added nothing to the company. They have depended on Linkin Park, Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Green Day and the Red Hot Chili Peppers — all acts they inherited from the old Warner Music — to get them through.

                        It's very sad. This week they also announced that instead of developing artists, making hits happen or pretending to be a music company, WMG has hired two guys to make videos. They called them Den of Thieves.

                        They also hired a guy from JetBlue airlines to maximize the Warner catalog online. While Sony BMG and Universal at least try to release new acts, market them, sell them, get them played on the radio, WMG is giving up.

                        I'm not surprised, but I feel sorry for the WEA guys who lost their jobs. That's not just 70 people but 70 families.

                        Last fall, at the WEA sales meeting in Phoenix, the sales force was all ginned up to hear that Warner subsidiary Rhino was releasing a new album by Art Garfunkel, produced by Richard Perry. Garfunkel sang live for them, including "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

                        But when the album was released in January, nothing happened — it died at birth. No one knows it was even issued.

                        When Garfunkel performed at Lincoln Center in April, no one from the company even showed up. Actress Scarlett Johansson, who signed a contract with them to record an album of Tom Waits covers, should take heed.

                        Also last summer: The head of Rhino UK, a man named Nick Stewart, was touting an R&B singer named Keisha White. She was his big thing and the only artist he was interested in.
                        That was July. On the day her single was supposed to be released two months later, White was dropped without notice from the label. She should have been a hit, but Stewart had lost interest.

                        Warner Music is full of these stories. They are perplexing. They put millions into Sean Combs' Bad Boy Entertainment, then totally blew the release of his "Press Play" album last fall. It sank without a trace.

                        Despite Lyor Cohen and his crowd coming to WMG from Island/DefJam, there's been a nary a hip-hop hit at Warner. And last year, they did manage to do nothing at all for Paul Simon's "Surprise" album. They couldn't even get it a Grammy nomination.

                        This is surprising in every way. Cohen is a music man. The industry keeps waiting for him to do something huge, introduce a great new artist and break a mega-selling album.
                        We hear every day that downloading has ruined the music business. I say that is ridiculous. Laziness and greed have destroyed the industry from within. Warner Music has been turned into a venture capital pawn. It doesn't matter if they don't release anything, they will just lay off 400 people to show a profit. The people don't matter and neither does the music.

                        Here's a suggestion: Why not just give up and change the name to Warner Management Group or Warner Miscellaneous Group? Because the music is dead there, and so is the hallowed legacy.
                        Last edited by skorb; 05-12-2007, 12:59 AM.
                        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                        • #42
                          Hahahaha. What a dumbass. I mean, seriously.
                          I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jwoods986 View Post
                            ...But I've always loved the Body Electric and wish they would play it live (I voted for it again on

                            Edit - oh yeah, and F this stupid idiot from Fox.
                            I would love to hear it live as well. That was actually the first song I ever liked by Rush. Had only heard the radio fare like Tom Sawyer, and had kind of established that I didn't care for them.

                            Then I video taped some music video show (must have been around 1984), and it happened to have "The Body Electric" on that week's broadcast. I liked the tune a lot, but still didn't consider myself a Rush fanatic.

                            Then my guitar instructer started teaching me Red Barchetta, so I borrowed a few Rush casettes (hey, it was 1984!) from a buddy of mine, and listened to Moving Pictures, 2112, and All the World's a Stage. At that point, I was hooked!

                            - E.
                            Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


                            • #44
                              Woohoo!!!!Going to see Rush in Tampa soon!. I haven't seen them Live since 93 or 94? I guess Alex is playing heavy riffs(for Rush) on A Les Paul!
                              Last edited by dd3keegs; 06-01-2007, 09:11 AM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                                Weird, I like King Diamond but hate Geddy Lee... Must be the vibe...
                                So what do you think of the dude from Coheed & Cambria?
                                please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking

