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Teaching Guitar.

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  • Teaching Guitar.

    I get off work this morning came in, checked my mail, grabbed my coat, typical routine stuff. And a man sitting in a wheel chair is watching me as I grab a case of coke and gatorade out of my car. He starts up a conversation.

    Talked my ass off. Good god, my head is still spining. After working all night, he just wouldn't stop. But he eventually got to:

    "Are you the guitar player?" (Thats right cause I make noise )

    I tell him yeah, and he goes on about how he wants to learn which is cool! I encourage him, and tell him I'll write out some stuff. Well I grab my Ovation and get in his house.

    He had an Alvarez guitar for 3 years, never changed the strings, and didn't seem to really listen to what I had to say. I instructed him, showed him chords for what time he paid attention. And wrote down a pentatonic for him to practice.

    And all he could rant on about is how he sees people burn it up all the time, he like didn't pay any attention to what I said. And when I told him he needs to change his strings he said: "nah"

    How about that for topping off a headache? So looks like I'm going to be giving lessons here soon.

    Patience is a virtue - even though he won't listen?

  • #2
    have fun. i used to teach guitar and found it VERY frustrating.....and i teach for a living!!!

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      I just couldn't get over how I was telling him stuff to do, and he kept going on about what other famous guitarists have done. Slash and such. Which is great to have heros and ambitions.

      But everything I said he didn't take seriously, so I guess thats how it goes with the new players? I gave him the dedication speach though, so we'll see.


      • #4

