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Chinese factory video - OSHA would croak

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  • #61
    Originally posted by texasfury View Post
    Fact: a person's disgust with foreign worker safety decreases with realization at how much it would cost them to buy products from a country with stringent workplace safety requirements.
    How is that a fact? I'm a person. My disgust doesn't decrease at the thought of higher prices for shit i don't buy anyway.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
      Sure we want cheap products. How could we not.

      However, if you come from an area that was a predominantly a manufacturing economy here, you're now out of work or forced to work service industry. Doing things like making/delivering pizza, working fast food or restaurants, bars, stores in shopping malls. And most of that work has so many people wanting to that, so give you less than fulltime, and no benefits. We're the working poor. Most people here I know a paycheck away from homeless and no medical care.

      If you're lucky, you'll be one of the people that are in construction, or some industry that can't be sourced out. And they also try their best to screw you out of any solid retirement or med benefits.

      The American economy in MANY places is pretty much laid to waste, I don't care how great they "say" it is going. It just isn't in many places.

      We used to have a strong local economy, now we're the the poorest big city in the USA. Mostly because the big manufacturing is outsourced. I realize much of it is from unions driving costs through the roof. Yeah, guys working machines getting paid $30 something an hour is nuts... But enough to make a decenty living isn't asking too much.

      Most stuff here now that isn't higher tech, is minimum wage. And really, there isn't much high tech stuff here. My friend is a electrical design engineer and there are only a few states he can really get work doing what he knows.

      It's not only the unions driving business away. It's our paid off politicians. My area, western NY, was competing for the biggest Toyota plant in the Americans recently. Three regions went toe-to-toe. Western NY, Alabama, Southern Ontario (essentially right over the border from Buffalo). Alabama had cheap costs, cheap labor, uneducated workers. Buffalo had highs costs, educated and skilled workforce. Canada had super high costs, taxes, a health care system, and an educated and skilled workforce. Toyota chose not to waste its time educating and training a workforce, or providing a health care plan that saps energy time and strength. They chose Ontario, and gladly paid the high union costs, the high taxes, etc.


      • #63
        Greenhouse gasses I love that term.I guess we should cut down all the trees and kill all the farting cows and go live in a cave.Or better yet I can give all my shit away, all my money to some ass clown that won't work because I'm too fortunate and thats just not fair.Kiss my ass Al Gore.
        Really? well screw Mark Twain.


        • #64
          Originally posted by danastas View Post
          The coal residue also goes in wheat gluten. Then we eat it. Yum.
          Brilliant! Wheat glutten is an interesting substitute in taste and texture for ground beef. Now you can even have flame broiled flavour.

