I've been wondering this. You see it a lot, even on this board. So why is that such an insult?
They elect leaders regardless of their personal life. They could care less...
They have one of the best health care systems in the world...
They really believe in privacy, not just say they do...
And best of all, they didn't buy the propaganda that was spewed that got us into the Iraq war...
I've been to France a few times. Nice country. Sure the people can be somewhat snobby. How much of that is true Anti-American sentiment or they just don't like what we are doing right now is hard to say...
I was talking to a British friend of mine and I asked him what's the biggest insult you can call a Brit. He answered, "An American". So maybe it goes both ways...
So I'm just wondering why some people use french instead of dumbass or dipshit or whatever. Doesn't make any sense to me...
And before some of you get on the redneck soapbox and tell me if it's so much better there, then move there. Point is, they don't want us. It's becoming harder and harder for an American to get working Visas in other countries. Wonder why that is...
They elect leaders regardless of their personal life. They could care less...
They have one of the best health care systems in the world...
They really believe in privacy, not just say they do...
And best of all, they didn't buy the propaganda that was spewed that got us into the Iraq war...
I've been to France a few times. Nice country. Sure the people can be somewhat snobby. How much of that is true Anti-American sentiment or they just don't like what we are doing right now is hard to say...
I was talking to a British friend of mine and I asked him what's the biggest insult you can call a Brit. He answered, "An American". So maybe it goes both ways...
So I'm just wondering why some people use french instead of dumbass or dipshit or whatever. Doesn't make any sense to me...
And before some of you get on the redneck soapbox and tell me if it's so much better there, then move there. Point is, they don't want us. It's becoming harder and harder for an American to get working Visas in other countries. Wonder why that is...