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When did calling someone French become an insult?

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  • #61
    France has Gojira. That's not a bad deal there. Those guys fuckin' bring it...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #62
      French Music is fucking great, they have one of the biggest jazz scenes in the world and have given us many amazing musicians... like Jean-Luc Ponty, Michel Petrucciani etc.
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #63
        Originally posted by hippietim View Post
        That sucks for sure. Of course our fucking government is prepared to give legal status to millions of criminals that are in our country illegally. These poor law-abiding harmless "undocumented workers" are responsible for over a million sex crimes in about the last 7-8 years. Clearly we're much better than the French.

        Oh I couldn't agree more. Deport thier illegal asses.


        • #64
          I haven't read the entire thread - about half of the first page, so excuse me if this was already stated, but the "propaganda that got us into a war with Iraq" was actually Iraq's refusal to remove their troops from the Kuwaiti border after having been warned repeatedly by the U.N. Security Council that threatening said border was against the U.N. Security Council Resolution that included the Oil For Food program after coalition forces drove Iraqi invasionary forces out of Kuwait on 1990.

          Get your facts straight, people.

          Hussein's forces were playing games the whole time we were in Ashcanistan by piling up on the border and then pulling back at the literal last minute. They did this for over a year until finally they ignored the deadline set by the U.N. Security Council to withdraw their troops. In accordance with the provisions of that resolution, as well as acting on information that Iraq had WMD capabilities, we went in. It's that simple.

          Once we got in, we found France and Germany had secret deals to arm Iraq during the 10 years the Oil For Food program was in effect. Not to mention the pipeline that ran directly from Iraqi oil fields to Syrian refineries.

          America put Hussein in power, but the master's dog must obey his master's voice or be put down. The dog didn't heel, so he was put down. That was part of the deal with putting him in power, regardless of World Opinion. We did the same thing with Grenada and the Phiilipines. When America puts someone in power, we expect a certain degree of loyalty, otherwise we will remove you and put someone else in your place.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #65
            As a counter to the popular anti-French epiphet, a British comedian described the US as "Burger Eating Invasion Monkeys".
            I'm only sharing this 'cos I loves y'all!

            Did make me chuckle though....


            • #66
              "...I for one bought into the whole "freedome fries" propoganda at the beginning of this war... Sadly I was mistaken..."

              It takes a big man to admit he was wrong. Respect for that man.


              • #67
                At the risk of becoming political, I'm going to have to reply to Matt's last paragraph, in a short manner.

                That paragraph is the exact reason why there is a strong anti-US sentiment in a lot of other countries. On one hand America is a symbol of democracy (or it so it is to be believed) and on the other hand, for lack of a better term, they "impose" democracy on other nations by their own accord. Though I do honestly believe a large part of the reasons are benign in nature, it is still a contradictio in terminis. Which causes an atmosphere of fundamental hypocrisy, surrounding all of the US government's actions.


                Snoogans, was that Dylan Moran?
                You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                • #68
                  "Mind your own fucking buisness"

                  sums it up pretty well
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • #69
                    What really stands out from both Iraq wars for me is 2 things...

                    The first one. The first Bush telling all of us that Iraq troops were unplugging incubators with Kuwaiti children in them. Remember that battle cry? Yeah, it was wrong. But it raised public sentiment for the war, didn't it?

                    Second war. WMD's. Yep, we hoped they would adhear to the UN's recomendations but that wasn't good enough to get the American public on his side was it? So he harped on WMD's. "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here". Remember that? Yep, that's what was pitched to us on this one...

                    I'm not saying that your not right Newc, but that's not how it was fed to us. If that is the case, then just say it. What's so hard about that? Don't feed us bullshit to play on our emotions or fears. That's crap. But it's what they did. And it bit them on the ass...

                    Didn't the Soviets play those kinda games in the air over Eastern Europe many, many times in the 60's, 70's, and 80's? We didn't invade them. But then again, I guess we didn't put them in power...

                    Here's an idea. Don't fuck with other countries governments. First of all, we can't fix it once it's broken. Second, the world hates us for it. Always have, always will...
                    Last edited by Bengal; 05-31-2007, 07:23 AM.
                    I'm angry because you're stupid


                    • #70
                      I'm supplying arms to the ivory Coast this wekkend, it's a huge gig, i'm giving the poorest people in then world a means to make music by Charvel running, giving Stratheads to those who will pay me for them along Sierra Lyonne-(sp?) in order that they may defend themselves.Pre=pros are referred to as Vintage Rockets on the phone, and Production 4 and 5 serial # ones are called Grover kings, you have to speak in code , as sometimes when you have no paperwork you can get nailed, anyone willing to arm the world with music is welcome to follow me into the gates of hell, I fear nothing anymore.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #71
                        Just for the record I backed the first Iraq war. I mean, come on! Iraq invaded a sovereign country. Anyone who does that deserves what they... Nevermind...
                        I'm angry because you're stupid


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Evol View Post
                          I don't give a shit if it was 60 years ago or not,the fact is that Us,the Brits,Aussies and yes,even the Canadians saved their very *existence* and gave them their country back,to do what? To shit on us? We did the right thing,and we get how many thousands of our own men killed? Families destroyed,so they can put us down? Hell no,they should be kissing the fucking ground our grandfathers walked and bled upon to save their sorry asses from total annihilation and thank god the ovens didn't make it that far by the time we got there to save them.

                          But no they don't,so when the muslims take them over,and they most certainly will,the laugh will be on them as their freedoms are taken away by force yet again,only slower due to it being more of a cultural shift than a military style invasion. Bye bye freedom of religion,bye bye freedom of speech,bye bye freedom of letting your whorish women dangle their fun parts out of their clothes. Bye bye to your culture,literature,history and music...(what do they listen to over there,like Winger or something? :ROTF...everything they so snobbishly hold dear will no longer be,then what will they have?
                          Have you ever thought of WHY people are leaving the middle east to go to (mostly) Europe? Why is over 100 000 iraqi people expected to leave Iraq and come to Sweden this year? Must be the bad weather down there, or?

                          And I am sure the TEN MILLION russian soldiers, and TEN MILLION russian civilians, that were killed agree that it was the spilled american blood in WW2 that made all the difference and finally stopped the germans. No wonder the russians are pissed off today.

                          I dont like the french either, but maybe atleast some perspective would be a good thing?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by monk View Post
                            No wonder the russians are pissed off today.
                            then they shouldn't have started the fucking war.... Molotov-Ribbentrop pact remember?

                            besides Stalin killed a lot more his own people than Germans ever did
                            Last edited by Endrik; 05-31-2007, 09:15 AM.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
                              Snoogans, was that Dylan Moran?
                              No, it was Graeme Garden. He was on one of those Radio 2 "wordplay" panel games.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by monk View Post
                                And I am sure the TEN MILLION russian soldiers, and TEN MILLION russian civilians, that were killed agree that it was the spilled american blood in WW2 that made all the difference and finally stopped the germans. No wonder the russians are pissed off today.

                                I dont like the french either, but maybe atleast some perspective would be a good thing?
                                We were talking about the French,and their ungrateful attitude. Now as much as I can tell the Russians never invaded France to take it back from Germany? You seem to be speaking in general terms of WWII instead of following the line of conversation. You want perspective? Russia was being invaded,and was protecting herself. Our men died in France not protecting their homeland from invasion,but to help our European allies reclaim theirs.

                                So,there's some perspective for ya.

