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  • Karma

    Well, I've always been somewhat of a believer in it. But much more so now. I posted a thread a while back of what I went through with my wife. Well, her screwing me over like that has come back 10 fold. Shortly after she left me, she got yet another DUI. Had to sell her car, and I don't see her getting one in the near future. When she ran off to Ohio with the douche she left me for, he dumped her ass. She got depressed and went drunk driving again, but was stopped by ice instead of the police. Hit a telephone pole, broke seven ribs, 2 vertebrae, her pelvis, ruptured her spleen (which was removed) and collapsed a lung. Right now she's sitting in jail for the DUI she got here. Living with her parents in Richmond, which is probably worse than jail for her. Granted, I'm not a heartless asshole, and have helped her out with stuff. Holding out the divorce since she's on my insurance and she needs a lot done after the accident, and letting her get a little space away from the 'rents at my place. I guess the point of this thread is, don't screw people over. Life has a funny way of working things out.
    EAOS: 28JUN09

  • #2
    i believe in Karma, and I've talked my way out of more than several times that I should have been thrown into the slammer after being pulled over, and after what I've done to myself, but I've tried to alwys be cool with most everyone I meet, my biggest fear is not having he was a cool motherfukker on my headstone,
    and always tried to make sure you had a decent time when he roamed this outlandish planet. i like to think that I will be a controlling cosmo later in the afterlife even though my ex-wife probably would be tickled to pieces if i died in a fiery car crash. You have to be decent to people or else you're just fukked be there a god or not. All people will rememeber that you were a dick if you are not decent to others . Then again, there are some you cannot possibly be decent to, because they're, Gadzooks!!!!!!!! look at the time, I gotta go, time's a wastin' it summertime and it's going off downtown. I just came home for a few minutes and i end up staying here much longer. Maybe cuz i felt the gravitational pull and the help and thoghts that some need here.
    you have a good evening , I'm going back out on my red glitter carpet. No pedestrians to deal with!!!!!
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #3
      Yeah, Karma's a funny thing.

      I alwasy remind the folks at work that "teamwork" is actually an acronym:
      Take Every Advantage of Me Without Observing the Rules of Karma

      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:

