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Hypocritical moral high horse jockeys

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  • Hypocritical moral high horse jockeys

    I wanted to punch my screen while reading this:

    The first paragraph sums it up perfectly:

    ATLANTA - A media watchdog group is criticizing Delta Air Lines for making the bloody HBO series "Rome" and other bawdy shows available for in-flight viewing after a passenger complained that children could see nudity and sex scenes.
    Kids can watch people getting blown to bits, but as soon as a bare shoulder, or god forbid, a breast is shown everybody's panties are in a bunch.

    Those parents must have had a seizure when they landed in Europe and took a look around.

    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.

  • #2

    Flemmish party "NEE" offering 40.000 blowjobs.

    If I get the garantuee that I'm no more than number 50 in line, I'll sign up!
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #3
      I wouldn't like to be last in the queue, you'd be up to your knees in man goo.

      It would be better for her to have false teeth as well, better entry and you could rattle your taters against her chin!

      Back on subject the British are a bit like that as well, Europeans have a much healthier attitude towards the human body.
      Fwopping, you know you want to!

      VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

      There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


      • #4
        It's almost like the 'sexual revolution' was just a wet dream here in the USA-
        I see that someone's problems and shortcomings are always someone else's fault nowadays here, too- spill your coffee, sue the restaurant kinds of BS. Responsibility, honor, integrity, personal pride, and respect are all becoming fads of a bygone generation apparently. Pisses me off to no end! Makes me feel embarrassed to be American sometimes! (and I'm an Army vet- it really makes me mad to think THIS is what I volunteered my life to protect!) Why can't these idiots relax and 'live and let live"? To each his own? They can't manage to run their own lives worth a damn and yet they insist on telling others how to live theirs! Rediculous and asinine! Do as I say and not as I do....
        Perhaps I digress....


        • #5
          Victorian England had dudes masturbating after looking at table legs, thus the invention of the low table cloth.

          I must say though, after seeing the muffin tops and tramp stamps, the US is all talk about modesty.

          There is a lot of posturing, saying one thing and doing another over here nowadays is the thing to do.
          When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


          • #6
            Beeing german and looking at the cultural mainstream regarding issues like violence and sexuality in the US it´s sometimes hard to understand. The US starts wars to endure freedom in the world but citizens do not have the freedom to expose or beeing exposed to nudity.


            • #7
              That would be America alright. Say one thing and do another.
              It's all them "holier than thou" bible thumpers that seem to think that their beliefs and morals should be everyone else's.
              Yet I can almost guarantee that the majority of them are nothing more than hypocrites. Guilty of partaking in the very things they bitch about.


              • #8
                When I was in Europe last month I was flipping through the channels and there was this Spanish show/movie on where every male had a permanent hard-on and the women were withholding sex from them to gain control of the city. At one point a guy lost it and grabbed the nearest woman and tore her shirt off. At another point a topless woman just walked across the screen.

                This was not a pay channel, and it was on early in the evening on a weeknight.

                It was refreshing in a way, not to be sheltered from the horribleness of the human body.

                However, I think this article is more about the fact that people were having sex on screen, not just the nudity.


                • #9
                  a few weeks ago they show on CNN the a clip of a girl stoned to death in the middle east, which infuriated me tremendously however it got worse when during the stoing apparantly the unfortunate girl's shirt was lifted up when she was trying to evade the stoning and CNN blocked away a view on a here panties. Now don't mistunderstand me; I did not want to see anything but it angered me that apparantly it is ok to show a film of a girl being stoned to death in all it's gory detail but you should not show here panties because that might upset someone


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fred dons View Post
                    a few weeks ago they show on CNN the a clip of a girl stoned to death in the middle east, which infuriated me tremendously however it got worse when during the stoing apparantly the unfortunate girl's shirt was lifted up when she was trying to evade the stoning and CNN blocked away a view on a here panties. Now don't mistunderstand me; I did not want to see anything but it angered me that apparantly it is ok to show a film of a girl being stoned to death in all it's gory detail but you should not show here panties because that might upset someone
                    Another perfect example of what I'm on about!
                    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                      When I was in Europe last month I was flipping through the channels and there was this Spanish show/movie on where every male had a permanent hard-on and the women were withholding sex from them to gain control of the city. At one point a guy lost it and grabbed the nearest woman and tore her shirt off. At another point a topless woman just walked across the screen.

                      This was not a pay channel, and it was on early in the evening on a weeknight.

                      It was refreshing in a way, not to be sheltered from the horribleness of the human body.

                      However, I think this article is more about the fact that people were having sex on screen, not just the nudity.
                      Why were you watching kids TV?
                      Fwopping, you know you want to!

                      VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                      There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                      • #12
                        They probably wouldn't let an adult American watch anything but kids' shows to keep his lawyer from getting all excited....LOL

