My first attempt at making a poll, let's see if it works!
Here's what I want to find out: Ever since VH came around in the late 70's (and probably earlier too) guitarplayers all over the world have made a point out of playing fast, challenging "face-melting" guitar, almost turning it into a sport of some sort; Who has the fastest/most difficult/challenging/unique style? What I'm trying to describe here is the phenomenon known as SHRED.
In the 80's SHRED exploded, looking at the records that were made back then it was all over the place. Then came the 90's, we had grunge, some say that it killed shred and guitar-solos alltogether, that it took a blow so hard it could never be the same again. Others say it was never gone, it just became more underground because it wasn't "cool" to play in public according to slaves of the MTV.
Lately, we see that SHRED is becoming "cool" again, it is ok to play fast widdly rock guitar, whammy bars, Floyds and Kahlers are OK to use! Even the nu-metal guys of the late 90's who earlier didn't play a single solo, now start to shred; look at Mark Tremonti previously of Creed, he's now taking lessons from Michael Angelo.
What I'm asking you is, what is your opinion.. Did shred "die" after the 80's, can it never be the same again? I wasn't born before 1986, so I really have nothing but the records of the 80's to show to.
Can shred be what it apparently was in the 80's, or is it too late? You tell me! Happy poll
Here's what I want to find out: Ever since VH came around in the late 70's (and probably earlier too) guitarplayers all over the world have made a point out of playing fast, challenging "face-melting" guitar, almost turning it into a sport of some sort; Who has the fastest/most difficult/challenging/unique style? What I'm trying to describe here is the phenomenon known as SHRED.
In the 80's SHRED exploded, looking at the records that were made back then it was all over the place. Then came the 90's, we had grunge, some say that it killed shred and guitar-solos alltogether, that it took a blow so hard it could never be the same again. Others say it was never gone, it just became more underground because it wasn't "cool" to play in public according to slaves of the MTV.
Lately, we see that SHRED is becoming "cool" again, it is ok to play fast widdly rock guitar, whammy bars, Floyds and Kahlers are OK to use! Even the nu-metal guys of the late 90's who earlier didn't play a single solo, now start to shred; look at Mark Tremonti previously of Creed, he's now taking lessons from Michael Angelo.
What I'm asking you is, what is your opinion.. Did shred "die" after the 80's, can it never be the same again? I wasn't born before 1986, so I really have nothing but the records of the 80's to show to.
Can shred be what it apparently was in the 80's, or is it too late? You tell me! Happy poll
