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Paul Gilbert

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  • Paul Gilbert

    I went to see Paul Gilbert last night.

    I'm having a bonfire tonight, of all my guitars.

    The two things are related.

    He fucking blew me away!!
    Go see him if you get the opportunity.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back

  • #2
    wrong place to have this thread IMO. Must be under "Artists and their gear".


    • #3
      Went to see him at the Mean Fiddler in London on the 3rd - awesome & looked like he was having fun. I wonder how much he had to pay to get Jack Black to play bass for him?
      Wal - Good from far, but far from good


      • #4
        saw him at a clinic a couple of months ago. Simply amazing. And his pure passion & love for music in general is contagious.

        Of course, when I got home and tried to do some of the things he taught us at the clinic, I put my guitars away and haven't played since...
        Hail yesterday


        • #5
          Originally posted by Guitarnut View Post
          I wonder how much he had to pay to get Jack Black to play bass for him?
          'Kin 'ell, I thought the very same thing! Someone ought to have a word!
          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

          I nearly broke her back


          • #6
            Saw him in concert with Mr. Big and saw him at a clinic about 12 years ago.
            Sick, sick player. Very nice and humble.

            Some asshole in the crowd ask him to play the intro to Green Tinted Sixties Mind and told his buddies "Watch this, I got him. There is now way he do that outside of the studio" as I was standing next to him.

            Paul said allright..... the SOB nailed it like someone played the CD at the mixing board. It is flat out sick and disgusting what that man can do with the fiddle.
            Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


            • #7
              Haven't any of you guys noticed the "Artists and their gear" fourm is supposed to be for Jackson and Charvel artists only. I'm just saying
     <--My Band


              • #8
                that's what it says. But it's only a loose definition & isn't too stringently policed. If you wanted to discuss Paul Gilbert's pedals, you might talk about it in Non-Jackson, Artists & Their Gear, or in the Tech section. Any would be fine.

                You wouldn't, however, discuss it in US Jacksons.
                Hail yesterday

