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So its real.. I'm getting a divorce

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  • #16
    Marriage counseling isn't going to fix this. This isn't a marriage issue, this is a mental health issue.
    She needs to see a shrink and get her shit worked out.
    Sounds like she has some life baggage that she wants you to carry for a while... fuck that shit.
    You my friend, need to acknowledge and move on.
    Life is too short.


    • #17
      She has cheated on you. You should've left her at that moment. Divorce and leave her behind.
      I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


      • #18
        It seems like the best option now. Cut the knot and resolve things as good as possible.
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #19
          Originally posted by GWARGHOUL View Post
          Damn it, I'm having a hard time not getting talked into marriage counseling.

          Guys, please convince me that no matter what I will never trust her, and never have a normal relationship.

          ..and that I need to be free of pressure at 22.. (shes almsot 30), and there is more interesting things in life.
          Just the fact that you are asking us to convince you that you will never trust her or have a normal relationship, tells me that you already know what you need to do. Divorce is a bitch, but sometimes it's better than the alternative. I am also going through one right now, so you are not alone. Hang tough and do what you need to do
          "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


          • #20
            You guys are awesome.

            Its easy to think I feel alone, but its sorta reassuring to know I'm not?

            I guess I'm jsut scared, like.. I don't know whats next. at 22, barely able to afford to live, a recovering drug addict...I have a few debts, and little income.

            I think I could do better by myself, financially.

            but since I got married, I got fat, and cut my hair.

            I think I might be codependant, because I'm fearing not being able to attract anyone, and getting insecure feelings about my relationship with this girl in California I've known, and we've been magnatized to each other for 5 years now.

            ... and I'm fighting depression and anxiety again, so its all making it more confusing, and hazy. I work too fucking much too.


            • #21
              Just breathe and focus on getting this done.
              Take things one at a time.
              You'll be fine.


              • #22
                Originally posted by GWARGHOUL View Post
                You guys are awesome.

                Its easy to think I feel alone, but its sorta reassuring to know I'm not?

                I guess I'm jsut scared, like.. I don't know whats next. at 22, barely able to afford to live, a recovering drug addict...I have a few debts, and little income.

                I think I could do better by myself, financially.

                but since I got married, I got fat, and cut my hair.

                I think I might be codependant, because I'm fearing not being able to attract anyone, and getting insecure feelings about my relationship with this girl in California I've known, and we've been magnatized to each other for 5 years now.

                ... and I'm fighting depression and anxiety again, so its all making it more confusing, and hazy. I work too fucking much too.

                People get fat after they get married. So, you'll lose weight in the following days, cause you won't have proper meal on the table


                You can work out financial issues in time. It's not impossible to get better at that. You just need some time. And hair grows back, and it'll be the symbol of your self-confidence growing back.
                I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  Marriage counseling isn't going to fix this. This isn't a marriage issue, this is a mental health issue.
                  She needs to see a shrink and get her shit worked out.
                  Sounds like she has some life baggage that she wants you to carry for a while... fuck that shit.
                  +1 It almost sounds like he married my ex-wife! Get out now!!!
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #24
                    With every divorce, the gay marriage supporters get a little more ammunition. So, thanks for becoming another statistic.
                    please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                      With every divorce, the gay marriage supporters get a little more ammunition. So, thanks for becoming another statistic.
                      Is that even important in this situation?


                      • #26
                        If you don't want to support GG's decision, fine, but don't drag in the gay marriage debate, it's completely irrelevant.
                        Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                        • #27
                          Stick to your guns bro and whatever you do, don't get sucked into the whole marraige counceling thing.

                          Once a cheater, always a cheater.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                            With every divorce, the gay marriage supporters get a little more ammunition. So, thanks for becoming another statistic.
                            I find so little relevance or need, for that remark.
                            One has nothing to do with the other.

                            Marriage statistics are just that... statistics... numbers.... nothing more.

                            It simply shows that people are no longer willing to throw away their lives by staying in a failed relationship because some BS doctrine says you should.

                            If a relationship works, great! If it doesn't, what purpose does it serve to stay in it? ABSOLUTELY NONE!

                            Sorry for the rant G.
                            I know it's a tough decision for you to make, but it's one that needs to be made.
                            We can only give you advice. Only you can decide if it's worth it or not.
                            Only you can decide if it's healthy for you to try and save the marriage.
                            You know our views and opinions and it's your choice to use them or not.
                            But don't let some whack job try and convince you to go against what YOU feel is the right choice for YOU.

                            Much respect for whatever decision you make.
                            We'll help if you ask... just say the word.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by GWARGHOUL View Post
                              Damn it, I'm having a hard time not getting talked into marriage counseling.

                              Guys, please convince me that no matter what I will never trust her, and never have a normal relationship.

                              ..and that I need to be free of pressure at 22.. (shes almsot 30), and there is more interesting things in life.
                              You are doing the right thing in the long run. I've had that ten year age gap at that age. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and people will give you the 'age doesn't matter' bullshit, but trust me: you are so much better off getting the fuck out of there while you can. Good for you man.


                              • #30
                                GWARGHOUL - it's sad when a marriage doesn't work out but there is a time to cut the ties and call it quits. If she's been cheating and abusive, then it's time to get out. Do NOT let what she's done cause you to question yourself. She sounds like she's selfish and has her own problems, neither of which is YOUR problem.

                                Get the car situation straightened then move on and don't look back.

                                Good luck to you.
                                Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.

