Originally posted by necrotechno
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Actually divorce rates are on the down turn. And the poster children for Gay Marriage (two "ladies" from I forget where that captured the national spotlight) have already split up, so that pretty much shut up all those who said Gay Marriage was superior to the "normal" way...
Good to see people like you out there advocating being miserable. Unhappy marriages = cheating. I believe there's a statistic there too - and not a good one. Sometimes getting divorced IS taking the high road. Think about it.
Don't you have bigger things to worry about than gay marriage? Does it really hurt YOU personally? I don't agree with it, but I also don't really care that much. It doesn't affect me. Bad relationships, however, have. I've been through two divorces as a child of divorce, and while they suck and were tough for me at times, my parents were certainly better off, and I think I was too in the fact that I didn't have to deal with them being miserable being with eachother.
Maybe you should take a step back and think about it a little bit.
