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There is no mistake about it LIFE SUCKS

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  • There is no mistake about it LIFE SUCKS

    I was feeling pretty good today.
    Got a big project out today, on time. Beautiful.
    Called some of my gear providers to find out on the status of some of my gear addiction orders, etc. etc. Life is "good" so far.....

    Pick up my daughters at day care and find out that one of my 3 year old's classmates (4 year old boy named Justin) has stage 4 abdominal cancer. Terminal, nothing to fucking do but control his pain and give him quality of life for what's left.
    Happened very sudden and it is a VERY agressive type of childrens cancer.

    The perkiest and cutest little boy you will ever see.

    Not fair, not fair at all and it could happen to anyone at anytime.

    We come to this fucking place and pretend to make and be cool but some rock on the road ruins the life of your or anyone's family at any moments notice.
    I believe in God as much as the next guy, but why?? why him?
    Why not me? some 40 year old fucker that has gotten drunk, laid, has more material shit and accomplished things that I care or want to admit?
    Justin is 4 years old, has not done or seen shit.... not fair.

    I am going to swallow two Xanax and wash them down with a Heineken and go to bed. Fuck this planet for tonight.
    Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

  • #2
    I don't believe in god, mainly because of that kinda things.

    I feel sorry for the boy. I hope he doesn't suffer much. Is your daughter aware of the exact situation about the boy?
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #3
      Originally posted by Norton View Post
      I don't believe in god, mainly because of that kinda things.

      I feel sorry for the boy. I hope he doesn't suffer much. Is your daughter aware of the exact situation about the boy?
      She is too young, but they used to play all the time and she mentions his name here and there. She will forget and move on. God bless unawareness.

      I do know him, his face and have the parents. I know and I am hurting for them. Loosing a little soul like that has got to be the most gut wrenching thing ever. This will NOT be the first funeral I have ever been to for a baby, my first was for a 14 month old across the street 7 years ago. Ever been to hell while on earth?

      The Heiny is real cold, here I am covering the sun with one hand pretending I will block the light. At least for tonight.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #4
        That's a terrible thing.
        Tomorrow when you get up, take a deep breath and for the sake of your nipper, smile and resume life as normal. You can't question why these things happen, they just do. When your daughter is old enough, remind her of her friend and hopefully she'll appreciate life and live hers to the full, making the most of every moment.

        Sorry, nothing else one can say to you mate.
        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • #5
          I was just talking to my wife about it. Lots of tears...

          We asked the owner of the day care what we could do?
          To cheer him up? to help the family? I don't know...

          The lady told us that the mother asked for letters from the classmates to let him know they are thinking about him, but please NO TOYS.
          He will not be around long to enjoy them and she does not want to deal with them once he is gone.
          That hit me right in the nut sack, kids that age that is all they have in their life and maybe a dirt pile or mudhole, things he can't even do now as he is quite doped up with painkillers.
          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


          • #6
            I am sorry to hear of the little boys illness. I also firmly believe in God, and because of that believe He has a grand plan for everyone. Maybe this boy has another calling elsewhere. As a parent, I could not imagine the pain his parents are going through and I know there is nothing to say to make it better. Just know you, your family, the little boy, and his family will be in my prayers.

            Stay strong brother!
            "Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant." - on the back of the business card for Bella the Pomeranian

            The comments expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of management.


            • #7
              Believing that he will be going to a better place causes weakness. The kid should fight it out until he can.


              • #8
                I'm real sorry to hear that. I've seen it before and its painful to see. I do believe in God for things like that. I believe in faith cause the only other choice is to believe in is nothing!
                Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ApeDosMil View Post
                  Believing that he will be going to a better place causes weakness. The kid should fight it out until he can.
                  What the fuck is wrong with you? The kid is 4 years old.
                  Last edited by Argos; 06-21-2007, 11:25 PM.


                  • #10
                    Really sad thing Hope that a miracle will happen to make the little Justin healthy.


                    • #11
                      That is awful. I was literally brought to tears reading that.
                      THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                      • #12
                        its really sad. Only after becoming a parent do I know how hard it must hurt. my neighbor's kid died when I was in 8th grade. The kid was only 1 and 1/2 years old. One day he was happy and playing with all of us, the same night he's down with lots of fever, the next morning the child is dead. My mom cried the entire night. These things happen. I can only imagine how bad this disease is, and my prayers are with the parents.


                        • #13
                          That's really sad, I feel for the kid and his parents, I wish them the best and hope the find strength to get through this. Life is so unfair sometimes...

                          Another reason why I'm heading towards atheism at a rapid rate, grand plan my arse.
                          Fwopping, you know you want to!

                          VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                          There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                          • #14
                            No it's not fair.. No one is more pure and innocent than a young child.
                            My mums ex lost his firstborn after only a few months.. He'd found him dead in the cradle one morning.. I think it was next day that someone came by looking for him. He was sitting in the corner, holding his son in his arms, rocking back and forth.. You won't get him to admit it, but today he drinks way more than what's good for him.

                            My second cousin died from some kind of bloodcancer at 9. Last thing I heard her mom has a problem with drugs now.
                            "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                            • #15
                              Yep. 100% agree. Not fair. Justin is in our thoughts/ So sorry for his family.

