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There is no mistake about it LIFE SUCKS

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Having lost my own Mother recently to cancer, I can certainly understand why people are quick to jump on the Anti-Christ bandwagon, however the facts of what I saw in my Mother's life over the last 38 years prove to me beyond the shadow of a doubt that God IS real, and He does have a plan.

    That plan is for each of us to feel the same way about everyone on this Earth as we do for this one little boy. You don't know him. He's 4, but he could be the brattiest kid you'll ever meet, yet without having met him you express your deepest concern for his well-being.

    That's God's Plan: To get you people to open your hearts not to just one sick little boy but to everyone equally, just like God does. Charles Manson, Paris Hilton, George Bush, Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler; God doesn't love one more than the other. He hates what they've done, but not the person. He hopes for the best from all of us, because He gives us the best He has every single day.

    Learn it, Live it, Deal with it.
    Since you quoted my post, allow me to respond...

    Since "god" gave us free-will, he took himself out of the equasion. Was there a plan for Hitler? If there was, I hope is was not the one he made for himself. What was the master plan for that one? Manson? Hussein? I don't feel the need to find compassion for those people you mentioned. And I don't suffer because of it either. The way I see it, life is way to random to have a master plan. Feel compassion for murderers? Nope, not here. Sorry about that. But I'm cool with it...

    Cancer is not part of the master plan. Just something that has grown out of our lives here on this earth. God made? Nope. Just something that happens. Sadly...

    In a way, you kind of made my point. "God hopes the best from all of us". That just shows, he doesn't really have much to do with it...
    Last edited by Bengal; 06-22-2007, 11:36 AM.
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #32
      Originally posted by zeegler View Post
      You know what Matt, no offence, but god can suck my dick.
      Common man, that is not right. I hope you don't mean it.

      I do indeed question the fairness of things in this world, specially in times like this.
      But, someone, something very fowerful and unknown must have created what we are. The human body is too complex for it to a fluke of evolution. Not to mention everything that surrounds us.

      I do believe in God, and you have the freedom to believe in what you believe JC, Jehova, Mohammed, Buddah, the flying pizza man or whatever.
      I respectfully disagree with "his" plan sometimes and will like to discuss "The" plan with him one day. Just to understand, not to argument about it or disrespect him.
      Same way you may consider not to disrespect Matt. Just saying.

      This is not the time to be bashful and hateful towards each other, even though like getting in a fist fight with someone to get my agression out, but it is the time to send positive vibes towards this kid and his family. That is all I can do, so powerless.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #33
        Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
        Man, that just brought tears to my eyes. Nothing is harder to take than the death of a young innocent child. I love my kids so much, that I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to go on after something like that. Too much pain. I'm sure you find a way. But my heart would be ripped out, and I'd be an empty shell afterwards.

        Thoughts and prayers to him and his family.

        You could not make a statement with more douchebaggery. I'd love to see you say that in person to the kid's parents, instead of on a blind internet board. Un-fuckin-real.
        This is so sad and tragic. Unfortunately, I have seen a few children lose their battles to cancer and it is, without question, the saddest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. My thoughts are with this boy and his parents at this most difficult time.

        Michael, your post may be the dumbest, most offensive thing I have read in my years on this board. As Pat said, "Un-fuckin-real".
        Tarbaby Fraser.


        • #34
          I so sorry to hear about that, it is depressing news to say the least. My thoughts and prayers go out to him. As a parent, losing a child is my biggest fear.

          I'm not going to get into the religion debate but my take is unfair as it seems a 4 year old child can be ready to go home to heaven in Gods eyes. Some people are never ready and some are ready after 80-90 or so years on earth. Its not for me to question Gods will or fairness.


          • #35
            Here's a case where nobody caused this to happen. And that makes it even sadder. There are just no other words that I can say.
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #36
              Originally posted by zeegler View Post
              Goddamn, I hate to read this sort of thing. It breaks my heart. Children are precious. You're damn right it's not fair. Of all the foul, repugnant pieces of shit in this world that truly deserve to die, and instead, a 4 year old little boy gets cancer. I'll tell you what, if there is a god, he's a fucking asshole who deserves to be stabbed in the face with a screwdriver.
              I totally agree.
              I wish my hair-color was EDS :/

