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RIP Chris Benoit and family

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Firebird V View Post
    Why go after the kid? I think that is just so selfish. the most selfish thing someone could ever do is take the life of there child... I hate reading/hearing about this type of shit. The kid was innocent. So sad. That is just fucked up...

    Fuck him.

    taking the life of an innocent child is the worst crime imaginable.

    if you must off yourself, have some fucking respect and just do yourself (and do it where your family won't be the first ones to find you).

    but no, these assholes have to take everyone else out with them.
    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


    • #62
      Originally posted by horns666 View Post

      Anabolic Steroids..years of that shit will scramble your brains like fried eggs..or kill you!
      +1000...frigging's so selfish to kill yourself, but to kill your Wife and your kid??? The kid didn't deserve this. The wife too! Could you imagine hearing you kids last words "Daddy please don't kill me!?! F@cking selfish Prick! I've ran into to too many suicides in my just adds up to selfishness that destroys the individual and rips the heart out of everybody who loved the individual.


      • #63
        Originally posted by dd3keegs View Post
        it just adds up to selfishness that destroys the individual and rips the heart out of everybody who loved the individual.
        While I repudiate what this ass wipe did.

        I must say that unless you've been to THE edge, ready to jump in. You don't REALLY know what suicide is and if it is a selfish act or not.
        Have considered, as well, whether the lack of love or attention from those "everybody" you mention, drove the individual to suicide?

        Being alone is a bitch and being abandoned and betrayed by the ones you THOUGHT loved you is even worse.

        The individual has NO right to take anyone along for the ride, specially children. But if he feels compeled to do it, I support his decision.
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #64
          I think too many people are chalking it up to being an asshole, but really thats just turning a blind eye, and simplifying the case. I would rather see people wake up and see steroids along the same way they see designer drugs and the like. Instead of simply calling him an asshole and dismissing the whole thing, how about we look at getting rid of the stuff that may have caused it, before another situation like this occurs. If the steroids can be proven to have led to psychosis, it could have great rammifications on the WWE. If the WWE propeganda machine gets its way and convinces you that it was simply because he was an asshole, then maybe well dicuss it the next time this happens. And remember psychosis is very different from roid rage, which is why there is no evidence of a rage................


          • #65
            I must say that unless you've been to THE edge, ready to jump in. You don't REALLY know what suicide is and if it is a selfish act or not.
            Have considered, as well, whether the lack of love or attention from those "everybody" you mention, drove the individual to suicide?

            Being alone is a bitch and being abandoned and betrayed by the ones you THOUGHT loved you is even worse.

            I agree 110% with this. I think it is awful and unforgivable what he did to his wife and child. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and if he didn't die in the process he should have gotten killed for doing that .. there just isn't an excuse for that ..they are innocent people

            With that said it really bothers me when I see people say that suicidal people are just selfish. Those people are far from selfish, they need help that wasn't identified. I think it is selfish of someone to assume a person has to live their life in pain or despair.

            Anything we do or don't do for ourselves is considered selfish by other peoples standards. It's a total shame tha tmore times people don't identify depression and get the person help instead of pointing the finger AFTER they were gone.

            I lived my life for 38 yrs that way and it finally took a friend when I was close to the edge to talk me into getting that help. I owe her a lot because I honestly believe without her caring about me when I couldn't, I would be the person everyone calls selfish .... but at least my own pain would be eliminated and in turn stop my family from suffering wondering what was wrong with me ...
            Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


            • #66
              I'm not one for conspiracy theories and it probably went down exactly like they say but i have to be honest for i slight second the thought of Kevin
              Sullivan (another pretty unstable ex wrestler and supposedly actual real Satanist ) being involved did cross my mind...

              Kevin Sullivan was Nancy's ( "womans" ) first husband who Nancy left for Benoit..


              • #67
                Kevin Sullivan sounds like a nice fella..
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #68
                  I read a story today that said when they did an autopsy on the little boys body they found a lot of needle marks. It turns out this douchebag was injecting his kid with growth hormone because he was too small for his age. I'll post the link to the story if I can find it again.


                  • #69
                    Here it is....

                    Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself by the pulley of a weightlifting machine, authorities said Tuesday.

