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  • #16
    Absolutely the worst scum there is.


    • #17
      This is why I believe in the death penalty.
      Sometimes you just gotta thin the heard... I say we start with these fuckers.


      • #18
        I've said it before I'm a FIRM beleiver of swift Justice. The did this crime they should share the same fate as their victims. Have 10 masked strangers pour cleaning chemicals in their eyes & raped publicly . I'm sure theres some form of inmate Prison program just waiting to happen for this type of thing.
        & the death penalty should be like taking a # at the deli to be served = 81 now terminating # 81, step forward prepare to Judged! & done with ya!
        According To The Prophecy


        • #19
          I don't really understand how this is the business of anybody who lives outside of West Palm Beach. Much less Norway, Turkey and Belgium. This is now in the hands of local law enforcement, not wannabee vigilantes. Which is how it should be.
          please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


          • #20
            So we can only talk about weird shit if it happens in our own city?

            Hokay, Officer nechrotechno!
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #21
              Talking about it is one thing. Saying things like, "I'm going fucking Punisher," or, "I sure hope I'm in a position to deal with these types at some point soon," is something else entirely.

              But again, it's not my community or yours. We don't know anything about what happened other than what was in that article, which was missing many key details to understand the story fully. What was the racial orientation of all the players? Where was the husband/father? Where are the parents of the perpetrators and what should be their responsibility in this? And so on.

              But I only ask these questions rhetorically because the answers are none of my business. Putting such information to the public knowledge is, in itself, a form of personal violation. If the names of the victims are ever released, hey, we know that dude had sex with his own mother.

              I don't know where I heard the phrase "hell hath no fury like the uninvolved," but I think it's fairly accurate. Leave such matters to the local authorities, kids.
              please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


              • #22
                The guilty should be burned at the stake. That poor family will never be the same.


                • #23
                  we have licenses to do everything: to fish, sell stuff, get married, to hunt......etc. What we really need is a license to reproduce, so that way we can stop all the stupid people from having kids.

                  necro........ your something else, it is everyones problem, and everyone should be worried, because this is what humanity has come to. makes me remember what the japs. did the Chinese back in WWII.......... sick bastards.
                  "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                  • #24
                    Since I live in South Florida, & WPB is not to far from where I live as a Parent yes I'm concerned , if something like this happened to my son & his Mother , you use a word like Vigilantes or not my buisness , not my community , well it is my community , or a neighboring community . The love for my son know no limitations or Bounds sorry if this sounds Vigilant , or makes me sound Psychotic. Harm my child my family or friends Hope prey what ever that the Police find you first.
                    According To The Prophecy


                    • #25
                      If it is your community and this event does actually affect the geography you occupy, then get off the guitar message boards and research the case. Take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself and your family from such senseless violence. Me, I participate in a neighborhood watch program.

                      But to everyone else who thinks that issues they hear about on the news are their own business, knock off the Punisher hyperbole. That kind of talk is exactly what causes the kind of behaviour of these young criminals.
                      please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                        But to everyone else who thinks that issues they hear about on the news are their own business, knock off the Punisher hyperbole. That kind of talk is exactly what causes the kind of behaviour of these young criminals.
                        you are delusional in your mis-placed self-righteous indignation. "that kind of talk" is quite scarce these days, and follow-up actions even more so, and THAT is what emboldens scum like this to do shit to innocent people.

                        get an F'n clue. criminals SHOULD be scared of citizens. they clearly are not scared of the police.
                        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                          If it is your community and this event does actually affect the geography you occupy, then get off the guitar message boards and research the case. Take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself and your family from such senseless violence. Me, I participate in a neighborhood watch program.

                          But to everyone else who thinks that issues they hear about on the news are their own business, knock off the Punisher hyperbole. That kind of talk is exactly what causes the kind of behaviour of these young criminals.

                          dude you need to get out of your imaginary world, where the " officals" can take care of things. We the citizens, make and or break the system.
                          now i am not talking about taking it to the extreme where you go "vigilante" but damn, we need to start change this fucked up world. They govermentS aren't gonna do a damn thing.

                          and you would be so cooled headed if this thing happened to your family, or somebody you knew, god forbid.
                          "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by necrotechno View Post
                            If it is your community and this event does actually affect the geography you occupy, then get off the guitar message boards and research the case. Take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself and your family from such senseless violence. Me, I participate in a neighborhood watch program.

                            But to everyone else who thinks that issues they hear about on the news are their own business, knock off the Punisher hyperbole. That kind of talk is exactly what causes the kind of behaviour of these young criminals.

                            Dude, you sound like a communist.

                            If someone harms your family, and you wanna harm them ,too, very badly, there's nothing inhuman or evil about that. Actually, it IS the most human thing to do.

                            And what necessary steps are you talking about, to protect yourself? If someone breaks into your house like this, you just "have" to kill them. Or you're gonna get killed. Those are scumbags who're not afraid of the law or the law enforcement, so you just need to take care of your own business, when it comes to that. Law enforcement is not for saving you when someone breaks into your house and does things like that. Law enforcement is for arresting people and putting them into jail.

                            Of course the cops interfere into the situations when they "can", but do you think they had the chance to call the police in that situation?
                            I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by kelly user View Post
                              and you would be so cooled headed if this thing happened to your family, or somebody you knew, god forbid.
                              If it happened to someone I knew, I sure wouldn't want it posted all over the Internet that he had had sex with his own mother. And then some "well intentioned" persons from who-knows-where getting all bent out of shape and multiplying the senseless violence — even if only in the form of words — in their communities.

                              Basically what I'm saying is, it's words on your computer screen. You don't know these people. You don't even share their telephone area code. You don't know all the facets of the story. You don't even know if this story that you're getting so worked up over is even true!

                              Think about it. Did you ever meet JonBenet Ramsey? Weren't her photos on all those tabloid newspapers so darling? And wasn't it... convenient how around about the time nobody seemed to care about the story anymore, they pulled out the killer and sold a few more papers?

                              But seriously. If you want to concern yourself with the problems of others, try starting with your neighbors and family members. And try to do it *before* anybody gets robbed, or raped, or killed, or whatever. Because the world doesn't need any more random unsolicited vigilante saviors.
                              please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                              • #30
                                you are hopeless dude.

                                sadly, there are many like you in this respect.
                                the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives

