I keep a 125 lb. cast iron Gargoyle as a sentinal on the widow walk outside my second story arched window. For nearly a decade it sat upon it's throne made of wood. Over time that wood decayed and also became home for very strange, large flies that burrowed and made nests within..never revealing themselves to me. I'd greet my winged buddy everyday from my second story bedroom balcony, as he kept watch. His head and wings perfectly symetrical to the stone and brick window. Some days a crow would be perched on its head, or burried in a mound of snow in winter..fast forward to yesterday. My gothic brosesph was a tilted. I went outside and confirmed the base was giving away. That put the gargoyle at risk of falling backwards into the window, breaking glass into my living room. If I had modern windows it would just fall right into my living room, crushing anything it would land on. So I call John and tell him of my problem. He strapped his ladder on his Yukon and drove to my place to evaluate the problem. He climbed to the wrought iron widow walk and confirmed the base was completely rotted away, it was a miracle the gargoyle was still standing. As soon as he started to disturb the area he was welcomed by a swarm of what we thought were wasps..he almost leaped off that ladder 15 feet high ..scaring the shit out of me..and making me laugh. We thought it was a wasp nest or some shit and now had to deal with that problem. While we were pondering what to do we saw a few of the insects land and fly around the house. We walked up to one and noticed that it was a weird looking fly and not a bee or wasp at all..although there were a couple of shiny black wasps that were flying amoung them, including some yellow jackets. John went back up there and they swarmed and buzzed around him again but they wern't aggressive at all. They were just checking him out, then slowly flew away as John started to dismantle their home. Watching John up there reminded me of the scene in King Kong.. when Kong was swarmed by bi-planes while on top of the empire state building..you prolly could super impose both scenes and they would synch perfectly..
John discovered these flies actually carried whole leaves and wall-papered their fuggin' tunnels with 'em..that's some pretty strong fuggin' flies.
It's the first time we both ever saw flies like this in our lives (I used to collect bugs, as child)..and here they were living beneath my gargoyle. I never saw a single one around my home.
It was pretty weird..and amusing!
I said to John..Well I am Bill Z Bub..you know Beelzebub..Lord of the flies...??
Pics would have been awesome!!!!
These are the flies//identifies as a Tiger Bee Fly or Xenonx Tigrinus..link..http://bugguide.net/node/view/2803/bgpage

Bill Z Bub ..Lord of the Xenox Tigrinus

John discovered these flies actually carried whole leaves and wall-papered their fuggin' tunnels with 'em..that's some pretty strong fuggin' flies.

It's the first time we both ever saw flies like this in our lives (I used to collect bugs, as child)..and here they were living beneath my gargoyle. I never saw a single one around my home.
It was pretty weird..and amusing!

I said to John..Well I am Bill Z Bub..you know Beelzebub..Lord of the flies...??

Pics would have been awesome!!!!

These are the flies//identifies as a Tiger Bee Fly or Xenonx Tigrinus..link..http://bugguide.net/node/view/2803/bgpage

Bill Z Bub ..Lord of the Xenox Tigrinus