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PS3 recommendations...

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  • PS3 recommendations...

    I had to buy me a new TV so...I went with a 42" LCD 1080p + HD DVD 5 disc player and surround.

    Now since that was so cool I just had to get a PS3. I have been out of touch with the gaming world so I was hoping for some ideas. I have Resistance: Fall of Man so far and yes...The graphics are out there...Blu-Ray + 1080p LCD = visual utopia!

    I bought it because for the Blu-Ray and also the games coming out for it like Half Life & GTA 4.

  • #2
    Do you have a girlfriend?


    • #3
      Hell no!!! LOL My exs are quite stoked about my purchase though...Go figure? LOL NOT one of them would have been so stoked when they were with me!

      Sheri says she is envious and Fiona can't wait to check it out!

      I have been watching the same 27" box (TV) since 91' so...It was time!


      • #4
        I'd recommend selling the PS3 and getting a 360 instead. GTA 4 will be on Xbox, as well as Devil May Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, not to mention the Final Fantasy series from here on.

        The porn industry has sided with HD-DVD, so Blu-Ray is dead already.

        Seriously, congrats on the new TV and system, but there's nothing good for the PS3. Ninja Gaiden Sigma will be exclusive to it, but it's just NG-Black from different angles and better graphics. Yawn.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          Motorstorm is pretty cool, it's offroad racing.

          Definitely check out the new Gran Turismo.. when it eventuelly comes out :/
          "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Newc View Post
            I'd recommend selling the PS3 and getting a 360 instead. GTA 4 will be on Xbox, as well as Devil May Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, not to mention the Final Fantasy series from here on.

            The porn industry has sided with HD-DVD, so Blu-Ray is dead already.

            Seriously, congrats on the new TV and system, but there's nothing good for the PS3. Ninja Gaiden Sigma will be exclusive to it, but it's just NG-Black from different angles and better graphics. Yawn.
            Too bad only 2 out of 5 X-Box 360's work longer than 2 weeks...

            I'll take the PS3 anyday. Sony or Microsoft? I know where I'd rather spend my money...
            Last edited by Bengal; 07-26-2007, 04:49 PM.
            I'm angry because you're stupid


            • #7
              Yeah but they'll fix them for free for the next 3 years

              Seriously, it's not 2 out of 5, it's more like 4 out of 5. My first one (bought 1/1/06) died after 4 months. I bought a second one (was going to anyway) to keep me gaming until it got back from repairs, and it's been going strong without a problem since April of last year.

              Still haven't sent my old one in, though
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #8
                It was a bit high but most retailers say the failure rate is more around 30-35%. I don't really care if they fix it for free. If I shell out the cash then have to do without it for 3-4 weeks while it's being repaired, no thanks...

                Compare that to 1-2% failure rate for the Wii and the PS3, and it's a no-brainer for me...
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #9
                  Yeah PS3 > Xbox imo too.

                  Even though porn chose HD-DVD, Blu-ray is still superior and I think it'll eventually come out on top. Anyway, we'll see

                  and have fun with your PS3!
                  "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                  • #10
                    Speaking of failing 360's I got one for my kids with guitar hero. my seven year old will play it for 2 hours and just leave it on and watch tv. it shuts it's self off after 6 hours or so and it is just fine. I cant think of a harder life for a game system. At least it is smart enough to shut down.
                    "when people say metal, they dont think bling bling they think stainless steel kitchen knife"
                    I just made that quote..


                    • #11
                      Look around hard enough and you'll find PS3s being shipped back for the same bugs the 360 has because they're all made in People's Home Computer Factory #21 in China anyway

                      I've left my current 15-month-old 360 running for a month straight (disable Auto-shutoff in the Settings panel) with no trouble. Of course I am using a Fan Stand.

                      A lot of these "30-35% failures" could also be from people trying to hack their system, then getting locked out of it. Or it's just children who have no business with a $400 machine kicking them when they lose and then claiming it broke.

                      And Beta was way better than VHS. Porn went with VHS. Beta died.
                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #12
                        I thought all porn was on the internet these days


                        • #13
                          Beta died because Sony wouldn't share the technology. Porn had nothing to do with it. JVC invented VHS and shared the technology and it flurished...

                          I agree with thetroy anyway. Porn is now an internet thing. I bet sales took a big hit when that happened...
                          I'm angry because you're stupid


                          • #14
                            I read that Hollywood is backing Blu-Ray as well as the major video rental places. HD DVD still doesn't have the true 1080p rez. I'm happy with PS3...The 360 elite was a thought until I read that the HD DVD drive was another 200 bones.


                            • #15
                              Well, my brother has both a 360 and PS3 but tends to use the 360 more. He says that there's just not enough 'essential' PS3 games out yet. I must admit, Dead Rising (360) was an awsome game... wish he never traded it.

                              I however, given that my bro has a 360 & PS3, managed to get a hold of a Nintendo Wii before they all sold out and I honeslty can't put it down... it's was a great stress relief creating a Mii version of that stupid prick who's been trying to steal my girlfriend and beat the shit out of him in Wii Boxing (couldn't do it in real life because he's built like a tank)!
                              And on the 8th day,
                              God kicked back with a beer,
                              And gave that Jackson one helluva beating!

