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Crash caught on camera

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  • #16
    Wow.....I too wished I hadn't clicked it, but you know what they say about carcrashes, you don't want to look but you have to and then you're sorry you did...That must've been a lethal impact, what a freak accident. I hope whoever was driving that PT cruiser is paying through the nose!
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #17
      More than likely, his backpack slowed him down. Safe bet that it wasn't filled with premium lightweight alder.


      • #18
        Slowing the animation down, he saw it coming and could have avoided it if he ran backwards, but he tried to outrun it instead.

        He was only a few feet (3 or 4) from the center line and then takes off running for the corner. You can barely see him put his hand up just as he takes off running, but a half-second later the car is on him.

        I don't think he was pinned under it - it looks like it rolled over him. You can see him lying in the street at the end of it.

        I don't know if he lived or died, but God Bless him either way.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #19
          Nasty, just nasty.
          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


          • #20
            A good attorney will have a field day with this film.


            • #21
              I had something like that happen to me. I was riding a bicycle and 2 cars had an accident at an intersection that I was coming upon. One dude blew the stop sign at a 2 way stop and got broadsided, his car was thrown into me and I wasn't even up to the intersection yet. He was going so fast his car finally stopped skidding down the road about 30 yards from where it hit me. Shattered my pelvis. I was lucky, I went up and over the car rather than underneath it.
              Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jack The Riffer View Post
                I had something like that happen to me. I was riding a bicycle and 2 cars had an accident at an intersection that I was coming upon. One dude blew the stop sign at a 2 way stop and got broadsided, his car was thrown into me and I wasn't even up to the intersection yet. He was going so fast his car finally stopped skidding down the road about 30 yards from where it hit me. Shattered my pelvis. I was lucky, I went up and over the car rather than underneath it.
                Damn dude I am glad you are with us.
                Just one more guitar!


                • #23
                  Ya just can't kill Jack...


                  • #24
                    It seems to me that dude would've been hit regardless of the PT Cruiser running the light. Looks like he was already in the path of the car that hit him before they even wrecked. I would almost say that if he did live, it could possibly be because the PT Cruiser slowed the other car down before it struck him. Not saying the PT Cruiser isn't at fault, just shedding a different light on the debate. It's too bad all the same.

