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Anchorman appreciation

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  • Anchorman appreciation

    I love scotch.

    Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

  • #2
    "Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego"

    "You're a smelly Pirate Hooker"

    "Damnit! Who typed a question mark in the teleprompter?"

    "Bob Dylan once wrote 'The times, they are a changing' Ron Burgundy had never heard that song"

    God I love that movie. Hits very close to home...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #3
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
      I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


      • #4
        The whole thing is funny as hell, but the jazz flute scene had me laughing so hard it hurt.


        • #5
          The funny thing is, it's SO disturbingly San Diego it's not even funny...

          I can say this as I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

          Excuse me, I need to poop in the fridge and eat a wheel o cheese now...
          Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


          • #6
            It's so damn hot..... milk was a bad choice
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              You ate a wheel of cheese......and pooped in the refrigerator? I'm not mad, I'm impressed!
              Knights of Columbus
              Great Oden's Ravon
              The Human Torch was denied a bank loan
              Probably the best one liners ever. The same group of guys did a great job in "The 40 Year Old Virgin". I''d like to see if "Knocked Up" is as good.
              EAOS: 28JUN09


              • #8
                "The bad man punted Baxter off the bre-he-he-hege! Bwah-ha-ha-ha..."
                "That's how I roll."
                "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Scooter View Post
                  "The bad man punted Baxter off the bre-he-he-hege! Bwah-ha-ha-ha..."
                  "That's how I roll."
                  Funny story about that quote. I was watching the DVD with my good friend where they have an extended scene there. Jack Black comes up to Will Ferrell and says something like; "Hold on, let me introduce myself. My name is Steve Graeff. " And that's my good friend's name. So he copied the audio and uses it for numerous things. I guess you could say it's ironic. Like smacking a child across the face with a bottle of "No More Tears" shampoo.
                  EAOS: 28JUN09


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by drockilles View Post
                    Like smacking a child across the face with a bottle of "No More Tears" shampoo.
                    "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                    • #11
                      I love lamp.


                      • #12
                        Loud Noises!!
                        "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                        • #13
                          "smells like bigfoots dick"

                          and what I call my wife that when she's in a bitchy mood

                          "scorpion woman"


                          • #14
                            "I guess you could say it's ironic. Like smacking a child across the face with a bottle of "No More Tears" shampoo."

                            That is so sick and twisted,...I LOVE it!!!
                            May i steal that? I'm just going to use it to apply for a job at child services.......


                            • #15
                              I filled my phone with Anchorman sound clips from here:
                              |My CSG gallery|

