Since finding this infernal site 2 years ago--as well as another--I've been through more gear than I ever imagined putting hands on prior to that. GAS attacks regularly, and AmpAS and PedalAS attacks.
A few months ago I had had it. I sold off 8 guitars in a span of 3 months. I sold off 4 amps, including one I had owned since 1991. I sold off over 25 pedals.
I'm proud to report that I'm down to 2 1/2 amps (heh) 3 pedals I use regularly, 3 guitars, and a bass git + amp. The only things I see on my horizon are a pocket pod, fractal FX (so I can sell my overpriced delay, fixed wah, boost/fuzz, pedal power, etc., and maybe the Fractal will replace one of my two remaining amps), and a new Charvel (I have a huge credit at a indie music store and I simply haven't been tempted by anything there in over 4 months, even though he's stocked with custom stuff and great amps).
I think the addiction is over:
Here is what remains:

A few months ago I had had it. I sold off 8 guitars in a span of 3 months. I sold off 4 amps, including one I had owned since 1991. I sold off over 25 pedals.
I'm proud to report that I'm down to 2 1/2 amps (heh) 3 pedals I use regularly, 3 guitars, and a bass git + amp. The only things I see on my horizon are a pocket pod, fractal FX (so I can sell my overpriced delay, fixed wah, boost/fuzz, pedal power, etc., and maybe the Fractal will replace one of my two remaining amps), and a new Charvel (I have a huge credit at a indie music store and I simply haven't been tempted by anything there in over 4 months, even though he's stocked with custom stuff and great amps).
I think the addiction is over:
Here is what remains:
