I work at a small but very sucsesfull food service company. I do many jobs there and also deliver. We are all Teamsters regardless of what job you do. We are a specialty foods company and that really helps us and we are growing. We get paid decent($16.00 hr), but not as much as some teamsters, but they pay our healthcare and have a decent pension and benefits. It is a trade off when it comes to this kinda stuff. We could use an employee or 2 more, but we would rather have the overtime and the company would rather pay less people more than hire anyone else.We all work hard and that is cool with us, we are happy to have the jobs we do. Our Union foreman is the biggest asshole in the world, or it would even be a better job. He plays favorites and don`t like you to speak up and challenge him, needless to say he hates my guts, because if he is a dick, I tell him he is a dick
We have 5 year contracts so we and the company are comfortable with that. So you see, you can live in harmony with a company and balance out the wages/benefits debate. The one thing that keeps us afloat is the specialty foods thing, we really have no rival at this time, but iof that changes, who knows what could happen to us
