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Tired of shippers taking their sweet-ass time!

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  • Tired of shippers taking their sweet-ass time!

    Is anyone else tired of this?? I just hit the BIN on a Wolfgang last Friday and the guy says it will go out Monday. So Monday goes by and no email to say that it actually went out or a tracking # or anything. Ok, fine. Tuesday and Wednesday go by and nothing. So I email the guy this morning to ask if it has been shipped. He replies back "Yeah, it went out yesterday via FED-EX. I am mobile right now so I don't have the tracking. I will get back to you." WTF?? I bought it Friday, he said it would go out Monday, he had all weekend to get it boxed up/ready to ship, and it doesn't ship until Wednesday? I'm waiting to see what the tracking says will be the arrival date; luckily, it's FedEx, and they deliver Saturdays, so there's a chance it will get here Saturday. I guess the reason for the rant is this isn't the first time.

    Earlier this year, I bought a guitar that had been posted for almost a week and it didn't get shipped until a week AFTER I had payed for it. Every day or two, I would check if it shipped and get semi-smartass answers like "I couldn't get a box yesterday, little things like work get in the way" or "I want to make sure a $1500 guitar is packed right" or whatever. Dude, you had the thing listed for 6 days before I bought, did you not think to get a box during that time? And the packing was nothing spectacular, the box was barely bigger than the case, so it had one layer of bubblewrap around it. Certainly nothing that would hold up shipping it.

    And I guess the other reason for the rant is that I do everything I can to get an item shipped out ASAP. I know how it feels to wait and it sucks. For example, I listed my RG20th on the bay Tuesday and it was gone in 30 minutes! I thought "crap, that was fast - I need a box". So I swung by my local shop on the way home from work (yes, I work too) and got a box. I had already printed the label hoping to maybe get it out that day. Didn't happen, but it went out the next day and he's getting it tomorrow - in time for the weekend.

    OK, done with the rant, felt good to type all this out and get it off my chest. Anyone else out there feel the same? Tired of shippers taking their sweet-ass time to ship?
    Last edited by jwoods986; 08-09-2007, 10:12 AM.
    Unleash the fury.....Texas style!

  • #2
    Well, I know when I ship stuff it sometimes takes a while because the shipping place is a bit far from my house and I can't always get there after work before they close.

    However, I always keep the buyer updated so they're not sitting around wondering why it hasn't shipped yet.


    • #3
      i ship the same day as i get the money in my bank account, although paypal does take 3-4 days for the money to be deposited. people suck.
      "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


      • #4
        if people pay fast I ship fast but what you have to understand is the most people who sell shit on eBay are not set up as a commercial business and have the customer service to prove it

        I'm an impatient fucker too but in your recent instance a 2 day delay from when he said he'd ship and from when he actually shipped is no big deal. People do have lives, jobs, families and other shit to do. It may be a priority for you because you paid but it may not be a priority for the seller.

        an item should be shipped withn one week of payment, regardless of what the seller said. Anticipate that and you'll save yourself some stress if an item isnt shipped out the day you pay for it. If you get early you'll be happy but if you expect it yesterday your blood pressure will be high


        • #5
          A lot of people don't really care if they get something in a day or a week. Unless I absolutely NEED whatever I bought it doesn't matter to me if the person takes a week to send it to me.


          • #6
            I'm on the other side of the fence waiting to get paid for my strat - four days and counting.
            My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


            • #7
              When I sell a guitar, once I get paid, it's no longer my guitar so I get it right out to it's rightful owner asap. I hate waiting myself when I buy a new axe.


              • #8
                I have 'em packed before the listing even goes up. That sometimes presents a problem when somebody wants additional pictures or something.


                • #9
                  double box, AIR - UPS only, as soon as the pal Pays.
                  Last edited by j4vice; 08-11-2007, 10:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    I thought the title said "strippers"
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Newc View Post
                      I thought the title said "strippers"
                      Then there would be a legitimate complaint!


                      • #12
                        I never understood all the fuss about shipping it a few days late...

                        Anybody that has ever done business with me know that I'm a slacker, and it might be a week and a half before I get to shipping.

                        I've gotten better over the years, down to next-day one time!

                        As long as you stay in touch with the buyer, and feed em some good b.s. excuses, its all cherry!

                        "My wife was supposed to ship it"
                        "I'm sick, my bad"
                        "Yeah man, I gotta wait till payday, the boxes are like $20"

                        "I set out to ship it today.. and man, you will never believe what happened.."

                        Ultimately with me, its an anxiety disorder. I have a hard time functioning and accomplishign simple day to day tasks at times without feeling over-burndened and stressed by time.

                        ..But I ALWAYS make good.


                        • #13
                          Oh yeah, and "sorry bro, I have been so busy testing it before I sent it"... hahahaaha!


                          • #14
                            Well, I got the Wolfgang on Friday. I was taking a bag out to the trash can and a FedEx truck pulls up. Needles to say, I was a bit surprised because I never heard back from the guy with the tracking info., so I had no idea when it was coming. So in this case, I got the guitar in a timely manner, but how about some communication? That's probably what annoys me more than actual shipping times/issues.

                            Anyway, it's a sweet guitar, just like the one I sold back in November, but it seems this one even sounds a little better (not as muddy, especially the neck pup). But one thing, it's missing the damn low E fine tuner! I looked back at the listing and it's not mentioned. I'm leaving him a positive feedback but I'm going to let him know I wasn't too happy about the lack of communication and the missing fine tuner.
                            Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


                            • #15
                              glad you got it in. I would be more pissed off from nolo comminacato on the shipping Its always good to know when something is gonna be there

