I refuse to accept the idea that you can look at an individual dog, within a specific breed, and presuppose that dog to violence or aggression. If we shared that kind of thinking in regards to race we'd be wearing hoods on Jerry Springer and whistling Freebird. Wake up, fett.
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Pit Bulls
A lion is a lion. A tiger is a tiger. Ask Seigfried and or Roy.A pit bull is a loose cannon. I just wonder why anyone would risk it.
Cleve. I respect your postion but I will never agree. You can't convince me that pit bulls are "Good Dogs". It's been a cool thread on a non-news day.
Last edited by fett; 08-22-2007, 05:20 PM.I am a true ass set to this board.
Did Petey the pitbull kill the little rascals? Pitbulls have been an american icon for a century and never was there a problem with them
It took scumbags gang bangin a-holes to do what you are seeing. Without pits, it's gonna be Presa Canarios, Rotties, or what ever large breed they can use and ruin...
At one time, I thought you were a sensible somewhat well though out person, but you are dropping the ball here with this BS thread... Your reasoning is childish and flawed.
Pit Bull Cruelty
In recent years, pit bulls have gained more than just a foothold in the public awareness. Unscrupulous breeding and negative media attention have resulted in many apartment complexes, neighborhoods and even counties imposing bans on the breed, citing them as "inherently dangerous" to the public. But did you know that pit bulls, despite the fact that they were originally bred to fight with each other, were also bred to be trustworthy and friendly to people? These dogs actually earned the nickname "nursemaid's dog," because they were so reliable with young children.
Today, however, the breed often attracts the worst kind of dog owners--those who are only interested in them for fighting or protection. It's a shame what has happened to this loyal and affectionate breed-but as the pit bull population has increased so rapidly, shelters are now struggling to deal with an overflow of image-plagued, hard-to-place dogs. And despite its illegality, people are still training and breeding pit bulls to participate in dog fights in cities and towns across the country.
History of the Breed
Pit bulls are descendants of the original English bull-baiting dog-dogs who were bred to attack bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. They were taught to hang on without releasing their grip, until they were exhausted from fighting and from loss of blood. Although animal baiting was banned in the 1800s, people decided to try fighting their dogs against each other instead.
As the "sport" of dog fighting developed, enthusiasts bred a lighter, more athletic canine. These dogs made their way to North America, the ancestors of today's pit bulls. The problems started when these dogs gained the attention of people looking for a macho dog-and to meet their demands, unscrupulous and uncaring breeders are producing puppies that are not only aggressive to other dogs, but to people, too.
In the Fighting Ring...
Although illegal in all 50 states, organized dog fights still secretly take place in many parts of the country. In some urban areas especially, dog fighters have formed a strong subculture. Dogs who fight are conditioned to never give up when they are fighting, even if it means that they will be badly hurt or even killed. Other species are victims of dog fights, too-it's not uncommon for trainers to teach their dogs to fight using smaller animals such as cats and rabbits as bait.
While some might typify dog fighting as a symptom of urban decay, not every dog fighter is economically disadvantaged. Participants and promoters come from every community and background. Licensed veterinarians are often well paid to care for dogs at fights, and audiences may include lawyers, judges and teachers.
Unfortunately, a new element has been introduced to the world of dog fighting in the past two decades. Fights have become informal, street corner and playground activities. Stripped of the rules and formality of the traditional pit fight, these spontaneous events are triggered by insults and turf invasions-or even the simple taunt, "My dog can kill your dog." Many of these participants lack even a semblance of respect for the animals, forcing them to train wearing heavy chains and picking street fights in which the dogs could get seriously hurt.
At the Shelters...
In March 2000, the ASPCA asked representative U.S. shelters about their experiences with pit bulls. Thirty-five percent take in at least one pit bull a day, and in one out of four shelters, pits and pit mixes make up more than 20 percent of the shelter dog population. New York, Chicago, Boston, Phoenix and Honolulu each saw 3,000 to 7,500 pits turned in during the previous year. One shelter staffer recounted hundreds of abuse cases that came through their doors-pit bulls who had been burned, beaten, and fought with.
According to the shelters surveyed, a third do not adopt pit bulls out-some because it is against the law to have them in their communities, and others are concerned where the dogs will ultimately end up. Sadly, in these cases, the dogs are euthanized.
Thinking About Adopting a Pit Bull?
- Aggression to other dogs is a serious issue with this breed. Early socialization is essential for pit puppies, though your best efforts may not override a dog's genetics. Regardless of early experience, some pits will become dog-aggressive when they reach maturity. A pit bull who doesn't like other dogs cannot be let loose in dog runs or other public places. Some are also dangerous around cats, so please choose carefully if you have other pets.
- Due to their strength and exuberance, pit bulls are best placed with families with older children.
- Pit bulls are enthusiastic learners. They enjoy trick training and many graduate at the head of their obedience classes.
- As a pit bull owner, you are likely to experience breed discrimination. Legislation may prohibit you from living in certain communities, and homeowners insurance will be harder to find. Before you adopt, call your local City Hall or animal shelter to find out about your local laws.
- Hardy, tenacious dogs, pits are moderately active indoors and extremely active outdoors. Be prepared to spend a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes twice a day engaged in aerobic-level activities with your dog. This information has been compiled from a variety of ASPCA resources, including "The Pit Pendulum" by Jacque Lynn Schultz, which appeared in ASPCA Animal Watch magazine, Fall 2000, and "Game Dogs" by Julie Bank and Stephen Zawistowski, Ph.D., which appeared in ASPCA Animal Watch, Fall 1997.
Well, they REALLY have to do something about this issue. THese people are terrorizing the country with these mentally damaged dogs.
I'm thinking things like making the thugs criminally accountable and with give severe penalties for the dog's actions is a start.
Making people take pricey dog ownership classes to get a license to own a large breed and pay a fair licensing fee. And jailing non compliance people would deter a lot of this.
The insurance thing is a seemingly good idea, but it basically makes it where you can't get insurance at all. THAT is where I'm at. I own a pitbull in Ohio, and no one will give me house insurance. So there has to be some better way of fixing that...
There are ways I think. But, iIt's just that it's easier to say ban the pitbulls. And the people get an illusion that the basically useless lawmakers/politicians are actually doing something when they make these useless laws.
Sadly, it doesnt work. It's illegal to do a million other things and the scum just dont care.
The fasct that a pitbull is illegal isn't a worry for the guy that already uses a gun to rob or sling drugs (all illegal practices)... They will just get another one when that dog gets taken. Just like they do with their guns and dope.
Like gun control, it's a really hard thing to legislate. The only people that will usually suffer from them being illegal are the people that try to legally own them.
Laws don't effect people that are lawless...Last edited by Cleveland Metal; 08-22-2007, 05:44 PM.
Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View PostI think the dogs who bite humans the most are actually dalmations, german sheppards, rotwiellers and pittbulls.
I have heard that Alaskan Malamute causes the most deaths every year. Dunno if it's true, but it seems possible? I am far from a dog expert though...
I'm not bashing the owners of pit bulls. The vast majority don't reinforce the dog's natural inclination. Yes. It's a macho thing and fashonable. But, it has gotten way out of hand. There will be a backlash. Yes, the dogs are going to lose. But, the powers what be will pay real attention to the" facts" as they get the outrage spewed in their laps. That is just the way it will be.I am a true ass set to this board.
Originally posted by Bengal View PostCleve,
That is a sad story you posted. And the exact reason I'm on the fence with this issue...
John and people who truly understand the breed ackowledge the quality, loyalty of this breed. The media due to the "wrong" owners have stereotyped them as vicous and unpredicable. Owners that respect, love and understand this breed know the value of such companions..in the proper enviorment, they way it should be.
Any dog could be "mean" if mistreated, constantly provoked , neglected and purposely starved!
Pitts do have the abilty to do serious phycical harm under those conditions. We had a homicide in Cleveland where a Pitt was trained to kill a wife of a asshole..I knew the dectecive..it was one of the cruelest and most memeorbale assignments of her 30+ year career..I saw all the pics of the crime scene..wow.
But the dickhead trained this poor dog to be a weapon to kill his wife. The dog simply followed his commands of what he was trained to do..
In the ghetto.."Dogfights" are extremely widespread. I've seen pitts chained to trees where the chain actually embeded undernetah the skin of the dog's neck, left out in th elements for weeks....of course he's pissed off!
I'd rather put down such human pollution than to detroy potenially great companions."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
I didn't read this whole thread, but if ANY dog (or animal for that matter) attacked me or my family/friends i would kick it until it dies, seriously. Some people would say this is cruel towards the animal (fuck you GAIA or WWF), but if its between the dog's life and my or my friends well being, the choice is easily made.
I love animals tho, if they are well behaved