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  • #16
    I'm about halfway through the game now. Having read both the Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged I can tell you that, at least in the first half, the game is taking some hard potshots on the "Randian Philosophy" (later dubbed Objectivism by her admirers).

    The very art deco feel of the game reminds me very much of the covers typical to both books, although those have certainly been changed over the years.

    Objectivism revolves around the belief that nobody "owes" anything to anyone, and that the only debt owed by man is to himself. Very anti-socialist, anti-communist. Also seen as anti humanitarian by those not fond of Rand. Not a fan of religion or government. Really individualistic.

    Rand's books are filled with archetypes, that is people who don't or can't exist in the real world. Nor are they intended to. Character development is not her strong suit, but then again I don't think that was her intention anyway.

    There are many who would pick apart her "theories", at least how they show up in the two books. Leftists tend to hate her, and the feeling was mutual- She grew up behind the iron curtain. Most conservatives have, at some point, a love affair with her that is later tempered with age. Those whose love is not tempered are known as "libertarians".

    What the game designers seemed to be doing (and again I'm only halfway through- there have been twists already and I am sure will be more) is show what a true, unrestrained, individualist driven society would look like- The answer- Not very much like a society at all (which is another Randian belief- "society" is a phantom. You really have a collection of individuals who have come to some sort of agreement.)

    Anyway, I am greatly enjoying it.



    • #17
      System Shock 2 on PC (in many ways, the same game) kicks ass, too.

      What Vass said, +1. I didn't think they were dissing Ayn, just creating a rich lunatic variant.

      And dayum, Bioshock is fun. Pure, raw, fun.
      The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


      • #18
        Yup. Me too.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #19
          Originally posted by axtogrind View Post
          System Shock 2 on PC (in many ways, the same game) kicks ass, too.

          And Deus Ex


          • #20
            Originally posted by KMud View Post
            And Deus Ex
            Now there was a hell of a game! Probably the most absorbing I've ever played - it felt like being in a cool movie....

            Watched a buddy play through the Bioshock demo on his 360. It does look pretty amazing, and it'll be one of the first games I get when I eventually pick up mine!


            • #21
              They're working on Deus Ex 3.

              I liked Invisible War on the Xbox. Ragdoll physics is awesome, especially when you can throw bodies around the room.

              Also I think someone picked up the Thief franchise, and are working on a new game for that.
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #22
                Thief is good, yeah. I didn't like Invisible War much, but the original was great.

