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What'd you guys do over the weekend?

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  • What'd you guys do over the weekend?

    Man it was 100 degrees plus out here (still is) so I went to a different beach each day. On Saturday I went to a Civil War Reenactment in Huntington was so interesting it deserves its own thread!

    On Sunday I went to FiestaHermosa! to check out a local Pink Floyd tribute band and a lot of boobies!

    Yesterday it was Huntington Beach - again - for Boardfest 2007 - and boobies, whiskey & Coke!
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

  • #2
    Saturday I slept. Then went to an early Matinee with a friend. If you like dark comedies go see Death at a funeral. It's frikkin hilarious. Seriously. Saturday night i went to take care of mom for a bit. then Sunday i went to the Ren Faire with the same friend. She was supposed to wear her costume but didn't cus she was running late and it was pretty hot. So she left it at home. Then after walking for 5 hours and trying not to fall sleep in the car. too keep her awake so we didnt die. I wento to moms to gake care of her for the night. Then went to work at 6:30 monday morning. So yeah the only fun i had all weekend was the movie and the ren faire altho the Ren faire could've been way more fun. Had she not been over an hour late. And things went better. She almost got us lost in the back roads of Wisconsin. too. Go figure.
    Sounds like Ron had way more fun then i did.


    • #3
      Spent most of the day on Friday in the hospital with my mom because my dad had surgery (he had an aneurysm in his stomach). He was told he wouldn't come home until today, but he came home Sunday since he did so well. I went to the movies with a friend on Saturday and saw Halloween. Then I just hung out with my parents, brother, aunt and uncle yesterday.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Big cook out yesterday (Monday) and still recovering from that.
        It wasn't great or stellar but all in all, not bad it was alright.
        Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

        "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

        I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

        Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


        • #5
          Spent some quality time with the GF (drinks in the Gazeebo) cooked on the Weber for her and her 2 girls (burgers & dogs). Went and watered Pops garden (hes on vacation in Boulder,Co.)
          Messsed around with my new Amp settings/models with my JYM Strat that I rarely play,spent some time in here.Got some stuff done around the house.Hung out with my Choc. Lab too.
          Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic


          • #6
            I turned this...

            Into this..

            To make room for the new pool.

            Yes... I'm sore.


            • #7
              Had some friends come over on Saturday, and we all headed to the beach (6 minute walk from my apartment).

              Saturday night, went to a club where my band will be gigging at the end of the month, to check out their set up, and listened to the band that was playing.

              Sunday, went to the park with my wife, had a couple of drinks, took a walk to the beach, then went to sleep.
              Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


              • #8
                Ron, that sounds pretty cool..that is way too hot for me tho..yeesh.

                Sorry about that Joe..I hope your dad gets well soon!!

                I had to deal with my son who got a detention at school..but hid it from me. So, I had to play the pissed off father role. Then talked to his teachers I hate doing that shit. His first week of school..what a dick!!

                My father LOVES this shit, because he had to do the exact same shit with me..So I'm mad, and he's laughing..ahhhhh
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #9
                  Bill's Dad: "Just wait til you have a kid, William"

                  Bill: "Vinnie did this...yada yada"
                  Bill's Dad: :ROTF:

                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                    Bill's Dad: "Just wait til you have a kid, William"

                    Bill: "Vinnie did this...yada yada"
                    Bill's Dad: :ROTF:


                    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                    • #11
                      Played a show with Nachtmystium and Skeletonwitch. Slept in a bunch. Went to the gym. Spent time with my girlfriend.


                      • #12
                        y'know, I had to have a good long think about this because my memory's getting so bad.....

                        Saturday, went to the shops in the morning with the family. Daughter was going to the movies with some friends in the afternoon, so came home from town early & the wife cooked up some kickass chicken burgers. I drove the girl into town to catch up with her friends, and on the way home dropped into the hardware store. Got home, ditched my plans to build a new pedal board (hence the trip to the h/w store), and kicked the footy around the yard with my boy. Drank copious amounts of wine with the wife & stayed up late tooling around with getting my PC back online after my wireless network shit itself.

                        Sunday - slept in. It was Father's Day here. Wife was at work, daughter had a sleep over at a friend's, so it was just me and my boy watching cartoons. Typical Sunday morning really. Did some stuff in the yard, around the house, played some guitar, wife came home, back into the wine.

                        I'm sure there was some other stuff, but I just can't recall. Still haven't put together that pedal board. But I'm waiting on a couple of pedals from the States, so that's my excuse
                        Hail yesterday


                        • #13
                          spent the whole weekend with a friend (female) of mine
                          Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
                          Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


                          • #14
                            Pretty much laid around all weekend with diverticulitis, I think I burned it up a little too hard it the 80s, Way too many ludes and whiskey, Probably aged prematurely inside. It was pretty boring, my 18 year old was hanging with friends and my wife is a flight attendant and hauls the troops back and forth from the States to Europe and then the Middle East. Quite a boring weekend


                            • #15
                              Friday I slpet for a few hours coz I worked the night before. Then when the wife got home from work we took the kids to a terrible Chinese buffet. Then got our weekly Walmart shopping done. While in line my stomach tied itself in knots and I had to shit RIGHT THEN AND THERE, but I wasn't gonna use Walmart's can, no fuggin way. We drove home like maniacs coz I was in major agony writhing in discomfort and clenching my cheeks together. It was ridiculous. We got home and I bolted into the house and I just made it into the can in time to spatter the bowl. That was probably the closest I've ever come to shitting myslef since I was a little kid.

                              Saturday I cut the grass, watched some rasslin and played guitar.

                              Sunday we went to an awesome brunch at a golf course where we know the chef. Then went for a bit of a Sunday drive. Then went to the only music store in town that's open on SUnday to get some strings. I wanted to sit and play all the Ibby's and Schecters, but the family was waiting in the van. Then I stayed up late playing guitar and watching movies. Watched The Mummy and The Mummy Returns and about half of Eyes Wide Shut. Weird flick.
                              THIS SPACE FOR RENT

