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Commercial for Food Stamps

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  • Commercial for Food Stamps

    Here is NY they are now spewing out commercials for Food Stamps. Thewhole idea behind a commercial is to get people to buy something they normally wouldn't. I thought the idea was to get people off government assistance, not get more on it. I swear NY is fucked up.


  • #2
    Yeah, I hear ya. My school district has just started a new small pre-k class that Im paying for. Its full with illegal mexican kids that "no habla". Long Island is turning into a toilet. We citizens are being sold out by our govt. Start the revolution, I say!!! Line all the politicians up and shoot them in the head. Im totally serious.


    • #3
      How about vote, tell your elected officials what you want/don't want and maybe even run for office yourself if none of them are doing the job the way you think it should be done?


      • #4
        I could never run for office. I have some minor shit in my past that would be all blown up. I do vote. But the outcome seems to always be the same. Voters-0, special interests-1,000,000. There is no honor in politics anymore. (was there ever) They are all crooks. Its always the same. They talk up a big issue for a month or so. Let you know "where they stand". Then the issue just dies out until it pops up again 10 times worse. Or, an issue is resolved and everyone thinks its a done deal, then within a year, just the opposite thing happens and everyone is shocked. Because it was done and paid for all along. Politicians are all crooks. We need mandatory term limitations for all positions. Politics must be made a public service once again like jury duty. Until the term "a career in politics" is a thing of the past, there is no hope.


        • #5
          I like the idea of a mass tax refusal. The fed, state and local governments have proven unwilling and incapable of enforcing the laws, why not blow off the tax laws? a demonstration of some large contingent of property owners burning their tax bills in front of the town hall would be great political theater and would meet with enormous popular enthusiam I bet.
          Fed tax is harder to refuse, they involuntarily take it from most peoples pay checks. Its fun to imagine though.


          • #6
            My idea is to make it against the rules to run for the same position twice in a row. There's some senators that have been in office for over 20 years. There is no way they still know what their constituents want.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
              My idea is to make it against the rules to run for the same position twice in a row. There's some senators that have been in office for over 20 years. There is no way they still know what their constituents want.
              Exactly, its called Ted Kennedy syndrome.

