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China approves "Buy Out Funds"

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  • China approves "Buy Out Funds"

    Yikes. I was around when the Japanese were buying up the US. Buildings, golf courses and just about anything that wasn't nailed down. Now, China, with their trillion+ and the new Red Capitalism, is going to make for a very interesting next few years.
    I am a true ass set to this board.

  • #2
    There's going to be a limit- You've already got a bunch of protectionists in congress. If China thinks they're going to have what amounts to the PLA buying the living shit out of US assets while at the same time restricting access to their markets, assets & pegging down their currency I would imagine they have another thing coming.

    That's not a political commentary. Simply spraying the whole thing with JPM's 34% stake and trying to say it's not purely a government backed entity isn't going to fly.

    But hey! Let them do it! Maybe just like the Japanese, they can go through a 10 year recession due to their retarded capital markets structure & sell all our shit back to us 10 years later at half the price!



    • #3
      Vass. That is exactly what happened to the Japanese. But that was a different era.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vass View Post
        There's going to be a limit- You've already got a bunch of protectionists in congress. If China thinks they're going to have what amounts to the PLA buying the living shit out of US assets while at the same time restricting access to their markets, assets & pegging down their currency I would imagine they have another thing coming.
        Unfortunately, you have corporations like Walmart and Costco that benefit from Chinese imports donating money to their favorite politicians. Our politicians are indirectly beholden to Chinese interests as a result.


        • #5
          China could buy Walmart and Costco with pocket change. A trillion dollars is one thousand billion. $1,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of cash.
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #6
            Indirectly beholden. Thats really a nice way of putting it. Translated: Theyve all got their fat hands in the cookie jar of the special interests.


            • #7
              Originally posted by fett View Post
              China could buy Walmart and Costco with pocket change. A trillion dollars is one thousand billion. $1,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of cash.
              Damn! Think of all the meat you could buy with th-- oh, sorry Mind you, they only hire cheap labour, so they can afford to sell it to you cheap
              Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

              "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


              • #8
                I know the UK is wide-open for international buy outs. . Maybe China should buy the UK lock, stock and barrel. Leverage 1 trillion bucks X 5.
                I am a true ass set to this board.


                • #9
                  No one cares. As long as peoples paychecks are still coming in no one will lift a finger to stop it. No one cared when the japs did it and there markets werent open either. NO ONE CARES about US sovreignty. Just keep me in my lexus SUV and my big screen plasma tv and my kids happy with there cel lphones and the world can do whatever they want. Thats the attitude of too many americans. I guess I better learn to speak mandarin along with spanish so I dont get left behind huh.


                  • #10
                    Just be prepared for the US to be at the mercy of the Global Economy.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fett View Post
                      Just be prepared for the US to be at the mercy of the Global Economy.
                      Too late!...."Fuzzy Bunny" (Radio Commercial Trivia)

                      I'm in the steel industry. Fortunately my career isn't built around it.
                      The fluctuating gyrations of steel and other primary metals have revolved
                      around China for several years now. We are in that market, and so have
                      most other industrial,commercial, and now financial industries. No shock here.

                      In my very limited dog's eye view, yes, of course the commercial interests are in the pocket of politicians, and vice versa. God Bless the USA, where my favorite corporate interest has the cash to buy a politician I might actually like! (Strange, but true). But the unstoppable juggernaut of common commerce has ruled the world since at least the Medici's of Italy, sometime in the 13th century. Politicians can only hope to get in front of that train, which is ultimately controlled by the consumer.

                      An anti China consumer backlash has started to brew in the mainstream media, the holy bible of the common dolt. Let's see if it has any effect.

                      I'm not calling any JCF'r a dolt. We all know where to get our news.


                      • #12
                        "...mainstream media, the holy bible of the common dolt..."

                        Man that was a cool saying! I'll have to use that one.

