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$80 Oil

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  • #16
    Haha you lot make me laugh, you should see what we pay in the UK!

    $1.30 a gallon = £0.65 a gallon

    We pay £0.94 a litre and according to google
    1 liter = 0.264172051 US gallons, you do the maths...
    Fwopping, you know you want to!

    VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

    There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


    • #17
      Go back and read some newspapers from the '20's. They were predicting that we would run out of oil by the '40's, and they have been moving the goalposts ever since. Studies done in Russia in the '30's led their engineers to believe that oil is abdiatic, and as long as there are carbon concentrations on our planet, we will have oil. What else is the earth other than one giant pressure cooker? When they are pumping oil from more than six miles underground, you have to start to wonder if the dinosaur story is all bullshit. I think it is, but I am no expert.

      Our high prices are due to a lack of refining capacity. Heck, if they see a high tide in the Gulf of Mexico the price shoots up through the roof. Big oil figured out pretty fast that if you can't control all of the oil supply, then you need to control the refining process. We have not built a new refinery since the early '70's, and big oil is not in a hurry to increase refining capacity any time soon. Look what happened during Hurricane Katreena. Just the threat of losing the gulf refinery was enough to send the price of oil skyrocketing.

      People who control the markets are standing the supply/demand basis for our economy on its head by artificially limiting supply to force higher returns.

      In other words, we are getting screwed royally yet again. Remember, capitalism good!

      It ain't OPEC that is screwing us, it is our own American Oil Barons, and they are pointing at OPEC as the scapegoat. Unregulated capitalism is open to exploitation, and exploit it they will.


      • #18
        I've always wondered about the whole "Oil is squished fossils" thing.
        I remember reading as a kid about great clouds of Hydrocarbon compounds floating around in the cosmos, and of the speculation that some hot/high atmospheric pressure planets, like Venus, could even have lakes of oil. It struck me as being odd that oil here was an ancient organic by-product, whereas elsewhere in the universe it could a plentiful mineral deposit.


        • #19
          lucky for us we don't have unregulated capitalism.


          • #20
            Originally posted by fr0sty View Post
            No, a f150. I am sick of us being hooked on oil. We need the cure. $100 oil may do that
            Something very evil and scary about these kinds of comments.


            • #21
              I read somewhere recently that they discovered some Oil Shale or something like that in WY or nea there. I forgot the details. They said the oil shale isnt like the oil in the middle east but its in rock some how and can be processed the same way. They claimed its enough for the US to be free from foregin oil for 500 yrs and it can be processed for $40 a barrel. I will see if I can find the info again. If this is true they claim the environmental whackos will fight it because we will have to mine it. I'll see if I can find the info again. My guess is its true but the corporations are doing what they need to do to control it all.


              • #22
                Here is a link to the info. If we have discovered this and its true I say screw the friggin arabs and bomb everyone of them that even think about harming even 1 US citizen..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                  Here is a link to the info. If we have discovered this and its true I say screw the friggin arabs and bomb everyone of them that even think about harming even 1 US citizen..


                  It's time for us to not be so PC when it comes to the USA's health. There is nothing wrong about being concerned with one's own survivial or happiness.

                  I think if more people discovered the philosophies of Ayn Rand the future would be clearer and full of hope.

