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US OIL Why are we waiting

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  • #31
    I agree and I am a prime example of your commuter statement. I drive 1 hour each way m-f. They are supposed to be putting in a train route between where I live and where I work. Once they do I will stop driving. Hell I am 6'2", weigh 325 and I drive a Neon so I can save on gas. On the weekend I dont drive at all unless it is a necessity. There just really needs to be more conservation on everyone's part. So yes having the govt make people cut back maybe isnt the best thing, but we dont seem to be able to do it on our own.


    • #32
      Originally posted by fett View Post
      Fuel consumption will not decline. And here is why. For a family to be able to afford a home, they have to move farther and farther away from work. Between a 3 hour 2-way commute and sitting in traffic going nowhere, fuel consumption has to rise.

      I disagree. I believe most people choose to commute long distances because they want to get away from the "undesirables" the city has. Most people dont want to live around blacks or illegal mexicans so they suffer from white flight.

      Also if we would throw out the illegals there would be more room for americans

      We can build a refinery if we would stand up to the environmental whackos. I think if we built it in NYC or LA no one could tell if it added anymore polution because those cities are already poluted :ROTF:


      • #33
        Forget colorado, everyone missed mentioning the HUGE oil reserves in Alaska! Why arent we drilling there yet? because of the environmentalists like someone already mentioned is a very good excuse. And even if they do, they would have to bring GAS prices down. nuh uh!

        The government is very smart. they keep buying someone's oil, keep charging us a LOT and they have a reason cause they will point fingers at the cost of buying each barrel. They will drill local oil only when the gas prices hit like $10 per gallon and when people protest and stuff. No one's realised that the gas prices are more than double what it was 7 years ago. They are just happy when it goes down 2 cents than the last weekend. Slowly it will sink into their memory that the norm is $3.00 a gallon.

        There's HUGE money to be made in oil. why sweat it?


        • #34
          Originally posted by RacerX View Post
          Ya know, you could easily convert that to run on veggie oil!

          Actually no conversion necessary. I run it on Bio when the dino fuel price goes above the bio. I haven't had to run bio this year because I can fill up in Wyoming for about 30 cents less per gallon than in Colorado.


          • #35
            dawg. You are wrong. Most firefighters; cops; teachers; some doctors; nurses and just about anyone you can name can't live anywhere near where they work in the pricey parts of the country .The smug bastards pay big bucks to live close by and shutout the people they rely on. That will blow-up bigtime when there is a disaster and the people we need to put out the fires in our 500k homes can't make it in time.
            Last edited by fett; 09-13-2007, 04:47 PM.
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
              They dont need to increase the cost of gas. They need to decrease the days and times that it can be purchased. Make it illegal to sell gas on Sundays or after 7pm on any other day. Maybe then people will limit their driving.
              That wonderful idea came from the policy genius of the Carter administration. It was called rationing.
              So more government control compunded the problem.

              It took a smiling "dunce" like Reagan to free up government control over refining capacity, amidst shrieks that he wanted to shut down the EPA.
              Next thing you know, Iran is back under control, domestic production is up, and the price of gas is down.

              Now the EPA's less than reasonable practices are leading to the same problem we had before. It's not just the oil, it's about the gas.


              • #37
                I agree with Fett. I live in Denton (north of Dallas) which has a way lower cost of living than Dallas. So leaving Dallas because of crime is laughable. I lived in Irving (Dallas suburb home of the Cowgirls) for 23 years and never was a victim of crime. After living in Denton for three years some dick stole my Firebird.


                • #38

                  That's good news, should buy the world (well, at least the U.S.) a few extra months. Assuming it's not some made-up bullshit to calm down people's panic.
                  "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                  The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


                  • #39
                    My idea would focus on having at least one day where gas was not sold. I grew up in the Carter era and remember the lines and people trading licsense plates so they could get gas. Maybe a boycot would work better who knows.
                    Last edited by Jason1212; 09-13-2007, 07:11 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
                      My idea would focus on having at least one day where gas was not sold. I grew up in the Carter era and remember the lines and people trading licsense plates so they could get gas.
                      So, how is that supposed to help, again?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
                        Actually no conversion necessary. I run it on Bio when the dino fuel price goes above the bio. I haven't had to run bio this year because I can fill up in Wyoming for about 30 cents less per gallon than in Colorado.
                        No. Biodiesel & veggie oil are 2 different fuels (although biod is based on plant oils). See

                        Here's a good veggie oil (WVO) faq:
                        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                        • #42
                          We should build more bean factories. That way we'll have more than enough gas for the rest of eternity
                          "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                          The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


                          • #43
                            I believe the whole fucking oil industry and governemnt is in bed together and screwing the fuck out of us all-the fucking pricks-I hate every one of them and trust none of them They are bringing this country down with their greedy bullshit and lies. NAFTA was one of the other fucking jokes they brought apon us, another governement in bed with big business scam-fuck heads. Oh and fuck wlfare and the scummy illegal aliens-go the fuck home!!



                            • #44
                              Hey Jack don't hold back; tell us what you really think!
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                              • #45
                                What they are describing are non-conventional oil resources. 2 Trillion barrels of oil is a huge amount of oil. If it is there it wasn't just discovered recently. It would have been known for a long time but likely it hasn't been developed because the cost to do so would be higher than the past and current price of oil. When the price gets high enough companies will produce it. (if it is actually there and not some internet bs story)
                                Last edited by cookiemonster2; 09-16-2007, 04:10 AM.

