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Shep More German than shep? Kraut Dog

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  • Shep More German than shep? Kraut Dog

    So the weather cools down a bit here, the winter dishes start to come out.
    So sweet wife has served on of our favorites for football season, kielbaska
    (polish) sausage and saurkraut.
    So pup is begging out of control, I tell her lie down, she does, and stares with cutie eyes. So I point to the living room and tell her to GO lie down.
    She does, she knows the game, but can't resist. So she lies right at the edge of the door and still stares as we eat. She usually only gets this out of control over chicken. Otherwise she goes out of sight until called.
    Everyone is done, so she comes back to my side and lies down. I said fine,
    here. I held up some of the kraut, not the sausage, and she eats it.Oh, damn, We have gotten her with carrots, jalapeno's, string beans, she won't touch anything that isn't meat. "Sit""Catch" her. teach you to beg, cutie dog.

    But, the dang shep mutt likes the kraut. OK, not too much, could cause major gastro problems, but we are just calling her kraut dog, teasing her.

    So, any other stories? Coworker said, oh yes, their dog would eat anything.
    I've had another true shepherd, the only strange food she would eat is corn cobs, but she would bury them like a bone.

  • #2
    My pit would drink tequila,get a good buzz,eat some pizza and then lay upside down on the couch with his head hanging off and watch TV.No shit.And be fine the next day.He was a great dog,had a stellar personality...........
    Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


    • #3
      Originally posted by Reverend Timmy View Post
      My pit would drink tequila,get a good buzz,eat some pizza and then lay upside down on the couch with his head hanging off and watch TV.No shit.And be fine the next day.He was a great dog,had a stellar personality...........
      That sounds...dangerous.


      • #4
        My cat loves hot dogs and bologna.
        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


        • #5
          I have an Australian Shepherd that will eat about anything.

          Grew up with German Shepherds..great dogs.. but usually a little crazy in their last years...random mood swings, attacks etc.

          If your germnan shepherd starts rocking out to Kolovrat, don't be suprised.


          • #6
            I had a cat that ate processed cheese slices, and regular sliced white bread. Weird.
            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



            • #7
              My old dog would beg like mad for carrots. But once she got one in her mouth she'd immediately stop jumping around and take it under the dining room table and leave it there.


              • #8
                I had a cat that loved hot and spicy pork rinds, also ate lima beans.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by zeegler View Post
                  I had a cat that ate processed cheese slices
                  That's not strange. Even though cats are carnivorous, they love dairy products. My two cats go nuts for milk and cheese, but they only get a tiny bit every once in awhile. Cats can't really digest dairy, so it's not that good to give it to them.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
                    My cat loves hot dogs and bologna.
                    Mine have eaten hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, bologna, salami, ham, bacon, pepperoni, and raw onions one time. They don't usually eat pepperoni any more... just roll around and rub their faces on it. :ROTF:

                    My male cat is also a big fan of pizza and anything with tomato sauce! He always puts his face in my glass to see what I'm drinking, too, and he will drink iced tea every once in awhile.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      Our cat Pancho eats just about any green vegetable. His favorites are brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, and green beans. The other two cats wouldn't touch the stuff, but finally got jealous enough to try it, and now they eat veggies too.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dg View Post
                        Our cat Pancho eats just about any green vegetable. His favorites are brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, and green beans. The other two cats wouldn't touch the stuff, but finally got jealous enough to try it, and now they eat veggies too.
                        Now, that's just weird. Does the veggie have to be, like next to the meat, so it picks up some meat smell?


                        • #13
                          Nope, he'll start begging while the veggies are cooking. He still loves meat more, but he really likes the vegetables too. He's a big hit when we have Thanksgiving here. He'll get up on his hind legs to take a green bean from each person. Gotta be careful he doesn't get too much, though...


                          • #14
                            My dog Love strange things she loves pizza mainly the crunchy base and edge, she loves chinese food even though she's a japanese Akita...

                            My dad occasionally gives her some chille sauce covered leftovers when he has a kebab, it's funny seeing her mouth get hot from the chillie sauce.

                            She leaves the Peas from the Chicken Fried Rice!

                            My Ex girlfriends guide dog/seeing eye Lab would eat anything allthoug his stomach was quite weak and he'd get ill pretty easy, she keep telling peopel not to feed him but he's cute and peopel can't resist, I could because i've never given into my dog even when she was a ball of fluff pup...

                            Ohhmy dog loves eating Crisps (chips alall Lays) for you yanks thats one of the only things I share with her and thats not often as I dont like eating crisps too much...


                            • #15
                              Didn't want to start a new thread. Here's what happened to our mentally traumatized pooch yesterday....

                              I was smoking cheese stuffed jalapenos on the grill, just sitting and reading. Pup is doing her usual, perched on the patio table watching the yard. She is trying to ignore the squirrels, next thing you know, SW spots a fairly large tree rat making a dash across the yard, had one of the dog's bones in its mouth. I'm looking at this thing as dog makes a mad chase to get the squirrel, who jumped the fence and is making its way up a large oak.
                              All I could see was this bone going up the tree! It was hilarious...
                              Then the tree rat's sitting up there gnawing on this thing, I threw a golf ball at it, missed, and up it goes. Dog's standing on the wood pile, just whining.
                              Doggy just looks at it a few times, goes and grabs a baby toy she had stashed in dogpatch, and plays with it like she trying to forget about the bone. We keep asking, "where's boney-bone?" she goes and looks at the tree, then attacks the squeeky toy again. It was too funny.
                              When the peppers were done, she wants whatever came off the grill, SW held the jalapeno out, pup licks it, shakes her head, but still wants it.
                              She ran off with it, tried to eat it, but gave up. She couldn't figure out why it smelled so good (grill), but tasted so awful. Rough day.

