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Super Computer help!

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  • #16
    I miss my 8bit consoles, bring back blocky graphics I say!
    So delt, do you read through every line of code before you install on your systems? I wish I had the time...

    I would if all source-code looked like this mind you

    20 print "FUCK OFF SPAZMO!"
    30 goto 20

    Personally I like the hot aisles as opposed to the cold...

    Wait till the day we have 128bit, I'll have to get a wider desk for all the big buses.
    Fwopping, you know you want to!

    VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

    There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


    • #17
      Hey Spivonious, there's something I don't understand. What's the difference between the MOTHERBOARD and the CHIPSET? I mean, I'm browsing through Intel's website and the "top of the line" board is the Extreme board, which I think it's the D975XBX2. Now, I don't know what "chipset" it has or whatever, and most important, I don't even know if this is the "top of the line" model. What's Intel's top of the line motherboard? Some guys told me that Intel boards suck because they have integrated audio and video and that "true" boards have none. I need some light here.


      • #18
        Disclaimer: I am biased because Bill G. feeds my family.

        But even if he didn't, you Windows haters are pathetic. Get over yourselves and your "free" software. Vista fucking rocks on a reasonably fast machine with 2 GB or more of RAM.

        Now that said, it is true that some of the older audio/guitar software works better with XP so you'll have to test.

        Or you could go "the other route" with some free OS and spend hours just getting the damn software installed, let alone actually getting your audio/video cards working properly. blah


        • #19
          Originally posted by Big D View Post
          Disclaimer: I am biased because Bill G. feeds my family.

          But even if he didn't, you Windows haters are pathetic. Get over yourselves and your "free" software. Vista fucking rocks on a reasonably fast machine with 2 GB or more of RAM.

          Now that said, it is true that some of the older audio/guitar software works better with XP so you'll have to test.

          Or you could go "the other route" with some free OS and spend hours just getting the damn software installed, let alone actually getting your audio/video cards working properly. blah
          This is what I don't get, I mean, XP will then DESTROY on a 4gb computer since it's not that "heavy", right? Because, you are clearly saying that "on a 2gb pc or more"... meaning, there's a reason why you need to have that much memory, compare to windows XP, so, the question is, how will Windows XP perform on a super computer with 4gb of RAM compared to Vista ? What's the way to go if I need a SUPER fast computer whose operating system will not turn my "super" pc with it's "super components" into a "normal computer", I mean, running multiple programs at the same time, rendering, gaming, etc.

          Spivonius, please don't forget my question.


          • #20
            Something else to throw out.

            If you are going to run a 64 bit O/S such as XP or Vista.. 4gb will be detected and used by Windows.. if you are going with the 32 bit version you will be wasting your time because the 32 bit windows will not detect all 4gb..
            2009 Les Paul Kit - GFS Dream 90 (N), SD Seth Lover (B)
            2009 Gibson Les Paul Worn Brown
            2009 Epiphone Studio Deluxe
            2008 Epiphone Custom - SD P-Rail(N), Fat Pat (B)
            2008 Ovation Celebrity CC48
            2007 Agile AL3000 - SD Alinco II set
            2005 Epiphone Standard - SD Pearly Gate (N),SD Alinco II (B)
            2004 Epiphone Custom Plus Top
            2004 Gibson SG Faded - Stock
            1997 Epiphone Slash Snakepit
            1995 Fender Strat - SD Lil 59' Bridge, SD Hotrail Middle, Stock Neck


            • #21
              So delt, do you read through every line of code before you install on your systems? I wish I had the time...
              No, that would be extremely time-consuming and pointless (although very educating from a programmer's perspective) But in the event that things do fuck up, i like having other options than crossing my fingers, getting on my knees, and saying a prayer to uncle bill asking that it may please work this time if i dish out another $300 or so in tech support.

              Sorry, microsoft products are just beyond my patience.
              "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
              The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


              • #22
                Originally posted by delt View Post
                No, that would be extremely time-consuming and pointless (although very educating from a programmer's perspective) But in the event that things do fuck up, i like having other options than crossing my fingers, getting on my knees, and saying a prayer to uncle bill asking that it may please work this time if i dish out another $300 or so in tech support.

                Sorry, microsoft products are just beyond my patience.
                You "pay" for tech support from M$??? :ROTF:
                There hasn't been a single issue that I have come across that couldn't be resolved by a simple Google search.

                Leo, get a any system with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2 GB of ram and a decent video and sound card and run XP Pro for your recording setup.
                Vista still has it's fair share of driver issues with sound cards right now.
                Even my current setup is not "perfect". It works for what I need it to do, but if I were to get into serious multi-track recording, I would be fucked.

                Jet... any dual core or dual processor system running 32bit XP WILL see and utilize 4GB of ram.
                The 2GB memory limit is per CPU/Core.


                • #23
                  Spivonius did you read my questions?

                  I was totally decided on getting XP Professional 64, but then it got me thinking that sooner or later we will all be using Vista, and it would suck when programs update versions and XP users will no longer be able to use them, or, the Direct X 10 thing, which is only for Vista right ?

