What's everyone doing to insure their collections? My instruments now out weigh the loss coverages provided by my homeowners policy. I called the company that has my policy and they will do a rider, but want appraisal's for my stuff. That would be a costly and very time consuming process.
Has anybody here heard about Clarion Associates in NY? I found them on the web. They provide insurance for musical instruments. I didn't want to send them a list and premium, if this is a place that might scope me out and hire some professionals to clean me out.
Any suggestions? I'm insuring my home studio as well. Clarion said they cover the amps and recording gear as well. Clarion, basically charges for "Stated Value". Any individual instrument over $5,000 needs a receipt or appraisal. The rest, just a list of stated value.
Much thanks in advance.
Has anybody here heard about Clarion Associates in NY? I found them on the web. They provide insurance for musical instruments. I didn't want to send them a list and premium, if this is a place that might scope me out and hire some professionals to clean me out.
Any suggestions? I'm insuring my home studio as well. Clarion said they cover the amps and recording gear as well. Clarion, basically charges for "Stated Value". Any individual instrument over $5,000 needs a receipt or appraisal. The rest, just a list of stated value.

Much thanks in advance.