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horns, what is your take on this story?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by fr0sty View Post
    T. Fuggums sounds like a good alias. Maybe Tyrone Fuggums, Esquire
    I LIKE IT!!

    Free OJ!!!!:ROTF:
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #17
      I'm going to go to that very CC this weekend!!!

      I love that shit..I can look like such a guilty fucker!!!

      You should see their faces when I bust out the tin..
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        That guy is a plain as day asshole in my opinion. Its one thing if he wants to fuck up his own day for basically being a dick but he fucked up his familys day as well. I personally would have knocked the shit out of my own son right there in front of CC and told him to show the fucking receipt or walk your ass home.

        Whether he was right or wrong and the case dropped...he was wrong for being a dick and making his little siblings (whom claimes were sobbing in the car) cry.

        WTF is so hard about showing someone your reciept or DL? Sounds like the typical anti-gub'ment type of dude who crys foul because his rights may have been violated.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Wayniac View Post
          I'm not Bill, but think I'll throw my 2 cents in anyway -
          I agree that the CC guys were way out of line after he left the store (restraint, etc) but c'mon - privacy? He used a credit card (at least for the 2nd purchase). If he was REALLY worried about invasion of privacy, that would have been a cash deal. And what harm is it to show the reciept - it's a slight inconvenience, but hardly qualifies as trampling on your US citizen rights.
          Way to waste the courts time and blow $7500++. How many guitars or amps could have been bought with that $$?
          Personally, I think the guy was just looking for attention, or a fight, and ended up getting more than he bargained for. If anything his weblog got a shit load of exposure, so for $7500 he got some marketing for his site, and with all the hits that site'll get from the story he could make up the $ in banner add impressions and shit. If it were me I would have just show them the receipt and my bag and been done with it, and $7500 richer to boot.

          But there's a good point to all of this. Does ANY store have the right to search your bags and ask for you receipt without cause, i.e. an alarm going off or a witness that saw you steal? No, I don't think so.

          The way I see it; if someone successfully steals from a store then that's on the store for not having better security in place, i.e. those little magnetic tags they stick on every thing now days, and/or more vigilent employees and security keeping an eye on shoppers.

          Assume a store employee DID find a stolen item in my bag after I'd refused to allow them to search. Can they still actually prosecute me for for theft, wouldn't that be considered "illegal search and seizure" since there was no cause in the first place? Since when is being a paying shopper cause for search and seizure?

          Ok im done.
          Last edited by UFORocks; 09-21-2007, 04:00 PM.
          '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
          '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
          '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
          VOX AD30VT


          • #20
            So simply showing his receipt would have saved him from being arrested, paying bail and probably hiring legal council.


            • #21
              I have fun with that shit at Best Buy.
              The cash register and front door are less than 20 feet apart.
              I look at the little fuck asking for my receipt and say "How on earth could I have possibly stolen something between the cash register and the front fucking door and then stuffed it in the bag without anyone seeing it?"
              I get a blank stare from than question all the time.


              • #22
                Originally posted by fr0sty View Post
                Hey everyone. I am not the person in the story. I just read it today and was interested in it. I though bill would have a unique and experienced opinion on it. He is the only weed smoking retired police office I "virtually" know
                Yep - I saw that you weren't - That's why I said "he" and not "you" in my post !


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  I have fun with that shit at Best Buy.
                  The cash register and front door are less than 20 feet apart.
                  I look at the little fuck asking for my receipt and say "How on earth could I have possibly stolen something between the cash register and the front fucking door and then stuffed it in the bag without anyone seeing it?"
                  I get a blank stare from than question all the time.
                  Priceless!! :ROTF:
                  I guess he wants to justify his high profile position. :ROTF:
                  I get that 50% of the time when I go to BB.
                  Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                  • #24
                    I would have to respectfully disagree with you UFORocks. What you are essentially saying is that it is up to the merchant to stop theft, and if a 'shopper' can get away with it then that is fault of the merchant. At least that is what I take from what you said.

                    My wife works in a retail store ladies apparel section, and they have kids in there stealing stuff all of the time. Most of them are so clumsy that it is really sad to see how stupid they are. Security tags? They cut the ones off the clothing to steal the item. One girl put on six layers of clothing in an attempt to steal a lot of stuff. She has had to call security many times, and every single time the person was busted. My wife is very careful in making any accusation, but the usual shoplifter is pretty easy to spot. It is the professionals who are the tough ones to nail. Hard to believe that there are people who actually make a living shoplifting, but they do.

                    I think the store was out of bounds in this case, and the law was likewise. But it should have never escalated to this level in the first place. Sometimes you have to humor an idiot or asshole or totally ignore them. Either would have worked in this case, IMO.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DrDoug View Post
                      I would have to respectfully disagree with you UFORocks. What you are essentially saying is that it is up to the merchant to stop theft, and if a 'shopper' can get away with it then that is fault of the merchant. At least that is what I take from what you said.
                      Well, the merchants ARE taking it upon themselves to protect their store, the problem is that their methods are in direct conflict with due process and our right to privacy.

                      Originally posted by DrDoug View Post
                      My wife works in a retail store ladies apparel section, and they have kids in there stealing stuff all of the time. Most of them are so clumsy that it is really sad to see how stupid they are. Security tags? They cut the ones off the clothing to steal the item. One girl put on six layers of clothing in an attempt to steal a lot of stuff. She has had to call security many times, and every single time the person was busted. My wife is very careful in making any accusation, but the usual shoplifter is pretty easy to spot. It is the professionals who are the tough ones to nail. Hard to believe that there are people who actually make a living shoplifting, but they do.
                      If every employee were proactive there wouldnt be a need to check receipts at the door. But that's not our problem, its the stores problem.

                      Originally posted by DrDoug View Post
                      I think the store was out of bounds in this case, and the law was likewise. But it should have never escalated to this level in the first place. Sometimes you have to humor an idiot or asshole or totally ignore them. Either would have worked in this case, IMO.
                      I agree.

                      Seeing my receipt and checking my bag doesnt really bother me at all beyond being a minor inconvenience. The question is, where does it stop?
                      '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                      '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                      '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                      VOX AD30VT


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                        I have fun with that shit at Best Buy.
                        The cash register and front door are less than 20 feet apart.
                        I look at the little fuck asking for my receipt and say "How on earth could I have possibly stolen something between the cash register and the front fucking door and then stuffed it in the bag without anyone seeing it?"
                        I get a blank stare from than question all the time.

                        They are checking to make sure that you and a cashier arent on the sly and not charging you for stuff going through the checkout.


                        • #27
                          This practice is really common.
                          Sam's Club, WalMart, frys, best buy all ask for your receipt and count your items to be sure it's what's in your bag.

                          It's not like they are reaching down your pants an jiggling your balls/feeling up your old lady.

                          I am a firm believer that our rights are eroded every day, but I am more pissed that some businesses won't allow concealed carriers to carry on their premises.

                          I see it that if you step foot in an establishment (or home), you submit to their rules out of respect until you leave their property. If they want todetain you. You STFU and wait for the PROPER authority, -Police to arrive and settle the dispute.
                          When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                          • #28
                            Far as the store cashiers get what you pay for..don't get me started on that..

                            it's a pretty fucked up reality, but it's ours.. a handful of fuckers ALWAYS ruined shit for everyone..

                            That always seems to be the "rule"..from primates to emperors to dictators to clergy to Muslim pilots and beyond...ahhh fuggit

                            Keep those guns clean..I'm going to Best Buy.
                            Last edited by horns666; 09-23-2007, 03:56 PM. Reason: fuggums
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #29
                              From the retailers point of view. I currently work security at my GC. I check every single reciept that leaves the building. It's not only to help identify theft. But it's also an accuracy thing. I check to make sure they got everything they paid for. 9 out of 10 times they do. But that one time they don't. They are greatful and appreciate me doing my job as well as i do.
                              Also items like picks albeit they are an inexpensive item. There can be 2 dfferant kinds of pics in the bag but only one type was wrung up for the qty of 2. Becuse the salesperson was inaccratley ringing it up. Why that sales person did that. It was probably just a mistake. but it does happen more often than the customer realizes. A customer only sees what happens to them and the people in line in front of them. It's an accuract measure for making sure every customer gets what they pay for, and for making sure they weren't charged incorectly and didnt forget anything. I see several times a day when a customer doesn't have everything they pay for when they get to the front door. By my checking thier reciept. I not only prevent theft and correct inaccuracies and inventory issues. I also prevent a disastisfied customer. They don't have to come back and get what they forgot. And then possbaly run into issues of the store staff members not believing them and trying to get a free item.
                              I had a similar situation but from the stores point of view. A customer had just purchased a beginer acoustic guitar pack and was walking out with the family. When i asked to see the reciept. It was given to me. And i started to open the box to verify the serial number on the guitar to make sure it matched incase of any warranty issues. Which i stated to the customer. He then pushed me aside yelled at me saying "check the next guy im not a communist from Russia" which made no sense to me cus i was only doing it for his protection in case of a warranty issue. But he wouldn;t hear it and ripped the receipt pully it out of my hand. Then grabs the rest of it and storms out. His daughter appologized for him as they all left. I tell my boss who then goes out after him to insect the reciept. The customer still refuses and gives Rob a hard time. Rob finaly gets through to the customer that it's for his protection in case of warranty issues. And lets Rob check the box for accuracy. To which everything was fine. But Rob also did threaten he would call the police. Just to make a point. The customer although he didn't have any stolen items on him. Nor did we ever accuse or assume he did. He was acting like he did just by refusing to let me do my job. In all of a minutes span. He would've been on his way and happy. Instead he had to be a jerk and confront me and Rob and waist his time and Robs and his family's time on top of it. Legaly in Il. we can not hold a customer or detain them in any way. Rob was not detaining but more conversing and explaining why we do this. We can however get plate numbers and descriptipions of the vehicle and people inside. etc.. I don't know what Ohio's laws are on shop lifting and to what extent the store can get involved. But even in Illinois what that store manager did was Illegal. And there could be charges brought against him and CC for it. I could've called the police myself and pressed charges for assault and battery.Just by him yelling at me and pushing me out of the way to get to his guitar i was insepcting. But i didnt want to have to put his family through the ordeal of a law suit not to mentoin i don't have the time do deal with a suit myself.


                              • #30
                                Gil, your'e right. A store manger can NOT touch you or your property if there is no witness to any crime. If I walked out and a store manager would put their hands on me or my property , such as my car (never fuggin' happen) ..they bought that ticket!

                                We used to drive thru two red lights at 3 AM going home from work in my district. If you saw that'd know why. The traffic signal is located near a large housing complex. Assigned there is CMHA who have the powers to arrest people on their property. We would have to assist them and do ALL the booking and paperwork..therfore we coined them Cleveland Must Help & Assist. Some of these assclowns thought they were the police and stopped us at those lights. Since they had black and whites and overheads similiar to ours. They knew that was off limits but did it anyway, because most civilans didn't know the difference. So, I laid into them whenever they stopped me. My boss lost it once and actually kicked one up the ass HARD..they couldn't report it since it required a written explanation of the circumstances..losing their job instantly.

                                My 'old boss was one crazy bastid..that met my standard of "crazY'..But I one-uped him BIG TIME!!!

                                BIG TIME!!!

                                CMHA training instructors is prolly still discussing that one in "oops, my bad" class 101.
                                Last edited by horns666; 09-23-2007, 04:48 PM.
                                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

