He adjusted things to maintain his lifestyle and happiness without relying on others.
No matter if he made boo-koo bucks or just a few..he's still kickin' ass, and content..which is obvious!!
I worked as a cop for many years..trust me, nobody lost that much "freedom"..We just hear we lost it everday on tv..or wait longer at airports while being checked. I'm nervous to fly without the thought of blowin' up..let 'em check my balls for explosives. I'll turn and cough and save a visit to the doctor's office.
911 was a terrible thing done by terrible people that hate our "freedom". They are the enemy, because they chosed to be. It's kill or be killed..something humans been doing for how many milleniums?
Blame them for any freedoms lost, not your own who attempt to protect us.
"Freedom cost a buck o' five"..

I think
SPD, Yeah man ..I can identify with some of that.
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