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WTF is wrong the US

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    the problems would go away if people would think more about getting poon

    No's all about the poon!!!!

    72 poons!!!:ROTF:

    Well, at least we haven't got hit at home since 911. We certainly cocked-blocked some major attempts by infringing on our "freedoms".

    Personally, I don't care if the CIA and Feds want to listen to me talk about my balls for hours on the long as we intercept any plans to kill people.

    Whoever inherits this mess must deal with this clusterfuck no matter what promises they make to get in office . No matter what reason we're fuggin' there...

    More people were on the same page and supported Bush's actions at that time...and many still do as don't..

    W has one more year. He got Saddam who tried to wack his daddy, and we're balls deep in sand. He may even push the button on the way know he wants to. Making Iraq an American annex to control shit and get our hands greasy..

    I think it's fucked up, because of the time, lives and money we spent there ..gas keeps going up. So, here's MY plan..pull our people out, hit 'em so hard they'll never get up and take that fuggin' oil. We did it with the Indians, and we're happy because of it. We got rid of all the Tee-pees and put up McD's. We play cool guitars, eat pizza, play with our balls while watching sports, play guitar heroe II, listen to Van Halen, see Britney's bald head and snatch,and bitch about it on guitar forums..all because we offed indians and took their shit over 200 years it's ok to feel sorry for them while driving to work in your SUV. Feeling "sorry" sells, and comforts any guilt you have..I don't!!!

    Anywhoo, back on topic. That cuntface from Iran just confirmed what an asshole he is soon as he opened his mouth, and evaded questions..there's no gay people in Iran, but I have a feeling that dude smokes pole. Freedom of speech..Ok, he spoke and said absolutely nothing!
    Last edited by horns666; 09-26-2007, 01:19 PM.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by markD View Post
    well, as a middle class american that is getting poorer and poorer each day, the money thing scares me WAY more than terrorists...

    Lets not forget, OPEC needs us to sell oil to...

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  • danastas
    I don't buy the dollars to euro stuff. It doesn't work. Where was the American dollar in 2001? Where is it now?? The Bushies favor a weak dollar because their corporate cohorts reap the rewards when the dollar is weak. Without an Iraq War that has sapped this country's monetary resources to the tune of trillions, they could have completely devalued the dollar anyway and guess where it would be if Iraq continued trading oil in euros? That's right. Exactly where the dollar is now. The currency exchange is done by design. It favors certain kinds of trade, and in this case, a weak dollar is good business for some American companies. Go back to the 80s. We had a weak dollar back then when Reagan and Bush Sr. were in charge. It was Clinton who cut the deficit, taxed the rich, and pumped the dollar back up who tilted that balance.

    Oil is a limited natural resource. It will not last forever. This is the one and only reason we are fighting wars there. How does $200 a gallon sound to you?

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  • markD
    well, as a middle class american that is getting poorer and poorer each day, the money thing scares me WAY more than terrorists...

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    He should be impeached. There are many reasons. If Clinton can be for lying about a blowjob, I think we can find something on Bush. How about lying to the Senate and American people about the reasons for going to war? How about illegal wiretaps? How about him going against the Geneva Convention by tourturing prisoners? Should I go on?

    But the Dems are spineless pussies that are afraid for their political futures. What we really need is a total change of thought and get all those bastards out of there and start fresh...

    That or come up with a viable 3rd party...

    Clinton had his hands full in Serbia. I don't remember him doing anything in Iraq. But I forget more than I remember...
    The Dems are spineless because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. This country is so close to military dictatorship that most citizens are completely unaware. One more huge terrorist attack sends us over the top, I believe, and that's exactly why the Democrats are so scared of getting out ahead of the President on the war.

    By the way, I agree with you on what should be done. The democrat just think it would be the end of their party if they came out as fully anti-war and we were hit again. Me, I don't care about the Democratic party. You do what brings Americans maximum security, and in this case that's getting the hell out.

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  • monk
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    I like where your going with this. Tell me more, I can't google it.
    Well, from what I understand Iraq started already in 2000 to sell oil for euros instead of dollars. Iran has shifted most of its central bank reserves from dollars to euros and North Korea did the same in 2002. I also believe Venezuela is aiming for the same thing, which means that most of your "axis-of-evil" are heading the same way.

    Nowadays Europe (with the new member states of the EU) is a larger oil-consumer than the US (about 40% I think) so the oil producing countries have no actual reason for sticking with the dollar. So, if they (OPEC) all decided to make the switch, what would happen? Countries who are depending on oil (i.e. all countries worth mentioning) would probably try to get rid of the dollars in their central bank holdings and exchange them for euros. This would literally flood the market with dollars, ----> the dollar would drop significantly in value. Then there is the problem with the huge US national debt. The demand for the dollar is imperative in this case, since the demand is what makes your whole monetary policy float. Foreign investors would not have the same interest in your country now when the "hot currency" is no longer the dollar. Besides the obvious, that your economy would decline, people would with lots of money would no longer invest in securities given out by your treasury...i.e. your national deficit would force you into tilt.

    Now, as a counter-argument to why this is true, why didn't your government just tell you how it was? If the theory is true this is a far bigger treat to the American lifestyle than anything like "dictators in Iraq" or terrorists in the middle east. Maybe people have a harder time trying to buy such an argument, and "installing democracy in the middle east" is easier to run by the public. I don´t know. I am just speculating, but it sure as hell makes more sense than the reasons given by the US administration.

    At the same time, letting the people know about the "currency point-of-view" would at the same time air all the drawbacks and insanity (imho, of course) that lies behind the current monetary policy where wealth is created out of nothing (fiat money), without a gold standard and where you can almost finance anything by just printing more money, add a little inflation and let the working and middle class take the hit since they are the biggest losers when it comes to inflation.

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  • pott
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    I'm not really sure why Bush Sr. lied to us about what the Iraq army was doing in Kuwait. But there was the incubator story and the original "rape room" stories and crap like that. I do think Sr. thought that the American people would not be happy with the US getting involved in the Middle East. Vietnam was not that long ago and people actually remembered that war then...

    But most people were cool with what went on because it wasn't just us and a select few. Iraq invaded a soverign country. Who couldn't get behind that hostile aggression. Well, not when we do it...

    Great thing Bush Jr. had was 9/11. That was his blank check to do what he wanted. And the American people fell right in line behind this madman and allowed him to do what he wanted. All the while being blind to what was really going on...

    Why this President hasn't been impeached is beyond me...
    That's EXACTLY how I feel about the Bush administration actually.

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  • Endrik
    the problems would go away if people would think more about getting poon

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  • horns666
    You know..I could go through 72 like a 4 days.

    ..what then?

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  • Bengal
    Do yourself a favor and google "Blackwater". Do you know there are more American mercenaries in Iraq that American Soldiers? Do you know they are being paid Millions of American tax dollars to do jobs they are not doing? Do you know thay are not bound by the same rules that the military is? Read up and find out exactly whats going on over there and just who is getting rich off this war. I think you'll be amazed...

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  • markD
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    What does this all add up to? Let's face it. A lot of Americans don't give a fuck about the future of the US. They are greedy sons of bitches who would sell their mothers. This is our leadership. You think any of their kids are dying over in Iraq fighting this war? Yeah, right. They are eating Continental cuisine every evening and they are calling us "suckers."
    like i said, america WILL fall in my is really HARD to be a proud american right now. not just because of the war, which i really don't support - afganistan-YES, iraq-NOOOOO - but MOSTLY because of the greed and self-centered attitudes that the "powerful" in america have....

    this WAS a great country, COULD be a great country, but NOW is a joke....

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    If the middle class Americans get pissed, then the whole world better look out.

    Hell, the middle class Americans got the whole world scared about global warming since it was trendy.
    What your failing to understand is we are not as big of a Super Power as we use to be? Why are we still in Iraq 5 years later if we are so Super Bad? Who in the world should be scared of us? We can't seem to do shit right lately. Come on man, take a look around you...

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Impeached? He was reelected. That has to say something.

    Clinton sent warplanes into Iraq - IIRC. Iraq has been a bi-partisan target. Why?
    He should be impeached. There are many reasons. If Clinton can be for lying about a blowjob, I think we can find something on Bush. How about lying to the Senate and American people about the reasons for going to war? How about illegal wiretaps? How about him going against the Geneva Convention by tourturing prisoners? Should I go on?

    But the Dems are spineless pussies that are afraid for their political futures. What we really need is a total change of thought and get all those bastards out of there and start fresh...

    That or come up with a viable 3rd party...

    Clinton had his hands full in Serbia. I don't remember him doing anything in Iraq. But I forget more than I remember...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    No doubt. Or better yet, they could use Pounds. How fucked would the US be then? Gas triples in price overnight? Have fun in those Hummers then fellas!
    If the middle class Americans get pissed, then the whole world better look out.

    Hell, the middle class Americans got the whole world scared about global warming since it was trendy.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    SPD LOVES this gives him wood!!!
    You get me. I like that.

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