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WTF is wrong the US

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Gunner View Post
    I agree shawn. And danastas, yes we are losing are freedoms everyday. Why does the govt' want all our guns? They have an agenda, thats for sure.
    You know all these lawyers that blew the whistle on Abu Gonzalez? Well, they aren't very clean themselves. I know from people dealing with Fed prosecutors that the way for them to get ahead in Justice is to push as many misdemeanor crimes into Patriot Act territory as they possibly can. They are going after my friend for mail fraud, and they have him bagged. He did the equivalent of sending wine through the mail over state lines to a friend. But because he was politically outspoken, they decided to nail him. They are pushing mail fraud now, and they told him bluntly, "We can arrest you for anything." And it's the truth. The sad thing is that with their tactics they have scared the crap out of people, and have shut some people up. Some of my friend's former colleagues won't talk to him out of fear. The same prosecutor who went after him was later purged by Gonzalez, and then he blew the whistle on Gonzalez. These are the same guys that don't think twice about taking our civil liberties away, and then they imagine that there is someone out there worse than them. That's what's scary.

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  • Endrik
    yup, in Europe people don't really give a shit about their "heritage" I don't have a glue who I really am, all I know is that I was born in Estonia.

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  • pott
    Bwahahah never heard that. Hilarious

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  • shobet
    Plastic Paddys as they are known...
    Last edited by shobet; 09-25-2007, 04:12 PM. Reason: I can't fucking spell

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  • pott
    Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
    lol Pott. I actually got in trouble in elementary school when the teacher asked me what my heritage was. I said I'm an American, my parents are American, my grandparents are American
    Rock on bro Unless you have a grandparent who's foreign, you're American. Take that all 'Irish' folks

    That's just me though.

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  • Shawn Lutz
    lol Pott. I actually got in trouble in elementary school when the teacher asked me what my heritage was. I said I'm an American, my parents are American, my grandparents are American

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  • pott
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    French heritage or living/working/paying taxes in France?
    We don't really have 'heritage' in Europe. Since our countries are more than 200 years old, we usually come from one place though there are exceptions (well... I mean we don't, but we don't care if our great great great great grandpa was from another place). I'm French born and bred. Both my parents are French. I spent most of my life there. What gives Doc?

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  • shobet
    Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
    The only religion that I know of that hasn't killed anyone in the name of their god is Judaism.
    Didn't they sort of help getting rid of Jesus H?

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by pott View Post
    I'm French. You hate me already?

    French heritage or living/working/paying taxes in France?

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  • pott
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The rest of the world should live in fear of the United States. We have nuclear bombs and will use them again.

    Why the fuck should we care what anybody in the rest of the world thinks about our foreign policy?

    Dont' believe me? Do something like the 9/11 shit again. Even the PETA members were kicking their dogs that Bush didn't turn the entire middle east into glass on 9/12.

    You're either with us or against us. We still don't eat "French" fries around here.
    I'm French. You hate me already?

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  • monk
    Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
    I wish we'd have a presidential candidate step up and address this rather than all this bickering on when to pull out of Iraq.

    Ron Paul?

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  • shobet
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    I said last note and meant it. But I will return to correct your misinformation.

    I was replying to someone that I believe was from the UK. Don't get me started on how these fucks treat(ed) others in the world.
    Yes I'd agree with about us fucks as you so quaintly put it treating the members of our colonies of the empire badly. We thought of gassing the Kurds long before Saddam ever did.

    But that's no reason to act the same.

    You also made an interesting comment about you saving our skins in several conflicts. Yes thank you so much for all your help etc. However I find it quite amusing the grandpops Bush actually was quite chummy with old Adolf right up to around 1942. Seems it runs in the family to this very day. Funny old world...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by j2379 View Post

    smoke & mirrors
    I need educated on this and would like more information. Anyone have a link for me? I searched google but couldn't find anything on this.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    or on Goo :ROTF: I have lots of it

    That's right E..fuggin' A..if they can develope a motor than runs on goo. Our problems are solved for good! America is the lust capitol of the world...the goo floweth over!!!

    If everyone stopped fighting, STFU and shot their fuggin' goo..The world would be at peace!!!

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  • Spivonious
    minor correction for Shawn: the Consitution was written in 1789, not 1776.

    and for the record, I agree with Bengal and Shawn on the issues at hand. "Americans" like SouthPlatteDemon continue to hurt our international reputation. Dropping nukes on everything is not the way to solve your problems. I mean, we got super angry over 3000 lives being lost, so we'll kill tens of millions? Not every Muslim is an extreme radical! "All infidels must be killed." How is that any different than "All heretics must be killed"? The only religion that I know of that hasn't killed anyone in the name of their god is Judaism.

    Israel deserves none of the support we give them. I wish we'd have a presidential candidate step up and address this rather than all this bickering on when to pull out of Iraq.
    Last edited by Spivonious; 09-25-2007, 02:48 PM.

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