Originally posted by Bengal
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That's great. Why don't you do the military a favor and sign up and head on over? They could use a few people like you...

You could learn to appreciate those who give you the freedom to talk so much trash a bit more.
I'll say again, Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than us. We have bigger threats in the Middle East than Iran. I don't know how anyone can argue that point. But you will, and I'll probably ignore it...
I'm sure all those chants of "Death to America" are just accidents....the burning effigies of our presidents for decades... no threat here...move along...
Like I said it's ok if you want to "ignore it" as you say...hey wow I just realized if you say that phrase fast it kinda sounds like "ignorant"...hmmm...
Yes, you're right, you're probably ignorant. But!! That's ok, because we have a great nation of people to look out for you and keep you safe! And get this, there are others in the world that want the same for their peoples too! So don't worry, you'll be fine!