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WTF is wrong the US

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  • j2379
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Call me when we go after the Saudis... Our TRUE enemy...

    smoke & mirrors

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  • Endrik
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post

    Personally, I think we should develope a car that runs on pee..
    or on Goo :ROTF: I have lots of it

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  • horns666
    I'm with Shawn too..

    But, I think there's plenty of oil right here in our back yard. Remember when Jed discovered some black gold..Texas tea"..oh, and James Dean in "Giant"..

    Personally, I think we should develope a car that runs on pee..

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  • guitarsjb
    Great post Shawn! I agree completely. If we don't turn this around now, we're done for. It's just a matter of WHEN.

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  • Gunner
    I agree shawn. And danastas, yes we are losing are freedoms everyday. Why does the govt' want all our guns? They have an agenda, thats for sure.

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  • Shawn Lutz
    MarkD I sorta agree. I believe in the principles and ideals that the country is founded upon but I believe we're in need of some major changes in the way we operate.

    The constitution is one of the greatest things wrtten but on the same token its not 1776 anymore. Its a different world alogether.

    Whenever I hear all the anti-american hate going on I feel inclined to just cut us off from the rest of the world, close the borders, stop all trade (cept eith Canada, as I liek the beer and Hockey) and hand illegal aliens a one way ticket outta here. Let the middle east bathe in all their oil and find other fools to be held hostage on pricing.

    Perhaps if we say keep your oil, we don't care, then maybe we can work towards being at self sufficient nation. We'll never adapt unill we are forced to do so, I say do it now and fuck everyone else

    i think in the long term that food and water will be worth more than oil and you cant drink oil to survive

    this is just one opinion of a simple minded american so please don't flame me

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  • markD
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    I am serious as well as most of my fellow Americans. Please take note that I said most not all. When it comes down to it, we will do what it takes for our survival and best interests.

    We would clean up the oil. It would create jobs for the survivors.

    Potatoes are grown about 1/2 mile from my house by illegal aliens. LOL

    Against me? That's fine. We either saved or kicked your asses in the past.
    i find all of this VERY interesting, but southplatedemon...WHOA!!!! it is people like you that give americans a bad name. and for the record....i am NOT a tree-hugging-hippie-liberal POS that has helped turn this country into the joke it has become. i am a proud CONSERVATIVE (affliated with the republican party only out of neccessity) and i believe in our constitution and the freedoms and ideals this country was founded on. i also realize peace takes work....i personally believe we have reached the point of diminshing returns in our war on terror. i do not prescribe to conspiracy theories, so i will not comment on oil, bin laden, etc. i WILL say this....america needs to check itself a little. we stil have an insular attitude that has made us SEVERELY misunderstood throughout the world. attitudes like yours feed into that poor attitude of america.

    we are a free nation (for now) and we are still (for now) the last remaining super-power....BUT our dollar is worth around .40 to the euro, and the world is sick of our nonsense.....

    remember, i am a PROUD american that 100% believes in the ideals that this nation was founded upon, but we are not the big boys when you look at the size of the REST of the world combined.

    i am CONFIDENT that i will see america fall during my lifetime....either through war or a broken economy. we need to step back and look in the mirror.....

    just my opinion. hope it sounds educated like a lot of other things i have read today.....

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    Not if he's from North Vietnam. As Bill Murray said, we're 10 and 1.
    I said last note and meant it. But I will return to correct your misinformation.

    I was replying to someone that I believe was from the UK. Don't get me started on how these fucks treat(ed) others in the world.

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  • 442w30
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    Not if he's from North Vietnam. As Bill Murray said, we're 10 and 1.
    I believe 10-1-1, Korea was a draw at best.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    I am serious as well as most of my fellow Americans. Please take note that I said most not all. When it comes down to it, we will do what it takes for our survival and best interests.

    We would clean up the oil. It would create jobs for the survivors.

    Potatoes are grown about 1/2 mile from my house by illegal aliens. LOL

    Against me? That's fine. We either saved or kicked your asses in the past.
    Not if he's from North Vietnam. As Bill Murray said, we're 10 and 1.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    It's called conspiracy theories. Oklahoma, Pearl Harbor, Droughts, Aliens, Black Helicopters, etc. I'm not saying that they couldn't be true, but I like the fact that we can say these things and not be hunted down and killed by those we accuse.
    Are you sure about this? I have a friend that's going to be tossed in jail for criticizing Monsanto. The blackshirts are already here. The idea that we have free speech is officially a myth with this president and these federal prosecutors. They have an agenda, and a huge part of it is eroding our civil liberties. You can doubt me now, but I'm sure we'll agree sooner or later if they stay in power.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Israel is nothing more than an expensive military base for the western nations.

    Last note on this.

    I wish the world could be as peacefull and simple as most of you want to be. But I live in reality and realize that extreme conditions require extreme responses. Canada and Europe rely heavily on the United States for protection from non western ideals. We will continue to protect you even as you stab us in the back.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The entire middle east needs to be nuked. I didn't specify any nation in particular. I don't question that politicians act like politicians and are probably dirty. But when I can't troll walleyes along a dam at a reservoir because of Homeland Security then someone out there needs to pay.

    I try to keep it all real simple so I don't fall in the media propoganda trap - It's either me or you.
    But nuking will blow up the oil fields, leaving us without oil, and then we'd have a bad economy, no energy to run our gadgets, and the internet would collapse, and the worst part is the JCF would be no more.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    Are you serious, I suppose you are...

    There are more of us than you!

    So what would you do with all the irradiated oil?

    I think I'll be against you. Where are the potatoes for your French fries grown?
    I am serious as well as most of my fellow Americans. Please take note that I said most not all. When it comes down to it, we will do what it takes for our survival and best interests.

    We would clean up the oil. It would create jobs for the survivors.

    Potatoes are grown about 1/2 mile from my house by illegal aliens. LOL

    Against me? That's fine. We either saved or kicked your asses in the past.

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  • 442w30
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The fact that you can't deny is that the middle east does not want to live peacefully with the United States. We on the other hand will live peacefully with anyone in the world that wants the same.

    How would you like it to be?
    The middle east could give a damn about us. They in general do not like Israel and the USA pumps millions into Israel. A country that arguably denies due process by finding suspects of terror with Missiles in their homes with their families or bulldozes their houses with no trial. It is the most "effective" way Israel has chosen to deal with their issue, however it is also the model we have chosen as well. It goes against most peoples idea of what America stands for. We do not aim to shoot people in the street for squatting on property, unless they are armed at the time.

    The USA brings this on itself by choosing sides in a battle where neither side will win because both play the religious trump card. The one where no amount of logic, science, or intelligence can diffuse faith. For good or bad, this is what has happened.

    If we said "Israel, you are on your own" Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Fundamentalists could care less about us and spend their time blowing themselves up in Israel.

    We chose a side, now we either commit, or don't be choosing sides. I don't really know why we blindly follow Israel. There are many theories that I don't ascribe to, but it is undeniable that the "holy" piece of dirt is more important to the world religions than the thought of a peaceful planet or following the teachings of the religions that they split hairs over.

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