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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Very true. It is what it is.

    So it comes down to who is bigger. We have the nukes and you should want it to stay that way.

    Why are you trying to give up your life for their happiness?
    How am I giving up my life? How has my life changed since 9/11 or the Iraq war? Not one bit. Sadly. Nothing has changed. You think they are scared of our Nukes? That is laughable! Someone who will fly planes into buildings are not afraid of Nukes. Come on man, see reality...

    Who's bigger didn't save us on 9/11. We got our asses handed to us by 19 Saudis....

    I think we could back out of the Middle East, pull our support for Isreal and my life really wouldn't change a ton. Might have to drive a hybred car but what the hell? Small price to pay...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    Actually if you go back in history, and not even that far back there wasnt any problems there at all. It wasnt until oil that all hell broke loose........
    No problems. Are you joking? I think the human race started in that area? Human have killed each other ever since.

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  • shobet

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  • Boxcar Willie 84
    the narrow-mindedness of some of the people who post in these topics never ceases to amaze me...maybe the perception by people in other parts of the world that the USA is made up of self-righteous cavemen is not too far off base after all....

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    The Middle East has done just fine like that for centuries. I agree, they are very different from us. But it's when we go fucking around in their areas that they get pissed at us. They don't like it that we have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. They don't like our support for Isreal. We have done enough jacking around in the Middle East to piss anyone off. And why? Oil. Plain and simple. Oil. Not that we care what they do. We could give a damn about that. We want the oil. That pisses them off too...

    Seems like we have just as much blame as they do...
    Very true. It is what it is.

    So it comes down to who is bigger. We have the nukes and you should want it to stay that way.

    Why are you trying to give up your life for their happiness?

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  • shobet
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The rest of the world should live in fear of the United States. We have nuclear bombs and will use them again.
    Are you serious, I suppose you are...

    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Why the fuck should we care what anybody in the rest of the world thinks about our foreign policy?
    There are more of us than you!

    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Dont' believe me? Do something like the 9/11 shit again. Even the PETA members were kicking their dogs that Bush didn't turn the entire middle east into glass on 9/12.
    So what would you do with all the irradiated oil?

    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    You're either with us or against us. We still don't eat "French" fries around here.
    I think I'll be against you. Where are the potatoes for your French fries grown?

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  • Accept2
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The fact that you can't deny is that the middle east does not want to live peacefully with the United States. We on the other hand will live peacefully with anyone in the world that wants the same.

    How would you like it to be?
    Actually if you go back in history, and not even that far back there wasnt any problems there at all. It wasnt until oil that all hell broke loose........

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The fact that you can't deny is that the middle east does not want to live peacefully with the United States. We on the other hand will live peacefully with anyone in the world that wants the same.

    How would you like it to be?
    The Middle East has done just fine like that for centuries. I agree, they are very different from us. But it's when we go fucking around in their areas that they get pissed at us. They don't like it that we have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. They don't like our support for Isreal. We have done enough jacking around in the Middle East to piss anyone off. And why? Oil. Plain and simple. Oil. Not that we care what they do. We could give a damn about that. We want the oil. That pisses them off too...

    Seems like we have just as much blame as they do...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    If you guys wanna have some fun, count the number of sites that say Iran was behind 9/11, and then compare to the sites that say Bush was behind it. Neither were behind it, but its kind of funny that all those Bush sites originate from Americans..................
    It's called conspiracy theories. Oklahoma, Pearl Harbor, Droughts, Aliens, Black Helicopters, etc. I'm not saying that they couldn't be true, but I like the fact that we can say these things and not be hunted down and killed by those we accuse.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    I believe the Army or Marines are looking for guys just like you...
    The fact that you can't deny is that the middle east does not want to live peacefully with the United States. We on the other hand will live peacefully with anyone in the world that wants the same.

    How would you like it to be?

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  • Accept2
    If you guys wanna have some fun, count the number of sites that say Iran was behind 9/11, and then compare to the sites that say Bush was behind it. Neither were behind it, but its kind of funny that all those Bush sites originate from Americans..................

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The entire middle east needs to be nuked. I didn't specify any nation in particular. I don't question that politicians act like politicians and are probably dirty. But when I can't troll walleyes along a dam at a reservoir because of Homeland Security then someone out there needs to pay.

    I try to keep it all real simple so I don't fall in the media propoganda trap - It's either me or you.
    I believe the Army or Marines are looking for guys just like you...

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  • Soap
    To much to read gang.
    I'm gonna go play guitar instead.
    I'm in the mood for some dokken.
    Maybe I'll play, into the fire, alone again, kiss of death, in my dreams, unchain the night and see where that'll take me.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    You cannot be serious...

    Who's to blame? You bring up 9/11. What about the Bin Laden family bailing out Bush and his failed Oil Business? What about Bush whisking away the Bin Laden family out of the US the day of 9/11 before the FBI could question them? No issues there???

    9/11 was a problem but we dropped the ball there. There is a reason we have not found Bin Laden. It's not because he's really good at playing hide and seek. I mean, come on. The dude is 6 foot 5 and dragging around a kidney machine, how hard can he be to find? Pretty hard I guess for the "best" military in the world. I use that term very loosely. Bush needs Bin Laden to continue to pad his friends pockets. That's what this is all about, money. Making money for he and his buddies. Google "Blackwater". If that shit doesn't piss you off, what will? We have more mercenaries in Iraq than troops. How fucked up is that???

    Iran has nothing to do with our war on terror. If you have proof that the mujaahideen has attacked the US, bring it. I have not seen it...

    Our biggest problem? Our support of Isreal. We need to back out of that quagmire...

    I eat French Fries all the time... French Toast too...
    The entire middle east needs to be nuked. I didn't specify any nation in particular. I don't question that politicians act like politicians and are probably dirty. But when I can't troll walleyes along a dam at a reservoir because of Homeland Security then someone out there needs to pay.

    I try to keep it all real simple so I don't fall in the media propoganda trap - It's either me or you.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    The rest of the world should live in fear of the United States. We have nuclear bombs and will use them again.

    Why the fuck should we care what anybody in the rest of the world thinks about our foreign policy?

    Dont' believe me? Do something like the 9/11 shit again. Even the PETA members were kicking their dogs that Bush didn't turn the entire middle east into glass on 9/12.

    You're either with us or against us. We still don't eat "French" fries around here.
    You cannot be serious...

    Who's to blame? You bring up 9/11. What about the Bin Laden family bailing out Bush and his failed Oil Business? What about Bush whisking away the Bin Laden family out of the US the day of 9/11 before the FBI could question them? No issues there???

    9/11 was a problem but we dropped the ball there. There is a reason we have not found Bin Laden. It's not because he's really good at playing hide and seek. I mean, come on. The dude is 6 foot 5 and dragging around a kidney machine, how hard can he be to find? Pretty hard I guess for the "best" military in the world. I use that term very loosely. Bush needs Bin Laden to continue to pad his friends pockets. That's what this is all about, money. Making money for he and his buddies. Google "Blackwater". If that shit doesn't piss you off, what will? We have more mercenaries in Iraq than troops. How fucked up is that???

    Iran has nothing to do with our war on terror. If you have proof that the mujaahideen has attacked the US, bring it. I have not seen it...

    Our biggest problem? Our support of Isreal. We need to back out of that quagmire...

    I eat French Fries all the time... French Toast too...

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