Rich, Yeah Right!!!..He's in "law enforcement" ya know.
I'm calling BULLSHIT on Danastas!
Danastas, Let me ask you. If you recieved an assignment to repsond to a large protest getting out of control causing a disturbance. Do you a) follow departmental procedures, or b) join the protest and "oink" ..
If you answered a) give me standard, text book examples of your actions and tactics. These are things even a rookie C.O would know. You did say you had "training", that you are "sane" and in "law enforcement"...or are you LYING!!!???
Elaborate, including legal limitations within' departmental rules. give proper crime titles, elements to the crime, and proper force necessesary..
Establish SOME credibility, because you certainly haven't done that whatsoever
BTW..Your words and mindset seem much too civilian. Example, how do you properly sign off on any report. Better yet, how do you start all incident reports. This is pretty universal.
I can tell if you googled any info.
If you can't or won't answer such easy questions for law enforcement. That means you lied, and should never be taken seriously on any matter..because you have no credibility. None, nada, zilch..zipp
Therefore, you have much in common with that goof from Iran. No wonder you support that jerk coming here to evade questions, spew crap and smirk..I'm seeing a pattern. No cop I know would support Hillary either..that was another give away!!!

I'm calling BULLSHIT on Danastas!

Danastas, Let me ask you. If you recieved an assignment to repsond to a large protest getting out of control causing a disturbance. Do you a) follow departmental procedures, or b) join the protest and "oink" ..

If you answered a) give me standard, text book examples of your actions and tactics. These are things even a rookie C.O would know. You did say you had "training", that you are "sane" and in "law enforcement"...or are you LYING!!!???

Elaborate, including legal limitations within' departmental rules. give proper crime titles, elements to the crime, and proper force necessesary..
Establish SOME credibility, because you certainly haven't done that whatsoever
BTW..Your words and mindset seem much too civilian. Example, how do you properly sign off on any report. Better yet, how do you start all incident reports. This is pretty universal.
I can tell if you googled any info.

If you can't or won't answer such easy questions for law enforcement. That means you lied, and should never be taken seriously on any matter..because you have no credibility. None, nada, zilch..zipp
Therefore, you have much in common with that goof from Iran. No wonder you support that jerk coming here to evade questions, spew crap and smirk..I'm seeing a pattern. No cop I know would support Hillary either..that was another give away!!!
