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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    I've been out of the country a bit, have contact with europeans that visit here, so I'm not sheltered. Two problems: The perception of the US around the world is largely from the trash that Hollywood spews. It's like trying to have an intelleigent conversation about politics with someone who gets their news from Comedy Central.
    Another is, like so many other examples throughout history, you know who the leader is, because that's the one with most arrows in his back.
    You really think that people in Europe or Asia or wherever form their views about the US from US television? That's a bit of a strech...

    Actually it's rather refreshing to hear foreign propaganda for once. I'm gonna puke if I have to watch another bullshit commercial. Home grown propaganda...

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  • Cygnus X1
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    Bingo! and thats why its important to have him speak in the US............
    Bingo! That's why the world percieves us as weak!

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  • Cygnus X1
    I've been out of the country a bit, have contact with europeans that visit here, so I'm not sheltered. Two problems: The perception of the US around the world is largely from the trash that Hollywood spews. It's like trying to have an intelleigent conversation about politics with someone who gets their news from Comedy Central.
    Another is, like so many other examples throughout history, you know who the leader is, because that's the one with most arrows in his back.

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  • Accept2
    Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
    I don't think his gov't would allow our president to speak over there as openly as we allows his. A point that is lost on those people and many others.
    Bingo! and thats why its important to have him speak in the US............

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  • horns666

    ..He looks like he smells of pee.

    Well, I'd sure pee on him..that would be cool.

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  • 442w30
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    More people on this globe are fearful of Americans with the bomb than anyone in Iran with the bomb..............
    I wouldn't go that far, unless you are counting the Middle East, China and France as "the rest of the world".

    If most of Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico, South America, Africa (as a whole), India, Japan, Spain, and Italy are really worried about American nukes, I'd be surprised.

    You are right to a point though, our rep is a bit tarnished on this. I'd be hard pressed to bill the USA as the boogieman unless you are really out of touch.

    The fact is he has a right to speak. We have a right to deny his visit and did not. I don't think his gov't would allow our president to speak over there as openly as we allows his. A point that is lost on those people and many others.

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  • rjohnstone
    Originally posted by Baum83 View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, the Bill of Rights is applicable to anyone, regardless of nationality, political attitude or general assholiness.
    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
    Not that I don't think he's an asshole, but you've gotta practice what you preach.
    You are correct sir.
    The Bill of Rights applies to anyone in the U.S.
    Citizen or not, these basic rights are afforded to all persons.

    Yard Dawg, I'm surprised that you do not already know this.

    That being said, I still think "Amuhnutjob" is not right in the head.
    He needs to have an "accident".

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  • Accept2
    This reminds me of the 80s when everyone vilianized South Africa and said if they ever get the bomb, they would nuke all their neighbors. Then in the 90s everyone discouvered they did in fact have the bomb, 6 war heads to be exact, and no one got nuked. Iran probobly already has the bomb and has had it for sometime. You guys can go live in fear, but remember around the globe, Iran has a better reputation than the US. More people on this globe are fearful of Americans with the bomb than anyone in Iran with the bomb..............

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  • Baum83
    Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
    We have free speech . He isnt an american so our constitution doesnt apply to him. Just like you dont have any constitutional rights here. The Freedoms we have here are for americans only and not a foreign dictator. Also this guys is in bed with the russians developing nuclear weapons so you better care dude. If he sets off a bomb in america your country will get some fall out.
    If I'm not mistaken, the Bill of Rights is applicable to anyone, regardless of nationality, political attitude or general assholiness.
    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
    Not that I don't think he's an asshole, but you've gotta practice what you preach.

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  • jacksoncsplayer
    If this guy gets the NUKES he desires there's gonna be a big fukkin mess.

    He is dangerous!

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  • Cygnus X1
    This just in..."Columbia University would have allowed the same opportunity to Hitler", this from a PC dean of the esteemed bastion of Socialism in our great US of A.
    I had an opportunity to be involved in a gathering of these types at Emory University earlier this year. They live in an entirely different world from the rest of us "little people". I looked just caveman enough in my suit for them to think I was one of them. Just think Marie Antoinette and the Royal Court of France, how someone could get so wrapped up in their own self importance to simply not even regard how the real world works. That's the modern liberalism that can accept someone like him, just to "listen to what he says". BS. It's thumbing their nose at the "War on Terror", I think.

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  • Bengal
    Call me when we go after the Saudis... Our TRUE enemy...
    Last edited by Bengal; 09-24-2007, 04:31 PM.

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  • yard dawg
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    I think its hilarious that everybody fears Iran and this guy. So what if he came to make a speech, is the US not a place that recognizes freedom of speech, or are Americans wanting Nazi ideals of censorship and supression and lets kill everyone who thinks differently? Besides the media misquotes this guy alot because they like to add fuel to the fire and get you guys all fired up for a lynching................

    We have free speech . He isnt an american so our constitution doesnt apply to him. Just like you dont have any constitutional rights here. The Freedoms we have here are for americans only and not a foreign dictator. Also this guys is in bed with the russians developing nuclear weapons so you better care dude. If he sets off a bomb in america your country will get some fall out.

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  • Jackson/Charvelfan
    I am glad he was not allowed to visit the WTC.

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  • toejam
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    So what if he came to make a speech, is the US not a place that recognizes freedom of speech, or are Americans wanting Nazi ideals of censorship and supression and lets kill everyone who thinks differently?
    So why don't you go over to Iran and try to make a speech then? Report back ASAP as to what happens.

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