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WTF is wrong the US

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    I started in with this thread, gave up because there is no convincing people of polar opposite views on any subject as volatile as this to change their minds on anything.

    Points to remember: We all enjoy our freedoms, we all have united against common enemies, even when it's against "each other", we generally stand up for liberty. The opposites sides of political arguments have common goals, just very different ways of achieving them, some want the government to provide, others think the government is the problem. Only history will tell who was right or wrong, and history usually proves all of us fools.

    Finally, I went to the trouble, that while someone was digging in harder in opposition, I would check their "other posts", and find we agree more than anything about why we are in this forum in the first place, to share our experiences with the great music and the instruments to make it happen.

    So, a shake of the hand from this old dog, it's been a fun debate.
    Tune in later....
    Sure, When I was basically called a leech getting fat off the governement, in so many words . That was my cue to bail..

    I think it was said in the heat of the happends.

    I reserve absolutely NO hard feelings whatsover. I'm proud of what I did, who I am and certainly know better.

    I'm just watchin' the show now..

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Wow, I hit a nerve with you. Cool. I see your very passionate about your stance with Iran. That's great. Why don't you do the military a favor and sign up and head on over? They could use a few people like you...

    I'll say again, Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than us. We have bigger threats in the Middle East than Iran. I don't know how anyone can argue that point. But you will, and I'll probably ignore it...
    I think it's like picking which porno to watch.

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  • Bengal
    Wow, I hit a nerve with you. Cool. I see your very passionate about your stance with Iran. That's great. Why don't you do the military a favor and sign up and head on over? They could use a few people like you...

    I'll say again, Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than us. We have bigger threats in the Middle East than Iran. I don't know how anyone can argue that point. But you will, and I'll probably ignore it...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Evol View Post
    Oh,I'm so glad you're retorted!

    Let's see... how about Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the U.S. (of course) oh oh...and how about the International Atomic Energy Agency too. I would guess the fact that there have never been any nuclear tests done yet by Iran would be the best indication that they do not yet have the bomb.

    And if they did then I believe a strike would be immediate and swift as we would be out of time to save innocents from what would happen when they launched such a weapon at us, Israel or any other country.

    Fortunately for now, we have a little time, they have had 20 years of free reign to develop the bomb, but now their time is up.

    I'm glad you agree.

    Hmm, you agree but then you change the subject entirely within the same sentence....why use that tactic? We're not talking about North Korea here, we're talking about a fundamentalist whacko , an admitted racist who wants to change the history books and will stop at nothing to accomplish that. Someone who thumbed his nose at the entire international community and thinks that everyone will just sit idle while his country develops the means to accomplish his goals. Sound familiar? It should, history is a powerful lesson in this matter.


    Sorry we don't need to do so. Nor would it ever be accomplished, basically nothing would get done except people talking about it getting done. Which does nothing. We saw this for 12 years with Iraq, it didn't work. We had to do it, we always do, like I said we are the enforcers, other countries may bitch and throw a fit to put on a show for their citizens, but they wipe their brow that we have the balls to actually go in and do the dirty work for them all.

    Tell me again that they are losing, and I will tell you again that you're not supporting the troops. Fair enough?

    Putting down our military as a whole there by saying :

    "We are fighting a war in Iraq with National Guard members, not full time military."

    You are implying something that simply is *not* true. I know several full time soldiers that would laugh at your face for a comment like that. Not only that but it's putting down the training and sacrifices our National Guard troops have as well.

    But you know, they do it for us, and for your right to put them down. Even though they may disagree with the rhetoric of which you carelessly sling about they will still be out there, protecting your right to say so.

    Once again deflecting the topic away from Iran. Yes , it's been dismissed, thank you.

    Yah, it really hurts.

    Sure will, once he stops hiding and comes out fighting like the man he tries to make himself out to be....would you come out of a cave to fight the toughest soldiers in the world?? Hell no, he's hiding like a little bitch, just like Saddam. Obviously he is not out running free like he did before we were there, so we're keeping him on the run. I would dye my beard and hide too.


    Here's some very special quotes, maybe you find them familiar? :

    "Bush was very fortunate that 9/11 happened. It allowed him to do what he wanted to do all along..."

    "There was a hidden agenda for both he and his father."

    "He "fucked" with his daddy. That and the oil. And the propaganda..."

    " Great thing Bush Jr. had was 9/11. That was his blank check to do what he wanted. And the American people fell right in line behind this madman and allowed him to do what he wanted. All the while being blind to what was really going on..."

    Do yourself a favor, next time you see a soldier buy him/her a beer, or better yet lunch, and tell them how much you appreciate their sacrifice that enables you to spew the crap from above.
    Jesus Christ Bengal just got owned.

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  • Evol
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    OK, since you called me out, let me retort...
    Oh,I'm so glad you're retorted!

    You first bring up Iran being a nuclear power. Who's to say they are not already?
    Let's see... how about Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the U.S. (of course) oh oh...and how about the International Atomic Energy Agency too. I would guess the fact that there have never been any nuclear tests done yet by Iran would be the best indication that they do not yet have the bomb.

    And if they did then I believe a strike would be immediate and swift as we would be out of time to save innocents from what would happen when they launched such a weapon at us, Israel or any other country.

    Fortunately for now, we have a little time, they have had 20 years of free reign to develop the bomb, but now their time is up.

    I agree that it's not the best thing...
    I'm glad you agree.

    but where were we when North Korea got the nukes? Are they just as dangerous as Iran with nukes? I would say so. So where are we on that issue...
    Hmm, you agree but then you change the subject entirely within the same sentence....why use that tactic? We're not talking about North Korea here, we're talking about a fundamentalist whacko , an admitted racist who wants to change the history books and will stop at nothing to accomplish that. Someone who thumbed his nose at the entire international community and thinks that everyone will just sit idle while his country develops the means to accomplish his goals. Sound familiar? It should, history is a powerful lesson in this matter.

    Wanna do something about Iran?

    Do what we should have done with Iraq, get more countries on our side so we don't have to bear the brunt of it. That's what got us in trouble in Iraq...
    Sorry we don't need to do so. Nor would it ever be accomplished, basically nothing would get done except people talking about it getting done. Which does nothing. We saw this for 12 years with Iraq, it didn't work. We had to do it, we always do, like I said we are the enforcers, other countries may bitch and throw a fit to put on a show for their citizens, but they wipe their brow that we have the balls to actually go in and do the dirty work for them all.

    (Tell me again that I'm not supporting the troops. As I see it, I want them to come home and not get shot and killed anymore. Funny how those that want to keep them there getting shot at are the ones supporting them. I don't get that)
    Tell me again that they are losing, and I will tell you again that you're not supporting the troops. Fair enough?

    Putting down our military as a whole there by saying :

    "We are fighting a war in Iraq with National Guard members, not full time military."

    You are implying something that simply is *not* true. I know several full time soldiers that would laugh at your face for a comment like that. Not only that but it's putting down the training and sacrifices our National Guard troops have as well.

    But you know, they do it for us, and for your right to put them down. Even though they may disagree with the rhetoric of which you carelessly sling about they will still be out there, protecting your right to say so.

    We have problems in our own country that deserve attention other than Iran. Hence my comment about New Orleans. But you just dismiss that as a liberal rant? Whatever. Can't argue those facts...
    Once again deflecting the topic away from Iran. Yes , it's been dismissed, thank you.

    The worlds baseball bat to the kneecaps?
    Yah, it really hurts.

    Ask Osama how good we are at doing that. Yep, he's still safe, releasing videos and dying his beard. Yep, good work there. If we were such a super power, we would have finished what we started there before biting off more than we could chew...
    Sure will, once he stops hiding and comes out fighting like the man he tries to make himself out to be....would you come out of a cave to fight the toughest soldiers in the world?? Hell no, he's hiding like a little bitch, just like Saddam. Obviously he is not out running free like he did before we were there, so we're keeping him on the run. I would dye my beard and hide too.

    I'm not burying my head anywhere. And I'm not towing the party line like you seem to be...

    Here's some very special quotes, maybe you find them familiar? :

    "Bush was very fortunate that 9/11 happened. It allowed him to do what he wanted to do all along..."

    "There was a hidden agenda for both he and his father."

    "He "fucked" with his daddy. That and the oil. And the propaganda..."

    " Great thing Bush Jr. had was 9/11. That was his blank check to do what he wanted. And the American people fell right in line behind this madman and allowed him to do what he wanted. All the while being blind to what was really going on..."

    Right wing hysteria. I've had enough of it for one day...
    Do yourself a favor, next time you see a soldier buy him/her a beer, or better yet lunch, and tell them how much you appreciate their sacrifice that enables you to spew the crap from above.

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  • Cygnus X1
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post

    I'll see you guys on the other threads..

    Go nuts..have fun bitchin' at each other..make sure you get yourselves good and pissed yourselves up to a F-5 tizzy!!!

    Do me a favor..leave the "tudes" on this I am...and we'll laugh on another thread.
    I started in with this thread, gave up because there is no convincing people of polar opposite views on any subject as volatile as this to change their minds on anything.

    Points to remember: We all enjoy our freedoms, we all have united against common enemies, even when it's against "each other", we generally stand up for liberty. The opposites sides of political arguments have common goals, just very different ways of achieving them, some want the government to provide, others think the government is the problem. Only history will tell who was right or wrong, and history usually proves all of us fools.

    Finally, I went to the trouble, that while someone was digging in harder in opposition, I would check their "other posts", and find we agree more than anything about why we are in this forum in the first place, to share our experiences with the great music and the instruments to make it happen.

    So, a shake of the hand from this old dog, it's been a fun debate.
    Tune in later....
    Last edited by Cygnus X1; 09-26-2007, 05:31 PM.

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  • yard dawg
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    , and no one has done more killing in the last few hundred years than the Western European. 50 million dead. The Muslims can't compete with that.

    Let Iran get nukes and they will

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by pott View Post
    There are Muslims in America who wouldn't think about killing anyone because... well... do YOU think about killing people? There are loads of Muslims who don't see the Western world as Infidels. There are loads of Christians who consider the Middle Eastern people infidels. Look at some of the Gung Ho anti Middle East attitude... same difference if you ask me. Except the US killed way more civilians over there than Ossama did kill Americans.
    Multiculturalism only worked in Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire from approx. 500 AD until 1821 AD. That's a long stretch of many ethnicities living together, many religions living together, without any major massacres or killing. The only breakouts in killing during this period were either from external attacks (the Crusades) or else the period when the Byzantines fell and the Ottomans came in (the 1400s). Otherwise, millions of people of mixed ethnicity and religion lived with each other peacefully. Once nationalism and this whole idea of needing to have separate identities came into vogue in the 19th century, that's when the killing started. That's when all the wars started. The Western Europeans were already at war with one another long before that, and no one has done more killing in the last few hundred years than the Western European. 50 million dead. The Muslims can't compete with that.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Why do we back Israel so much? Sincere question not baiting.
    There are many theories about it. More than I have the time to write about. I think it stems from WWII and what the Jews had to endure and our guilt about what happened. That's it in a small nutshell. But someone with more knowledge than I can chime in...

    Paul Newman is older than Iraq. He's been alive longer than Iraq was a nation. I heard someone say that and I thought it was quite funny. Not that it has anything to do with anything...

    Edit: Fuckin' A! 1000 posts. All garbage...
    Last edited by Bengal; 09-26-2007, 05:01 PM.

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Yep, about as bad as the Broncos...
    As usual, but hey the Rockies might make it out of the regular season! Hurray!

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    That's the real issue, isn't it? Iran with a bomb is not as big of a threat to us as it is to Israel. There is where the problem lies. Our backing of Israel. Need to get out of all their business and let them handle it...
    Why do we back Israel so much? Sincere question not baiting.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Much easier here. Especially since I'm only average sized. Not very wise to antagonize people that can crush you.

    BTW, the Bengals suck big time as usual.
    Yep, about as bad as the Broncos...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by fett View Post
    I used to throw out a line or two on some of my threads. I would offer the bait and let the frenzy begin. Then, I would pull up a deck chair and sit back and watch, for the most part. It was fun for awhile. But, thowing chum is something I never did and watching SPD do it proved me right.
    My wife gets pissed when I do the internet porn thing, so I've had to resort to using the folks here. I'm sure they will understand.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
    The real reason that we have to baby sit the middle east is that a few oil tycoons are raking in huge profits and they need the Habibs to sell them the oil. If we just did nothing about Iran and its Nuke program I gaurantee Isreal will destroy Iran if they actually get a bomb. If Isreal attacks Iran you can bet there will be a nasty war there. We need to drill for oil here.
    That's the real issue, isn't it? Iran with a bomb is not as big of a threat to us as it is to Israel. There is where the problem lies. Our backing of Israel. Need to get out of all their business and let them handle it...

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Yeah, I had to edit. I tend to forget. Sadly, seeing as I was born in Colorado...

    I'm sure you find it more fun than I do, seeing as how I try not to do it. But then again, it's easier here isn't it? Wouldn't be so easy talking to someone face to face I suspect...
    Much easier here. Especially since I'm only average sized. Not very wise to antagonize people that can crush you.

    BTW, the Bengals suck big time as usual.

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