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WTF is wrong the US

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post

    I Can't wait to see Danastas response..I know he's going to duck, dodge and dance.

    what's your prediction..
    Hey man, I answered it straight. Just man up and admit the Swedes do it right with health care, and you'll have my respect again.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    Rich, Yeah Right!!!..He's in "law enforcement" ya know.

    I'm calling BULLSHIT on Danastas!

    Danastas, Let me ask you. If you recieved an assignment to repsond to a large protest getting out of control causing a disturbance. Do you a) follow departmental procedures, or b) join the protest and "oink" ..

    If you answered a) give me standard, text book examples of your actions and tactics. These are things even a rookie C.O would know. You did say you had "training", that you are "sane" and in "law enforcement"...or are you LYING!!!???

    Elaborate, including legal limitations within' departmental rules. give proper crime titles, elements to the crime, and proper force necessesary..

    Establish SOME credibility, because you certainly haven't done that whatsoever

    BTW..Your words and mindset seem much too civilian. Example, how do you properly sign off on any report. Better yet, how do you start all incident reports. This is pretty universal.

    I can tell if you googled any info.

    If you can't or won't answer such easy questions for law enforcement. That means you lied, and should never be taken seriously on any matter..because you have no credibility. None, nada, zilch..zipp

    Therefore, you have much in common with that goof from Iran. No wonder you support that jerk coming here to evade questions, spew crap and smirk..I'm seeing a pattern. No cop I know would support Hillary either..that was another give away!!!

    Dude, you have gone off the deep end. I was a county deputy in the sheriff's office in New Haven, but if you go back to the original post, I never said I was a cop. I said I worked in law enforcement and was a CO. I worked one of the most packed prisons in the US, and I was mainly on duty transferring prisoners from local and county to the state Pen. I didn't write this to trump you about how many people I've shot in my lifetime (COs in Ct. don't carry guns) but to say, yes, I have seen the dregs of society, Bill. I grew up in the inner-city, in poverty, and I know all about it. I know a con couldn't tell you where Belgium is on a map, but that he can instantly calculate how long he'll ACTUALLY have to serve when the sentence is handed down to the month, week, day, hour and second. If you think your sad questions could prove whether someone was a cop or not, that's laughable, but it's also completely irrelevant.

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  • fett
    Yikes. This thread either gets 5 Stars or it gets "Gone". I kinda like the "Star" thing. Let them vent. If I knew how to post a "Star", I would do it.
    Last edited by fett; 09-27-2007, 06:39 PM.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    Well now, you should have gave your bro good "legal" advice and try to pull his ass out of the fire before he got in it...whatta pal!!!!

    You're not even useful within your own circles, but yet your making the WORLD a better place..


    Well, you're right. I was surprised by the Fascists. The Nazis were too quick for me. I failed against the Nazi onslaught. But other than that, I've made the world a better place.

    You can't tell? I thought everything was great, I thought George Bush was doing great, I thought the Republicans were doing great? You don't agree? They owe it all to me. Are you a doom and gloomer now Bill?
    Last edited by danastas; 09-27-2007, 06:42 PM.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Okay, very simple questions here:

    1. You said your friend was being charged with treason. Is that true, or was that hyperbole on your part?

    2. What kind of prison time is your friend facing if convicted as the Federal prosecutors are seeking?

    3. Did you hear or see any of this firsthand, or are you going by what your friend has told you?

    Until you can answer these questions directly and without spin, I have to think you're spouting a bunch of bullshit, simply because you're dancing around these basic questions. Usually when someone doesn't want to answer basic questions, it's because they're full of shit.

    So, prove me wrong. I really want you to. Just answer the questions without twisting and spinning.
    I don't know what you're not getting since I answered you in the previous paragraph. Here, I'll do it again.

    He's being charged with mail fraud. Under the Patriot Act. This is a test case. In other words, the law criminalizing what he did doesn't even exist in codified law yet. They are pushing it here. There are a couple types of mail fraud. One is a felony under the RICO act when you intend to defraud in order to make money. That doesn't apply here at all. The other form of mail fraud is involved with breach of contract law. It's not a criminal offense up until now. If you have a contract that you break through use of the US mail (i.e. violate prohibitions of your private contract by using the US Federal Post as your proxy) then you are in breach of your contract. You can be sued by, for instance, a wine distributor if there are state laws protecting the distributor/producer against the transportation of wine over state lines through the mail without authorization. These are not federal laws. They are state laws. If someone wanted to come after him for breaking the contract, they could have, and they could have sought money. Criminality doesn't enter it in the least.

    What the Feds did, using a broad interpretation of theory of a felony, is wrap the law against mail fraud in RICO cases with the mail fraud typically associated with contract law, even though no money was exchanged and there was absolutely no attempt to defraud anyone who received the mail.

    If you want to look up the actual law, this is the exact point of contention right here:

    "Prosecutions of fraud ordinarily should not be undertaken if the scheme employed consists of some isolated transactions between individuals, involving minor loss to the victims, in which case the parties should be left to settle their differences by civil or criminal litigation in the state courts. Serious consideration, however, should be given to the prosecution of any scheme which in its nature is directed to defrauding a class of persons, or the general public, with a substantial pattern of conduct."

    Even the DOJ has said that contract breach does not amount to a criminal enterprise. Ordinarily, this would not have gone any further, but the Patriot Act opened the avenue to these fishing expeditions, so now anytime someone breaks an MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) they could land in jail. This is a huge stretch. The law doesn't even exist yet.

    Why do I say they are accusing him of treason? Well, they are accusing him of criminal mail fraud, but anyone with a brain should puit two and two together. When they trump up charges of a non-criminal offense, prosecute it under a provision of the Patriot Act, itself an act intended to give the gov't greater powers in the fight against terror, and all because they don't like his politics. They've actually already won since this has sent a chill in his art community. He has had shows at MassMoca, Corcoran Art Gallery in DC, Chicago Art Institute, and now all that's over. I'm just hoping he stays out of jail. By the way, they are trying to put him away for 20 years.

    And you can call it twisting and spinning all you want, I really don't give a damn. It's happening. Whether you believe it or not.

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  • fett
    kumbya sounds like sushi. Speaking of sushi. Both of my supermarkets are installiing "Sushi Chefs":ROTF: I draw the line at buying day-old raw fish, raw weeds on rice. Maybe, I'm not Global enough.

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  • yard dawg
    kumbya my lord kumbya .... kumbya my lord kumbya ...

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    Made the world a better place. As I do each and every day. People thank God that I was born. I don't blame them.
    Well now, you should have gave your bro good "legal" advice and try to pull his ass out of the fire before he got in it...whatta pal!!!!

    You're not even useful within your own circles, but yet your making the WORLD a better place..


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  • horns666

    I Can't wait to see Danastas response..I know he's going to duck, dodge and dance.

    what's your prediction..

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  • horns666
    Rich, Yeah Right!!!..He's in "law enforcement" ya know.

    I'm calling BULLSHIT on Danastas!

    Danastas, Let me ask you. If you recieved an assignment to repsond to a large protest getting out of control causing a disturbance. Do you a) follow departmental procedures, or b) join the protest and "oink" ..

    If you answered a) give me standard, text book examples of your actions and tactics. These are things even a rookie C.O would know. You did say you had "training", that you are "sane" and in "law enforcement"...or are you LYING!!!???

    Elaborate, including legal limitations within' departmental rules. give proper crime titles, elements to the crime, and proper force necessesary..

    Establish SOME credibility, because you certainly haven't done that whatsoever

    BTW..Your words and mindset seem much too civilian. Example, how do you properly sign off on any report. Better yet, how do you start all incident reports. This is pretty universal.

    I can tell if you googled any info.

    If you can't or won't answer such easy questions for law enforcement. That means you lied, and should never be taken seriously on any matter..because you have no credibility. None, nada, zilch..zipp

    Therefore, you have much in common with that goof from Iran. No wonder you support that jerk coming here to evade questions, spew crap and smirk..I'm seeing a pattern. No cop I know would support Hillary either..that was another give away!!!

    Last edited by horns666; 09-27-2007, 04:34 PM.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    It's illegal to mail wine period. If you're not a distributor.

    And this offense is not punishable by jail, normally.

    If you want to know the legalese, federal mail fraud falls under a breach of contract law. In the federal system, it isn't a felony. It's the equivalent of breaking a contract. With the Patriot Act, however. There's a new wrinkle in the interpretation of laws. Let's say you're a terrorist that is planning to, but has not yet mailed his potentially explosive substances. The Patriot Act has a provision called "theory of felony" that allows them to prosecute before the crime is committed. Why? Because many of these substances aren't restricted, nor are they illegal. Similar to the wine. Only the mailing of them "over state lines" is illegal. In this case, the item was mailed from New York to Penn. The "over state lines" part is crucial because otherwise the state has juridiction, and this guy was already cleared by the state. If the Fed. prosecutor can convince the jury that a breach of contract law can amount to a theory of a felony, then he will have achieved his goal.

    It gets even more technical than this, and I can break it down for you. You said I'm not giving enough information earlier, but I didn't purposely because the whole case relies on, as far as I'm concerned, technicalities that are simply put into use because they don't like this guy's politics.
    Okay, very simple questions here:

    1. You said your friend was being charged with treason. Is that true, or was that hyperbole on your part?

    2. What kind of prison time is your friend facing if convicted as the Federal prosecutors are seeking?

    3. Did you hear or see any of this firsthand, or are you going by what your friend has told you?

    Until you can answer these questions directly and without spin, I have to think you're spouting a bunch of bullshit, simply because you're dancing around these basic questions. Usually when someone doesn't want to answer basic questions, it's because they're full of shit.

    So, prove me wrong. I really want you to. Just answer the questions without twisting and spinning.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    Danastas "Believe or NOT, some sane people make it through training. I know it's hard to believe."


    OK, Officer Dana..who don't know how a police pension works. What did you do while on basic the wales, plant a tree, write fake tickets for not driving a hybrid??

    you go boyeeeeeeeee..:ROTF:


    Made the world a better place. As I do each and every day. People thank God that I was born. I don't blame them.

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  • fett
    Baretta would just go back in the the restaurant to get his gun. You had best not be sitting in your car while you guys are typing this stuff.
    Last edited by fett; 09-27-2007, 02:57 PM.

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  • toejam
    Originally posted by fett View Post
    One-Adam-12. We have a U812 in progress. Proceed with caution. They are using loaded keyboards.
    OU812? I81B4U. :ROTF:

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  • horns666
    Danastas "Believe or NOT, some sane people make it through training. I know it's hard to believe."


    OK, Officer Dana..who don't know how a police pension works. What did you do while on basic the wales, plant a tree, write fake tickets for not driving a hybrid??

    you go boyeeeeeeeee..:ROTF:


    Last edited by horns666; 09-27-2007, 03:00 PM.

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