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WTF is wrong the US

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post

    Actually I remember the term Palestinian being used as early as the 1940's. The term refered to Israeli Jews. It shifted sometime after that...

    But having said that. The war is not between Israeli's and Palestinians, it's between Arabs and Jews...
    Thought I'd comment on your edit. Yes, "Palestinian" meant Israeli Jews from the 1850s to the 1940s, as Jewish settlers came into the land of Israel to resettle the ancestral homeland. That homeland had been wrecked and abandoned for centuries.

    Only after the Jews improved the land did Jordanian Arabs start moving there, ultimately claiming to be the original inhabitants. You know of course that it's perfectly fine to lie to the infidel according to the Koran, right?

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Israel existed in Biblical times. The 1948 establishment was only a RE-establishment of the nation the Romans destroyed. Surely you know that?
    Check my edit. But I'm not sure what your debating. If there was a Palestinian state then? Now? Biblical times? Either way, there is one now and that's the problem they are having over there. Israels denial of the state...

    That and they are just as much of terrorists as the other side is...

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    And there was no Israel before 1948. I don't see the point...

    Palestine was always there. Maybe called something different. Trans-Jordan then named Jordan in 1946...
    Israel existed in Biblical times. The 1948 establishment was only a RE-establishment of the nation the Romans destroyed. Surely you know that?

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    You're so wrong about this. I have a friend that will be going to jail because his artwork criticized Monsanto. His case made national news, but that didn't give him any sympathy. The fascists are throwing his ass in jail because of his political views. Simple as that. They tried to get him on a bogus charge, but they failed. So then they went after him for mail fraud (previously a misdemeanor) and they have him dead to rights. He is not the only one to be tossed into jail or threatened with it for simply stating his political views. People in this country are not quite aware of how far the federal gov't is going to police us and shut us up.
    Sounds like he's going to jail for mail fraud to me; if they have him dead to rights then he's guilty of mail fraud, right? He's probably spinning it to make himself a martyr, and since you're predisposed, you buy it.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    "Palestinians" have a country; it's called Jordan. Palestinians are actually Jordanians, they didn't call themselves Palestinians until the 1960s. And the first chairman of the PLO as late as the 1950s declared that there WAS no such thing as a Palestinian nation.
    And there was no Israel before 1948. I don't see the point...

    Palestine was always there. Maybe called something different. Trans-Jordan then named Jordan in 1946...

    Actually I remember the term Palestinian being used as early as the 1940's. The term refered to Israeli Jews. It shifted sometime after that...

    But having said that. The war is not between Israeli's and Palestinians, it's between Arabs and Jews...
    Last edited by Bengal; 09-26-2007, 08:17 PM.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    I would also ad that the "Death To America" chants you have been hearing is mostly due to our support of Israel. The Iran government doesn't like the US, I would bet a majority of the Iranian people could give 2 shits about us. Kinda like here. Our government doesn't like Iraq, most of the american people don't care either way...

    But I'll stand by my statement that it's our blind support of Israel that's gotten us where we are. What we need to do is stand up and tell Israel to recognize Palestine as a state and back out of the occupied territories. If we did that, I think you'd see a drastic change in feelings towards us from the Middle East. But we won't do that. And we keep pumping money into Israel, a terrorist state if I've ever seen one. We give them more money than any other country. Weapons too...

    Besides, Iran couldn't hit the US with a Nuke even if they wanted to. So I don't really see the threat there...

    But call me ignorant or whatever. That's where this has gone...
    "Palestinians" have a country; it's called Jordan. Palestinians are actually Jordanians, they didn't call themselves Palestinians until the 1960s. And the first chairman of the PLO as late as the 1950s declared that there WAS no such thing as a Palestinian nation.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    Multiculturalism only worked in Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire from approx. 500 AD until 1821 AD. That's a long stretch of many ethnicities living together, many religions living together, without any major massacres or killing. The only breakouts in killing during this period were either from external attacks (the Crusades) or else the period when the Byzantines fell and the Ottomans came in (the 1400s). Otherwise, millions of people of mixed ethnicity and religion lived with each other peacefully. Once nationalism and this whole idea of needing to have separate identities came into vogue in the 19th century, that's when the killing started. That's when all the wars started. The Western Europeans were already at war with one another long before that, and no one has done more killing in the last few hundred years than the Western European. 50 million dead. The Muslims can't compete with that.
    I guess you don't know that the Ottomans were an anomaly in the Muslim world and in fact many if not most Arab nations held them in contempt because of it. In fact the Ottomans adopted the Byzantine attitude of live and let live after centuries of both conflict and close contact. It wasn't a typical Muslim outlook. The only other place where Muslim culture was so tolerant was in Spain, for similar reasons.

    And when the Muslim rulers of Spain asked their Moroccan brethren for help against the Christian kingdoms, the Moroccans came in, found the spanish Muslims to be corrupt for this tolerance, and deposed and imprisoned them themselves. That is more typical of Islam, not tolerance.

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  • Bengal
    I would also ad that the "Death To America" chants you have been hearing is mostly due to our support of Israel. The Iran government doesn't like the US, I would bet a majority of the Iranian people could give 2 shits about us. Kinda like here. Our government doesn't like Iraq, most of the american people don't care either way...

    But I'll stand by my statement that it's our blind support of Israel that's gotten us where we are. What we need to do is stand up and tell Israel to recognize Palestine as a state and back out of the occupied territories. If we did that, I think you'd see a drastic change in feelings towards us from the Middle East. But we won't do that. And we keep pumping money into Israel, a terrorist state if I've ever seen one. We give them more money than any other country. Weapons too...

    Besides, Iran couldn't hit the US with a Nuke even if they wanted to. So I don't really see the threat there...

    But call me ignorant or whatever. That's where this has gone...

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by Evol View Post
    Yep. As a child I had to watch the TV in horror as the revolution took over with my Grandfather stuck in Iran desperately trying to sneak out and get away. Thank god he made it, that was the best phone call I ever got in my life, unfortunately other Americans weren't so lucky.

    I don't much care for the haircuts! I hold our service men and women in the highest regard and don't even think of myself as good enough to part of that elite force. Besides I'm over the sign up age But I sure as hell can support them from home, and arrange to send them stuff they need and want etc. I can at least do something other than talk.

    You could learn to appreciate those who give you the freedom to talk so much trash a bit more.

    A bigger threat in the middle east than a nuclear armed Iran? Wow, well we should let the U.N. and all the other countries in the region know, since they would appear to disagree with you about that. Consider your point argued, in this corner the that corner...well, hmm, it would seem just to be you.

    I'm sure all those chants of "Death to America" are just accidents....the burning effigies of our presidents for decades... no threat here...move along...

    Like I said it's ok if you want to "ignore it" as you say...hey wow I just realized if you say that phrase fast it kinda sounds like "ignorant"...hmmm...

    Yes, you're right, you're probably ignorant. But!! That's ok, because we have a great nation of people to look out for you and keep you safe! And get this, there are others in the world that want the same for their peoples too! So don't worry, you'll be fine!
    Remind me of something, when did I exactly piss in your cereal?

    So saying that the war in Iraq is a quagmire is not supporting the troops? Is that right? I cannot disagree with the administration or else I'm labled as being non-supportive? Is that right? I'm just getting it straight so I can play by your rules. So not wanting them to be over there getting killed is non-supportive? Just trying to figure out what frame of mind your in...

    Call me names all you want. That's what usually happens. When you can't beat someone down with your opnion, name calling is next. That's cool. I get that game as well. I just try not to do it...

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  • Evol
    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    Wow, I hit a nerve with you. Cool. I see your very passionate about your stance with Iran.
    Yep. As a child I had to watch the TV in horror as the revolution took over with my Grandfather stuck in Iran desperately trying to sneak out and get away. Thank god he made it, that was the best phone call I ever got in my life, unfortunately other Americans weren't so lucky.

    That's great. Why don't you do the military a favor and sign up and head on over? They could use a few people like you...
    I don't much care for the haircuts! I hold our service men and women in the highest regard and don't even think of myself as good enough to part of that elite force. Besides I'm over the sign up age But I sure as hell can support them from home, and arrange to send them stuff they need and want etc. I can at least do something other than talk.

    You could learn to appreciate those who give you the freedom to talk so much trash a bit more.

    I'll say again, Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than us. We have bigger threats in the Middle East than Iran. I don't know how anyone can argue that point. But you will, and I'll probably ignore it...
    A bigger threat in the middle east than a nuclear armed Iran? Wow, well we should let the U.N. and all the other countries in the region know, since they would appear to disagree with you about that. Consider your point argued, in this corner the that corner...well, hmm, it would seem just to be you.

    I'm sure all those chants of "Death to America" are just accidents....the burning effigies of our presidents for decades... no threat here...move along...

    Like I said it's ok if you want to "ignore it" as you say...hey wow I just realized if you say that phrase fast it kinda sounds like "ignorant"...hmmm...

    Yes, you're right, you're probably ignorant. But!! That's ok, because we have a great nation of people to look out for you and keep you safe! And get this, there are others in the world that want the same for their peoples too! So don't worry, you'll be fine!

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  • Cygnus X1

    Oh, No! Please don't go there!
    That idiot is still pressing this thing as if he ever had a chance....

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    Damn, I think all of the libby's have logged off the government computers,
    it's just us left behind....
    Is this a virtual "tapping of your foot" in a public restroom?

    Not that there is anything wrong with that. (In case they are still watching.)

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  • Cygnus X1
    Damn, I think all of the libby's have logged off the government computers,
    it's just us left behind....
    Yeah, that was a low blow to ya, Bill, and SPD, I salute your effort.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Even I was offended by those comments. LOL

    That is fucking weird. I must be feeling sick.
    Knowing OUR is pretty funny!

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    Sure, When I was basically called a leech getting fat off the governement, in so many words . That was my cue to bail..

    I think it was said in the heat of the happends.

    I reserve absolutely NO hard feelings whatsover. I'm proud of what I did, who I am and certainly know better.

    I'm just watchin' the show now..
    Even I was offended by those comments. LOL

    That is fucking weird. I must be feeling sick.

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