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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Originally posted by pott View Post
    France has always been a refuge for other people too :s I doubt the US is the ONLY place on Earth.

    I don't believe in beind proud in one's country. I was born in France but I didn't chose to be. I left too young to vote. Sure France has done A LOT for the world, so have most countries, but pride would imply me having done something to help out to it. I'm happy and damn glad I was born in a western nation, yes. Proud? No way. That's just me.

    I wasn't asking him that as a reason to insult the US, sorry if it came across as that. I was just curious as to why would a person feel pride towards his country. We're pretty damn insignificant at the individual scale, unfortunately.

    I don't watch TV and have never done so in my life. I lived without it all along.
    TV will jack you up. Your better off without it. My faith in mankind falls fast if I watch the news or even all the damn murder/autopsy/how to kill people shows that are on 24/7.

    I grew up in the south, in America where people took pride in working harder than the next guy and not talking about it. The most awesome compliment is to be noticed for busting your Ass without tooting your own horn.

    Working with humble southerners that just kick ass at what they do to support their family and their community makes me proud of that community. I always felt this was what made us Americans, knowing you do your best selflessly for the people that depend on you. Your reward is knowing that. Sounds silly, but you can be very happy and at peace with yourself - and proud if you have a community ethic like this.

    I know this is not simply an American or Southern thing, sadly across the world, too many people want to get to the top on the backs of the people around them. Much of the world sees this in American news and TV programs. I actually think that is pretty sad.

    The majority of Americans aren't a pian in the ass, but the ones that are run around the world f'ing it up for the rest of us - and the world.
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
      I agree that the 2 party system is a failed system. I'm more of a libertarian than anything. But like you, being no party for that, have to register for "Something" as well...

      I don't see how inviting him to speak is equated with spitting on soldiers. I don't see them doing that at all...
      Probably because ROTC is NOT allowed on that campus while MyMood Ineedajihad is..
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • Originally posted by Razor View Post
        This thread is worth a read. Don't think it really was looked at much when originally posted. Damn sure worth checking out!

        My perception as an American is that Europeans and other of our "so called" allies seem to have short memories and loyalties. It appears to me that many have forgotten who helped bail them out of a couple of world wide conflicts, and helped them rebuild all the while keeping the "Red Bear" at bay. Thanks for forgetting us so quickly.

        I too have really thought we should just close our borders and become "isolationist". I'm agree with Teddy Roosevelt 100%, we should walk softly but carry a big whuppin' stick. One of these days the shit will hit the fan yet again, and a lot of you America bashers (overseas and at home) will thank God for the Americans through clenched teeth.

        By the way, there has consistently been one remote outpost in the Middle East for the United States since the early 1950's, and that has been Israel. My opinion is that when we abandon them then we are truly doomed. The only reason we have an "agreement" with Saudi Arabia is they were scared shitless in the first Gulf War, and we PAY their price tag as stated several times. I'm sure their blood is thicker than money, and in due time they will prove to be the turncoat's I truly believe they are.

        Again, I really suggest checking out the below thread, especially if you are an American, and had close family who fought in World War 2.
        Check your facts. I know of no one in Europe who forgot anything. The first thing we study in real depth in history in France is DDay. It's customary for every kid in 9th grade to go on a field trip to the beaches. You're knocking off European countries but where's your evidence? I'm met more Americans who had no clue who Lafayette was that Frenchmen/Europeans who didn't know of US involvements in WWI/II...

        But it's ok. Why don't you tell us what France did for you in 1776?

        It's not because you bailed us out or however you want to call it that we have to agree with you ALL THE DAMN TIME. It's not. Countries often have different values. Some may coincide, some don't. If you expect Europe to always have your back even in the wrong (not saying the current events are right or wrong, just saying in general), then you're just as forgetting as you claim us Europeans to be. Some countries changed their minds for you. Remeber how the UK was at first towards the US? France is perhaps the only country who's ALWAYS been an ally.

        How many friggin' times have I heard that argument... whether on here or in real life 'oh dude, you forgot that we bailed you out'... gimme a fucking break...
        Last edited by pott; 09-25-2007, 08:24 PM.


        • The French have alwys had the balls to disagree. I'll say that.

          They also gave us a "bro deal" on the Louisianna Purchase!

          I will say the statue of liberty is a rough old hag - looks British to me (I keed!, I keed!).

          Check out the only thing French I have: My Grandfather brought it back from France, can you guess when? LOL. My Dad and his brothers always had fun attacking whoever wore it. It was a fun break from cowboys and Indians I guess.

          When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


          • That's cool. We don't have any WWII memorabillia, my grandparents were all way too young to have done anything.


            • Originally posted by pott View Post
              Check your facts. I know of no one in Europe who forgot anything. The first thing we study in real depth in history in France is DDay. It's customary for every kid in 9th grade to go on a field trip to the beaches.

              But it's ok. Why don't you tell us what France did for you in 1776?

              It's not because you bailed us out or however you want to call it that we have to agree with you ALL THE DAMN TIME. It's not. Countries often have different values. Some may coincide, some don't. If you expect Europe to always have your back even in the wrong (not saying the current events are right or wrong, just saying in general), then you're just as forgetting as you claim us Europeans to be. Some countries changed their minds for you. Remeber how the UK was at first towards the US? France is perhaps the only country who's ALWAYS been an ally.

              Hey, I know exactly who helped us bottle up the British in Yorktown, I haven't forgotten. I'm not saying you have to agree with us all the time. Hell, I haven't agreed on us (the US) being in Iraq since it first started. You'll get no opposition from me on that one.

              What bothers me is that it seems more and more popular to bash the US over everything than to sit down and have a nice logical non shit slinging conversation about how we're right and the rest of the world is wrong.

              NOTE to everyone, that last sentence is a joke. Most of us level headed Americans realize that we're only right about 95% of the time.


              • Wow, reminds me of a US news report from the early 80's great misinformation:
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                When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                • Duno... I ever bash the US. I personally think it's pretty darn stupid to bash a whole country. Glad we do agree on some things Like I said, I never met anybody who forgot on the European side, but I have on the American side. There most likely are on both sides of course. Looks like we're both a bit biased from our experiences

                  I'd personally kick any Euro's ass who forgot of the sacrifice all those nations made for us, and the rest of the world, in any war. Well I couldn't kick their ass since I'm small, light and have no clue how to fight but you get what I mean...

                  France involvement wasn't just Yorktown. Lafayette came over with an army, weapons, training, a fleet... He destroyed the British blockade. It's my personal belief that he was a DETERMINING factor in the US' independence. I've studied some of the facts and all the factors were overwhelmingly on the Brit's side without him. And no I'm not biased towards France since I wasn't even born, nor do I give a shit about my country.


                  • Originally posted by pott View Post
                    Rock on bro Unless you have a grandparent who's foreign, you're American. Take that all 'Irish' folks

                    That's just me though.
                    My maternal grandmother was from Ireland, maternal grandpa from Greece. Just in under the line, eh?

                    Dad's side was here when the Dutch owned New York though....
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • Originally posted by pott View Post
                      Why are you proud?

                      you'd know if your were an American :ROTF:


                      • Originally posted by pott View Post
                        Duno... I ever bash the US. I personally think it's pretty darn stupid to bash a whole country. Glad we do agree on some things Like I said, I never met anybody who forgot on the European side, but I have on the American side. There most likely are on both sides of course. Looks like we're both a bit biased from our experiences

                        I'd personally kick any Euro's ass who forgot of the sacrifice all those nations made for us, and the rest of the world, in any war. Well I couldn't kick their ass since I'm small, light and have no clue how to fight but you get what I mean...

                        France involvement wasn't just Yorktown. Lafayette came over with an army, weapons, training, a fleet... He destroyed the British blockade. It's my personal belief that he was a DETERMINING factor in the US' independence. I've studied some of the facts and all the factors were overwhelmingly on the Brit's side without him. And no I'm not biased towards France since I wasn't even born, nor do I give a shit about my country.
                        So I guess now isn't a good time to bring up the "XYZ Affair".


                        • I'm amazed they haven't jerked this thread yet.
                          If I'm not mistaken I believe way way back the Jews killed and drove everyone out of what they believed was the promised land when they settled there! (Canaan)?

                          In any case none of us are innocent.


                          • I think some of the points in this thread have been very interesting. On the whole it's supported my opinion that most people over the world are fairly similar in what they think and what they want out of life. People tend to be proud of who they are and where they are from. I'm quite proud to be Welsh/British, but there are times I feel my government makes wrong decisions which taint that pride. I'm too much of a cynic to trust my government, and I think that the system we have is failing us.

                            I distrust the US administration as I do most administrations, and unfortunately I think that the perception of the US has in the past few decades been shaped by that. I like the US when I've visited there, you have a great country and the people I've met there and online are on the whole nice people. Every society has it's more extreme fringes and they have every right to their opinions as I have to mine.

                            I haven't forgotten that the US joined in in WW1 and 2, all the equipment you supplied was for free from the reading I have done, however the loans we were given to get ourselves back on our feet were only recently paid back so it wasn't all free. I'm not moaning about it, that's just the way it is.

                            I'm sorry that we over this side of the pond seem to give the impression that we hate Americans, I think you'll find it's not hate, more distrust. The media is partly responsible for that but I'd rather our media to yours. Your country strikes me as brash, slightly undereducated in parts, particularly inward looking and seemingly only interested in itself. You could argue that is the fault of your media (from my experience of watching your news channels, nothing seemed to ever happen outside your borders), but the media industry tends to be driven by what the consumer wants.

                            I'll visit again, (if I can be bothered to fill in the forms and stand in line for a couple of hours at immigration) the dollar is so week against the pound at the moment, everything over there is half price to us. On the whole the people here on this board have tended to go against my general perception of Americans, and that's a good thing I think.
                            Fwopping, you know you want to!

                            VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                            There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                            • The U.S. is stuck in a giant catch 22, damned if we do and damned if we don't.

                              Crazies like AhmenaJihad should never be given any recognition in the international arena. We're talking about a man who wants to change history in his own country (and others if he had his way) about denying the holocaust. Someone who calls for the destruction of a nation and it's people. I guess that would make him one of the biggest racists in power currently, and he appears to not care what anyone thinks.

                              Now, given that rhetoric, people think we should "mind our business" ,...screw that, this man is dangerous!

                              So here we are stuck, if we do something about it now while we still can, people the world over will hate us. But, more importantly if we don't do anything, everyone will blame us for it. Given the only 2 choices there are, I don't want to have to explain to my grandchildren one day that we had that chance , and even after learning all the lessons that history have taught us, we did nothing, sorry about that. We were more worried what people thought of us, and wanted to try diplomacy and whatnot which obviously didn't work in the past and won't work with a religious zealot.

                              I find it funny that in Iran they are throwing a fit because he was treated so "rudely" here by protesters and the like. Boo-hoo. Because we all know how free speech goes over there, pfffft.


                              • Originally posted by Evol View Post
                                The U.S. is stuck in a giant catch 22, damned if we do and damned if we don't.

                                I find it funny that in Iran they are throwing a fit because he was treated so "rudely" here by protesters and the like. Boo-hoo. Because we all know how free speech goes over there, pfffft.
                                Once in a while, it leaks out that the younger generations in the mideast aren't too happy with the fundamentalists that are ruling. We can only hope and encourage them to choose their own destiny.

