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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Muslims arent the enemy? I agree. The enemy is an idealogy. They believe that infidels should die or convert. Thats the enemy. There are muslims here in america that wouldnt ever think of killing an infedel because they know the majority here would bust a cap in them. People are on edge with other races and beliefs. Multiculturalism doesnt work and 1000s of years of history prove it. People want to be around similar people. We should have killed the leader of Iran as an enemy and a terrorist. We still owe him one for those 50 hostages. Pussy govt!!! They would rather take our freedoms away than kill the enemy without mercy. Screw them all . Dems and repukelicans.


    • lets face it... 99% of non-muslims have no glue about Islam.... they only know what media has told 'em... there are some pretty good books about the history of Islam and Muhammad.... I recommend to read 'em.... it's really a lot less violent and hateful than Christianity.... the shit what's happening today is not a real Islam because they are doing everything opposite of what Muhammad said
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
        lets face it... 99% of non-muslims have no glue about Islam.... they only know what media has told 'em... there are some pretty good books about the history of Islam and Muhammad.... I recommend to read 'em.... it's really a lot less violent and hateful than Christianity.... the shit what's happening today is not a real Islam because they are doing everything opposite of what Muhammad said
        Very true. Just like the Christian mother that drowns her children cuz god said so. Crazy people do crazy shit for crazy reasons.

        So to kinda wrap this thread up:

        We all agree we should nuke the middle east to end the fucking crisis!


        • "We all agree we should nuke the middle east to end the fucking crisis!"

          who is WE?
          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


          • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
            "We all agree we should nuke the middle east to end the fucking crisis!"

            who is WE?
            Everyone that posted on this thread.


            • I'm too young to die in stupid WWIII nuke-o-rama.... fuck that shit... I want to have more time with big breasted chicks and cranked guitar amps
              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


              • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                I'm too young to die in stupid WWIII nuke-o-rama.... fuck that shit... I want to have more time with big breasted chicks and cranked guitar amps
                Me too dude. Me too.


                • Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                  Muslims arent the enemy? I agree. The enemy is an idealogy. They believe that infidels should die or convert. Thats the enemy. There are muslims here in america that wouldnt ever think of killing an infedel because they know the majority here would bust a cap in them. People are on edge with other races and beliefs. Multiculturalism doesnt work and 1000s of years of history prove it. People want to be around similar people. We should have killed the leader of Iran as an enemy and a terrorist. We still owe him one for those 50 hostages. Pussy govt!!! They would rather take our freedoms away than kill the enemy without mercy. Screw them all . Dems and repukelicans.
                  There are Muslims in America who wouldn't think about killing anyone because... well... do YOU think about killing people? There are loads of Muslims who don't see the Western world as Infidels. There are loads of Christians who consider the Middle Eastern people infidels. Look at some of the Gung Ho anti Middle East attitude... same difference if you ask me. Except the US killed way more civilians over there than Ossama did kill Americans.


                  • Originally posted by pott View Post
                    There are Muslims in America who wouldn't think about killing anyone because... well... do YOU think about killing people? There are loads of Muslims who don't see the Western world as Infidels. There are loads of Christians who consider the Middle Eastern people infidels. Look at some of the Gung Ho anti Middle East attitude... same difference if you ask me. Except the US killed way more civilians over there than Ossama did kill Americans.
                    That's because everyone in New York is here on a work visa. LOL Just kidding. This post went beyond funny.

                    The truth is, we all want peace. Some just think it can be achieved in different ways.


                    • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                      What kills me is the idea that we need to do something about Iran while we still can.
                      What will kill more than just you is if we do nothing.

                      What makes you think we can?
                      Ask the citizens of Nagasaki, or Hiroshima. Or Hitler, or Saddam Hussein and his army... oh wait, I guess you can't anymore.

                      We are fighting a war in Iraq with National Guard members, not full time military.
                      Wow, I guess I can tell my friends who happen to be full time military that they can come home now, since they aren't actually fighting over there.
                      Good way to insult our brave men and women of all services.

                      We are not winning that war.
                      See above. Ask Saddam and the military who used to run the country about that. It's all a mop up operation until the country gets stable. This is not a quick or easy process.

                      We can't clean up New Orleans... <snip> Liberal rant removed
                      It's obvious you have a political bias that is clouding your judgement to see the dangers ahead in letting Iran become armed with nukes. It's ok though, there's people looking out for your and everyone else's well being!

                      What makes you think we are in any position to dictate what needs to be done in Iran?
                      We are not alone, even France, yes France got in on this one saying that the idea of a nuclear armed Iran is an "unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world."

                      8 different countries in the middle east have sought our protection against growing aggressive moves from Iran. And 6 (the big 5 plus Germany) countries are forming another round of (sigh) resolutions against Iran.

                      I think that leaves little, dare I say *NO* doubt what the world thinks needs to be done in Iran.

                      Some of you need to get off the idea that we are still a Super Power.
                      We are the world's baseball bat to the kneecaps, we do the majority of the dirty work, with help from other brave countries who do send actual troops and never get enough attention over their sacrifice. We are the A-team, the big kid on the block, the ones you don't want to see coming after you.
                      Super? You betcha!

                      Yep, we need another war like I need a hole in my head...
                      It's a good thing we got people looking out for you and keep your head protected so you can bury it in the sand and pretend that nothing out there is going to happen and never make a move to keep it that way.

                      You really should be thanking America's finest and bravest for going out there and keeping you safe enough to do that!


                      • Now that's the kind of propaganda this thread needed to finally die. From either side.


                        • Originally posted by Evol View Post
                          What will kill more than just you is if we do nothing.

                          Ask the citizens of Nagasaki, or Hiroshima. Or Hitler, or Saddam Hussein and his army... oh wait, I guess you can't anymore.

                          Wow, I guess I can tell my friends who happen to be full time military that they can come home now, since they aren't actually fighting over there.
                          Good way to insult our brave men and women of all services.

                          See above. Ask Saddam and the military who used to run the country about that. It's all a mop up operation until the country gets stable. This is not a quick or easy process.

                          It's obvious you have a political bias that is clouding your judgement to see the dangers ahead in letting Iran become armed with nukes. It's ok though, there's people looking out for your and everyone else's well being!

                          We are not alone, even France, yes France got in on this one saying that the idea of a nuclear armed Iran is an "unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world."

                          8 different countries in the middle east have sought our protection against growing aggressive moves from Iran. And 6 (the big 5 plus Germany) countries are forming another round of (sigh) resolutions against Iran.

                          I think that leaves little, dare I say *NO* doubt what the world thinks needs to be done in Iran.
                          We are the world's baseball bat to the kneecaps, we do the majority of the dirty work, with help from other brave countries who do send actual troops and never get enough attention over their sacrifice. We are the A-team, the big kid on the block, the ones you don't want to see coming after you.
                          Super? You betcha!
                          It's a good thing we got people looking out for you and keep your head protected so you can bury it in the sand and pretend that nothing out there is going to happen and never make a move to keep it that way.

                          You really should be thanking America's finest and bravest for going out there and keeping you safe enough to do that!


                          • Evol,
                            OK, since you called me out, let me retort...

                            You first bring up Iran being a nuclear power. Who's to say they are not already? I agree that it's not the best thing but where were we when North Korea got the nukes? Are they just as dangerous as Iran with nukes? I would say so. So where are we on that issue...

                            Wanna do something about Iran? Do what we should have done with Iraq, get more countries on our side so we don't have to bear the brunt of it. That's what got us in trouble in Iraq...

                            I expected someone to point out that it was Clinton that gutted our military. He sure did. And Bush started a skermish with a soverign country with a severly depleted military. So now we have tons of National Guard soldiers over there fighting a war that was entered in haste. That's not disrespecting them at all. It's the truth. I come from one of the hardest hit states in that area. I see them getting shipped out every week...

                            (Tell me again that I'm not supporting the troops. As I see it, I want them to come home and not get shot and killed anymore. Funny how those that want to keep them there getting shot at are the ones supporting them. I don't get that)

                            We have problems in our own country that deserve attention other than Iran. Hence my comment about New Orleans. But you just dismiss that as a liberal rant? Whatever. Can't argue those facts...

                            The worlds baseball bat to the kneecaps? Ask Osama how good we are at doing that. Yep, he's still safe, releasing videos and dying his beard. Yep, good work there. If we were such a super power, we would have finished what we started there before biting off more than we could chew...

                            I'm not burying my head anywhere. And I'm not towing the party line like you seem to be...

                            Right wing hysteria. I've had enough of it for one day...
                            Last edited by Bengal; 09-26-2007, 03:55 PM.
                            I'm angry because you're stupid


                            • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                              OK, since you called me out, let me retort...

                              You first bring up Iran being a nuclear power. Who's to say they are not already? I agree that it's not the best thing but where were we when North Korea got the nukes? Are they just as dangerous as Iran with nukes? I would say so. So where are we on that issue...

                              Wanna do something about Iran? Do what we should have done with Iraq, get more countries on our side so we don't have to bear the brunt of it. That's what got us in trouble in Iraq...

                              I expected someone to point out that it was Clinton that gutted our military. He sure did. And Bush started a skermish with a soverign country with a severly depleted military. So now we have tons of National Guard soldiers over there fighting a war that was entered in haste. That's not disrespecting them at all. It's the truth. I come from one of the hardest hit states in that area. I see them getting shipped out every week...

                              (Tell me again that I'm not supporting the troops. As I see it, I want them to come home and not get shot and killed anymore. Funny how those that want to keep them there getting shot at are the ones supporting them. I don't get that)

                              We have problems in our own country that deserve attention other than Iran. Hence my comment about New Orleans. But you just dismiss that as a liberal rant? Whatever. Can't argue those facts...

                              The worlds baseball bat to the kneecaps? Ask Osama how good we are at doing that. Yep, he's still safe, releasing videos and dying his beard. Yep, good work there. If we were such a super power, we would have finished what we started there before biting off more than we could chew...

                              I'm not burying my head anywhere. And I'm not towing the party line like you seem to be...

                              Right wing hysteria. I've had enough of it for one day...

                              Your like a little scrappy dog. Even after your legs have been chewed off you still continue to yap. Hilarious!!!


                              • Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
                                Your like a little scrappy dog. Even after your legs have been chewed off you still continue to yap. Hilarious!!!
                                That's rather funny. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. Take a look in the mirror young man...
                                Last edited by Bengal; 09-26-2007, 04:03 PM.
                                I'm angry because you're stupid

