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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Shawn Lutz
    Originally posted by danastas View Post
    Well, you can define yourself however you want. I'd point out though that, if Shawn's real last name is Lutz, he's like the majority of Americans: he has German background. Before WW2, it was very common in the German community to be extremely proud of that background. Germans were more boastful about it than the Irish and Italians. But that war changed things.

    I saw a map of the USA by county recently in which people were asked to self-identify by heritage. The color for German heritage was blue. Well, let me tell you, outside of a few counties in New England with English heritage, outside of the tri-state area that was dominated by Italians, outside of a feew border counties with many Mexican-Americans, the whole entire country was one big swath of blue. In every single county, Germans dominated. Even in Minnesoa which is supposed to be Scandinavian. They were swamped by the Germans up there. Only the South was a different color. It was white. White stood for... American only. LOL. So, other than the South, the other three corners of the US are perfectly fine with identifying their heritage, but because German Americans have such a mixed feeling about doing so after WW2, you don't hear about it that much. Andy Rooney can blast people for hyphenating, but he's hypocritical because he too has sent money to the Irish cause a while ago.
    its a real name and you are correct. Great grandfather and great-great grandfather came for Germany, I never met them, my grand parents and parents were born here. I'm proud (most of the time ..hehhe) to be an American

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    dude there's so much migration in Estonia it's ridiculous... we have had so many countries who have occupied us and all the labour that was brought here from different places and the natives are mixed up with all of 'em.... no one has a glue about their bloodline. my parents and my grandparents were born in Estonia but I can't say I'm true blooded Estonian, I look a lot more like a Mediterrenean than a Northern-European. My dad and brother look very Northern, my mom looks something between of Northern and Mid-West European.
    I know my last name is very old Estonian name wich is from the biggest Estonian island.... known as the place where Vikings and Pirates lived.
    As far as I know I don't have slavic blood in me... no one looks Slavic in my family.... and well Estonians along with Balts (Lithuanians and Latvians) are the only non Slavic people around that place.... but a lot of them are mixed with the Slavs over the time.
    Our relatives are the people from Finland but Estonians look WAY different because Finnish are very pure and Estonians are mixed up mess.
    We are from Finno-Hungaric tribe and have a totally different language wich is not Indo-European like most of the languages in Europe. But Hungarians and Finnish also look very different from each other... and the language is very different in Hungary. Finnish is the only similar language to Estonian.
    Sounds like a textbook definition of Estonian. LOL.

    In other words, you're mixed with your immediate neighbors.

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  • Bengal
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    Are you for real?
    I'm wondering the same thing myself...

    Either he's really, really young or just lead a very sheltered life...

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  • pott
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    Then you are the enemy. Remember what your president said/didn't do on 09/12? Remember how your country treated the United States after that? I sure fucking do!
    Weird. I don't. Weird as I am French, and well, you know, I know French people... a lot. Since well, I'm from there you know? And I lived there. Just saying. That and Chirac was amongst the first to say anything about 9/11... OH! CRAP! I FORGOT! FRANCE WENT TO AFGANISTAN WITH YOU GUYS! Doh! Sorry.

    The French soldiers who died there did it for nothing. So sad... we shouldn't have tried to help you guys Man, I wish you were there then to tell France what to do and not help the US. I really do. Sorry...

    I apologize on behalf of France for participating in the coalition that went to Afgahnistan to try to catch Ossama Ben Laden. We shouldn't have done it. It was wrong. I say let him run. It' what South Platte Demon wants.

    Sorry dude. France did wrong.

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  • shobet
    Are you for real?

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    Originally posted by pott View Post
    We don't really have 'heritage' in Europe. Since our countries are more than 200 years old, we usually come from one place though there are exceptions (well... I mean we don't, but we don't care if our great great great great grandpa was from another place). I'm French born and bred. Both my parents are French. I spent most of my life there. What gives Doc?
    Then you are the enemy. Remember what your president said/didn't do on 09/12? Remember how your country treated the United States after that? I sure fucking do!

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  • pott
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    My grandparents came here from Italy in the late 20's and 30's..Dago-American.

    If I go back this far I may as well say I'm half Spanish half German

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  • Cygnus X1
    From Saxony, Germany sometime in the sixteenth century, to England, then to America in 1630 with Winthrop's jolly folks.
    After the family being around here for 377 years, I feel fairly sure I'm American.
    I suspect they were Catholics escaping the Lutherans, then the Anglicans.
    But we don't know for sure. They weren't Calvinist, like the rest of the Pilgrims, as they headed out of Massuchusets to what became Maine, pretty fast.
    Could have been roving bandits, but the old farm has been in Maine for 350 plus years.

    USA! USA! USA!

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  • horns666
    My grandparents came here from Italy in the late 20's and 30's..Dago-American.


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  • Endrik
    dude there's so much migration in Estonia it's ridiculous... we have had so many countries who have occupied us and all the labour that was brought here from different places and the natives are mixed up with all of 'em.... no one has a glue about their bloodline. my parents and my grandparents were born in Estonia but I can't say I'm true blooded Estonian, I look a lot more like a Mediterrenean than a Northern-European. My dad and brother look very Northern, my mom looks something between of Northern and Mid-West European.
    I know my last name is very old Estonian name wich is from the biggest Estonian island.... known as the place where Vikings and Pirates lived.
    As far as I know I don't have slavic blood in me... no one looks Slavic in my family.... and well Estonians along with Balts (Lithuanians and Latvians) are the only non Slavic people around that place.... but a lot of them are mixed with the Slavs over the time.
    Our relatives are the people from Finland but Estonians look WAY different because Finnish are very pure and Estonians are mixed up mess.
    We are from Finno-Hungaric tribe and have a totally different language wich is not Indo-European like most of the languages in Europe. But Hungarians and Finnish also look very different from each other... and the language is very different in Hungary. Finnish is the only similar language to Estonian.
    Last edited by Endrik; 09-25-2007, 05:14 PM.

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  • pott
    I'm obviously not the majority or norm in Europe... I've lived in 4 different countries. And hell I don't think that's that much...

    My family name's German. But the closest family member in my family who's german is a great grandfather's father I never met. I don't think my heritage is German. Not even Spanish even though my grandma's dad was fully Spanish. I'm just French.

    I'ved had Americans call themselves from X or Y countries and when asked they go back to 10 or so generations or a family name...

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    yup, in Europe people don't really give a shit about their "heritage" I don't have a glue who I really am, all I know is that I was born in Estonia.
    Err, I've lived in Europe for awhile. We're talking about two totally different cultures. Europeans don't move around a lot. Americans change cities and jobs often. A 25 year old European may be living in their parents' home still. In the US, not so much. Europeans until very recently didn't have much immigration. The US is different. The US is an immigrant culture. After 4 years here, you can become a citizen. Take a look at Germany. Your family can live there for three generations and you're still not a citizen. In the US, it's very easy to trace your migration. The majority of Americans can trace their backgrounds to Europe or Mexico by going back only 2 or 3 generations. I'm imagining that there's no such migration in Estonia. Sure, you might have some Russians or Germans there but they haven't forgotten their background. Aren't the Russians kicking up a huge fuss in the Baltics lately?

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by pott View Post
    Rock on bro Unless you have a grandparent who's foreign, you're American. Take that all 'Irish' folks

    That's just me though.
    Well, you can define yourself however you want. I'd point out though that, if Shawn's real last name is Lutz, he's like the majority of Americans: he has German background. Before WW2, it was very common in the German community to be extremely proud of that background. Germans were more boastful about it than the Irish and Italians. But that war changed things.

    I saw a map of the USA by county recently in which people were asked to self-identify by heritage. The color for German heritage was blue. Well, let me tell you, outside of a few counties in New England with English heritage, outside of the tri-state area that was dominated by Italians, outside of a feew border counties with many Mexican-Americans, the whole entire country was one big swath of blue. In every single county, Germans dominated. Even in Minnesoa which is supposed to be Scandinavian. They were swamped by the Germans up there. Only the South was a different color. It was white. White stood for... American only. LOL. So, other than the South, the other three corners of the US are perfectly fine with identifying their heritage, but because German Americans have such a mixed feeling about doing so after WW2, you don't hear about it that much. Andy Rooney can blast people for hyphenating, but he's hypocritical because he too has sent money to the Irish cause a while ago.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    Didn't they sort of help getting rid of Jesus H?
    Well, if they didn't, then he wouldn't have become the JC that many of us know and love.

    I do think some Palestinians would beg to differ about Judaism, however.

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  • horns666
    I'm Dago-American

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